Twenty Three.

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Amanda's POV.

After I finished talking with the journalist, I decided against going home. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep with all this adrenaline pumping through my veins. After doing some research on Peter Mack, I decided I should wake Olivia and tell her the news.

When I opened the break room door, Olivia stirred and opened her eyes. She still looked exhausted but she looked a hell of a lot better than she did a few hours ago.

"Amanda. Is there news?" She asked. 

"Kind of." I nodded, as I perched down on the edge of the bed.

I held up the picture of Peter Mack so she could see.

"We think this is the man we're looking for." I spoke. "A journalist came in after receiving a letter from a young girl."

"Do you think it's genuine?"

"I do. I'm going to show Charlotte and Carolyn the pictures and see if they can identify him. Then I'm going to find the girl who gave the journalist the letter."

I started to turn around to leave when Olivia threw her arms around my neck. She nearly knocked me over, but I wrapped my arms around her and let her sob into my chest.

"I love you, Amanda." Olivia managed to utter through her tears. "Thank you so much for everything."

I tightened my arms around Olivia as I fought back my own tears. She would always be my best friend and I would always be there for her no matter what. Even if, God forbid, Sky never came back.

Olivia pulled out of our hug and wiped her eyes. She smiled at me and took a deep breath.

"Can I come?" She asked, a new determination in her eyes.

"Yes, but let me lead ok?" I replied, knowing there wasn't any point in trying to persuade her otherwise.

Olivia nodded, and picked up her bag from the floor. We made our way out into the squad room, where I noticed Nick glaring at us as we walked towards the lift. I knew he didn't agree with Olivia involving herself in Sky's case, but he didn't know Olivia like I did. She would take matters into her own hands if she stayed at home, waiting by the phone for news. She needed to stay with me, where I could keep an eye on her.


We arrived at Charlotte's school at 10am. I'd already called ahead to make sure Charlotte would be around to chat. The principal had pulled her out of her math class so we could show her these pictures, Sky's life could depend on it. We walked into the principals office and Charlotte sat on one of the chairs, she smiled when she saw us walking in.

"Hi Charlotte." Olivia said, as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't look so nervous, you'll be fine."

"I heard about your daughter, I saw it on the news. I'm sorry." Charlotte said, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I feel like I could have done better and then maybe they wouldn't have taken her."

"It's not your fault." Olivia said, biting her lip to stop herself from bursting into tears.

I shut the door, and arranged 4 pictures on the desk.

"Can you look at these pictures, Charlotte, and tell me if you recognise any of these men." I said, hoping in my heart she would point out Peter.

We stood there for what felt like forever, the agonising seconds ticked on, like time itself had slowed down. Finally, Charlotte picked up the picture of Peter and gave it back to me.

"This is him." Charlotte said, her voice full of confidence. "I'm 100% certain. This is the ring leader, this is him. I'll never forget that face."

I nodded my head and relief flowed through me. We finally had a lead, an actual, real lead.

Both of us stayed silent on the drive back to the station. We had stopped off at Carolyn's house, and she too had identified Peter Mack. Her poor mother looked distraught, after all, her oldest daughter Bonnie remained missing.

I struggled to read Olivia's emotions, I could normally sense how she felt, but she seemed to have shut down. I couldn't begin to imagine how she must be feeling, but I loved Sky too, and I wanted this whole entire nightmare to end.

I tacked up Peter Mack's picture on the board, and stood back to assess the evidence we had collected so far. We hardly had anything and it made me feel sick. The picture of Sky stared back at me, taunting me for failing my God daughter. I turned around, and found Olivia gazing at me.

"Stop blaming yourself, Amanda." Olivia spoke.

"I'm not." I replied, shaking my head.

"You are. I know you Amanda, and it's not your fault."

"Amanda." Nick yelled across the squad room. "I think you should see this."

He had a grim expression on his face, and fear blazed in his eyes.

"Liv. I don't think you should look at this."

Olivia didn't listen and barged her way over, but she froze when she saw what lay on the screen.

"Oh my God." She sobbed, covering her mouth with her hands. "No."

I jogged over, and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. I ran back over to my desk, retched, and threw up in the bin.

It didn't look like the Sky I knew, the girl staring back at me look haunted and dead inside. Her exhausted eyes and gaunt face will haunt me for the rest of my breathing life. Her beautiful long hair had gone, now short, and so black she looked like a ghost.

I couldn't stop staring at the picture of Sky, the countdown clock next to her picture read 14 days and 6 hours. Sky had 20 bids, and she received another 3 as we all gaped at the screen.

A whimper escaped my lips as I stormed out of the squad room and into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and slid the lock into place.

I sunk to the floor in desperation, and put my head in my hands. I hadn't meant to storm out of the squad room like that. I don't think I could feel anymore selfish even if I tried, Sky is Olivia's daughter, not mine. I had to concentrate on making sure I stayed the glue holding Olivia together.

"Amanda?" Olivia asked, from the other side of the door. "Please come out here. I know you're in there."

I stayed silent for a couple of minutes to compose myself, before I took a deep breath and opened the door. Olivia stood at the mirror, gazing blankly at her reflection.

"I'm sorry, Liv'. I should be the one supporting you, not the other way around." I said, as shame rippled through me.

"I get it, Amanda. She's your God daughter, you have every right to get upset."

"I should have done more." I uttered.

"Amanda. I've picked apart my actions for the last 72 hours. We weren't to know what would happen."

"I know. I'm so sorry this happened Liv. Sky, she's the best kid ever. She's golden and she's so sweet. She's inherited all the good from you. You're an amazing mother, you should be proud."

Olivia's lip wobbled as she burst into tears. She threw herself into my arms and we stood there for a long time, hugging and crying into each other. I wanted everything to go back to the way it used to be. Olivia didn't deserve this, and neither did Sky. I made a promise to myself right then, that I'd catch the bastard who did this, and I'd make him sorry he'd ever taken his first breath.

"Do you think we'll find her in time?" Olivia asked.

"Yes." I replied, determination in my tone. "I will find her, and I wont stop until we get justice. He'll pay for what he's done Liv, I promise you."

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