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Sky's POV.

'Meet me tonight?
7pm, central park
ill be waiting :-)

It had just turned 6.30pm and I stood in front of the mirror doing a last check before I left. I'd decided to wear black skinny jeans, a pink striped jumper and brown military boots. I'd told Mom I'd arranged to meet Beks at the cinema, she'd never let me go if she knew I planned to meet someone off the internet.

A mixture of nerves and excitement bubbled in my chest. If this went well, I could have a boyfriend. An actual boyfriend. But what if this went wrong? I shook off my fears and walked out into the living room where I found Mom lounging out on the sofa watching NCIS.

"Don't you get enough crime at work?" I asked, chuckling.

"Yup. But I love this show!!"

I started shoving my phone and purse into my bag.

"What time is the film?" Mom asked me, craning her neck to get a better look at me.

She didn't want me going out this late but I'd persuaded her. I hated disobeying her, but what's life without a little rebellion, right? What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

"7.15pm. I'll be home around 10."

"I don't like this, Sky. It worries me."

"Please chill out. I'll be fine. You worry too much."

Please don't change your mind now, Mother. I chanted in my head.

"Okay. But phone me if you need me."

"I will Mom, I promise."

She got up and wrapped her arms around me and I nuzzled my face into her chest. I felt 6 years old again and nearly decided to stay home and watch movies instead. I loved these hugs, they made me feel so safe. I don't know what I'd do without my mom, I don't think I'd be able to carry on.

We broke out of the hug and I smiled at my Mom.

"See you later, Mommy." I said as I headed out the door.

"Be careful, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

Olivia's POV.

Something felt wrong about Sky going out tonight, and I couldn't help that niggle of worry that crept into my brain. But I guess I couldn't wrap her up in cotton wool forever, I had to let her go at some point.

I trusted Sky, but not other people. In my line of work I see evil every single day and the thought of Sky ever getting exposed to that terrified me. I had to accept that I couldn't protect my baby forever.

I plonked down on the sofa and dialled Amanda's number, I needed a girls night.

"Hey!! Wanna come over and have a girls night. Sky's gone out to the cinema and I'm lonely."

"Sure! Give me 20 minutes and I'll drive over. I'm coming in my pjamas though!"

I laughed. "I wouldn't have expected anything different. See you soon!"

Twenty minutes later, Amanda rang the doorbell. I skipped to the door, excited to finally spend some time with my best friend.


I threw my arms around Amanda and she laughed.

"Woah! Babe, you only saw me this morning!"

"I know. But we've not done this in so long. I miss it!"

"Well I'm here now. And I brought chinese!" She said,  holding up a takeout bag.


We stretched out on the sofa, pigging out on chinese.

"Amanda. I'm so worried about Sky."


"This is the first time I've let her go out after 8pm. I know she's only going to the cinema with Beks but I have a sense that something bad is going to happen." I confessed.

"Aww, Livvy. You worry too much. Yeah, it's late and it's dark but Sky's not stupid."

"Yeah, I guess. She's my baby. I don't want anything bad to happen to her."

After Sky's traumatic birth, I had to have a hysterectomy. I guess it's made me overprotective of her.

"I know you worry about Sky but she's sensible. She has to be having you for a mother."

"I guess your right! So what film do you want to watch?"

"Dirty dancing of course!"

We put the film on and snuggled into each other. I tried to stop worrying about Sky and enjoy the film, but i couldn't help the sense that something didn't feel right.

Sky's POV.

Painful nerves had taken over my excitement as I arrived at Central Park. It took everything in me not to turn around and race back home. I stopped at the entrance and took in a deep breath, but before I could enter, a black van pulled up next to me. Fear crept up my spine as I turned around.

"Are you Sky?" A blonde, petite woman asked from the drivers seat.

"Urm, yeah." I said, holding onto my bag tighter.

"Oh good. I thought I'd gotten the wrong person! I'm Harriet."

"Urm, okay." I said, confused.

"Oh! I'm Jak's Mom. He's sent me to pick you up, he's waiting for you at our house, he's cooked you a romantic meal! He thought it might be a bit cold for you out here."

Awwwww! How sweet. Jak has cooked me a meal. Even though all my alarm bells told me not to get in the car, I decided to take the gamble, I mean Harriet seemed nice.

I smiled, opened the passenger door and climbed in.

"Let's go!"

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