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Sky's POV.

As I walked home from the coffee shop, my phone beeped. I took it out of my pocket and pulled down the notification bar;

*1 new email. *

Excited, I sat down on the nearest bench and opened it, my heart racing with fear of the unknown.

'Hey sexy,
it's me again. Fancy sending me some pics of you?

I smiled and snapped a few selfies and sent them to him. He replied instantly.

I wanna see more of you. Your so gorgeous. How about your boobs?

I shifted in my seat. I didn't even know the guy, and Mom would kill me if she found out what I'd done. The many lectures she'd given me on internet safety remained at the forefront of my mind. I checked up and down the sidewalks to make sure nobody could see me. I then pulled my top down and took a picture with me sticking my tongue out. I sent it and waited for his reply.

'That's more like it baby.
I wanna meet you.

The fact he still liked me bubbled up in my stomach, but still, worry dug at my ribcage. I carried on walking home, thinking about my options. If I didn't meet up with him soon he might get bored and go and chase another girl.

I let myself in and threw my bag across the floor. I collapsed onto the sofa and started typing a reply to Jak. I'd made my mind up.

'Hey Jak,
would love to meet up. When were you thinking?

Oh god. What have I done?

Olivia's POV.

"Hey baby. I'm gonna be late home, I've gotta work late on this case." I said down the phone to Sky. "There's some leftovers in the fridge. See you later sweetie."

I ended the phone call and walked back over to Nick. Tonight, we'd raided one of the sex traffickers lairs and found 3 teenage girls chained up in the basement.

14 year old Charlotte Baker sat in an interrogation room, a thick police jacket draped around her bony shoulders. I stared at her through the glass, and I couldn't help notice the resemblance to Sky. My heart ached and I prayed nothing bad would ever happen to my baby. I opened the door and went in.

"Hi Charlotte. I'm Detective Olivia Benson." I said, sitting down opposite her. She smiled at me, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I don't know where to start." She replied, pulling the jacket around her more as if wrapping herself up would protect her.

"How long had you been down there?"

"Only around 2 days, not as long as the other girls. I'm lucky you came when you did. I never meant for any of this to happen, he sounded like such a nice lad."

"None of this is your fault. Sex traffickers are clever, they know exactly what to say to get young girls to believe every word they say."

"I spoke to him for around a week before I decided to meet up with him. I got to the park and I couldn't see him anywhere. Then the next thing I remember someone bundles me into a van."

Charlotte shifted in her seat and shivered.

"He took me to this place and threw me into a locked cage. The next day when he came and got me, he raped me and took photos. I don't remember much, it all happened so fast."

"That's okay. Do you think you'd be able to identify him in a line up?"

"Maybe." Charlotte shrugged. "I'm sorry I can't tell you anymore Detective Benson."

Peter's POV.

They got another one of our warehouses last night. I know Olivia Benson is working the case, it's her jurisdiction. Little does she know I'm gonna have her daughter soon. That bitch could bring down my whole empire and ruin everything I've worked for. She'd regret ever messing with me when her perfect little girl runs into my clutches.

I'm not gonna mess this up. I need this girl, I need her.

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