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*possible trigger warning*

Amanda's POV.

When I woke up this morning, I found Olivia still asleep. I crept around my apartment, not wanting to wake her up.

I picked Nick up from the station and we drove to Olivia's house, making a quick stop at Starbucks.

"How's Liv holding up? Nick asked me, as he took a sip from his coffee.

"She's as ok as she can be right now." I replied, keeping my eyes fixed on the road. "She hates not helping us out though."

"Understandable, I guess. What do you think has happened to Sky?"

"I don't know, Nick." I said, terror creeping across my skin. "But Liv won't survive if Sky doesn't make it."

We drove the rest of the way in silence, both of us praying Sky would be alright. I pulled up in the car park and took the lift to the 3rd floor.

Officers crawled over Olivia's apartment. I tried to push the panic to the back of my mind, I had to concentrate or I ran the risk of missing something.

I headed to Sky's room, sat down at the desk, and grabbed her computer. Gazing around her room was painful, knowing she should be at home where she belonged. Luckily, Sky had left her emails open, which allowed me to access them without needing to wait for tech.

The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach only grew as I read the emails from Jak. I now had no doubt in my mind that sex traffickers had taken Sky. I swallowed down the lump in my throat, and fought back the tears building in my eyes.

I unlocked her phone, and I stared at her wallpaper. It was a picture of me, Sky and, Liv, last year on Christmas Day. I put my head down on the desk, tears flowing down my face, the phone still gripped in my hand.

"Come on Amanda, pull it together." I chanted to myself.

I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt and sat back up. I refused to breakdown. I needed to find Sky.

Next, I scrolled through her texts until I came across something which only made my nausea worse.

"What the fuck?!" I said, my voice raised.

I gazed up to Sky's air vent, and immediately saw the red flashing light of a camera.

"Nick!! Get in here!!" I yelled, climbing up onto the bed to open the vent.

Nick came rushing in. I pulled my sleeve over my hand and picked up the camera. I turned it over in my hands, looking to see if it had any distinguishing marks.

"Shit." He said. "He was watching her."

He passed me an evidence bag and I slid in the camera. I passed it back, and he sped out of the room. I said a silent prayer that the perp had left fingerprints.

Sky's POV.

The crying and banging woke me up. I strained my eyes through the darkness as I tried to find the cause of the noise. Four or five girls, linked together with chains, stood in a line outside our cell. I looked at Bonnie and she shrugged her shoulders.

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