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This chapter may be very triggering to some people. It was triggering for me to write but it was necessary for the story to develop.

Olivia's POV.

When I woke up, the darkness engulfed me, and the only source of light came from under the bathroom door. Amanda lay over my lap, fast asleep. I stretched out my arms and shifted Amanda onto the other side of the sofa. I wanted to go and check on Sky, she must of crept in while we slept.

I opened Sky's door and peeked my head in. I couldn't see her in bed so I turned the light on but she wasn't there. I raced around the house looking for her, but concluded she couldn't have come home.

"Amanda!!!!" I shouted through the house, running into the living room.

"What happened? Did I fall asleep?" Amanda said, trying to untangle herself from the blankets.

"Sky's not back."

"What time is it?"

I checked my phone and gasped.


"Oh shit." Amanda said, straightening up. "That's not like her at all."

"I know." I said, slumping down onto the floor.

"Liv, ring her." Amanda said, sitting down next to me and crossing her legs.

I dialled Sky's number and let it ring out but she didn't answer. My worry started to grow by the second.

"There's no answer. Fuck. I knew something bad would happen."

I slammed my phone onto the floor and buried my face in my hands.

"Calm down Liv. Maybe she decided to stop at Beks."

"No. She'd know to text me. She knows I worry."

I stood up and put my coat on. I had to find her. My baby could be out there somewhere, hurt and alone - or worse.

"Let's go and drive around the block. Go past the cinema and that. Then we'll call the guys, okay?" Amanda said, trying to stay calm.

I nodded and we headed out the door.

Sky's POV.

I started to get a funny feeling after about 5 minutes. Harriet's facial expressions had changed from calm to determined. She'd stopped speaking to me and silence surrounded us as the van rattled along the road.

"So, where do you and Jak live?"

No answer. Something wasn't right.

"I wanna get out. My Mom won't like this." I said, panicked, trying to open the door.

Harriet grabbed my arm and smiled.

"Stupid girl. You should know better having a Detective as a mother."

How did she know about my Mom?

"Let me out!! Please. I'll do anything." I cried.

I  desperatly kept trying the handle, looking around for a way out. Until suddenly,  someone from behind grabbed me and pulled me into the back. My phone clattered to the floor in the struggle, and I felt escape slip away through my fingertips.

"What are you doing?! Let me go!!" I squirmed, trying to get away.

"Shut up!" A man with a deep voice said as he lifted my top over my head.

He unclasped my bra and pulled down my trousers before undoing his.

"Please don't do this." I sobbed, tears streaming down my face.

As he yanked off the rest of my clothes, I shivered. My skin burned like ice, and my bones rubbed against the van floor. He leered over me, smiling, his bad breath lingered over my face. I turned my head away, I didn't want to look at him while this happened.

It hurt alot. I tried to take myself somewhere else, somewhere safe. I imagined myself at home, with my Mommy.

Mommy, I need you. I'm sorry.

When he'd finished he threw me against the side of the van. I sat there, slumped, too shocked to do anything else.

"Put your clothes on." He said, staring at me. His eyes gawping at my naked body.

Sobbing, I climbed into my jeans and pulled my jumper over my head.

"You tell no one." He said, getting right up in my face. "I will be back for you. You do everything I say and I won't hurt your precious mother."

I nodded my head, terrified. If my mom got hurt because of my stupidity, I would never forgive myself.

He grabbed my jumper and opened the van door. He threw me out and I hit the hard floor with a bang.

The van sped off into the distance, and I crawled behind a bin and sobbed, calling for my Mommy.

Olivia's POV.

We spent over an hour driving around looking for Sky, but had no luck. Sky had never disappeared like this before, it's not the kind of thing she'd ever do. We pulled into a nearby alley to come up with a plan.

"What next?" I asked, my hands shaking.

"Why don't we check around these alleys? They're near the cinema." Amanda replied, her hands gripped the steering wheel so tight her knuckles had gone white.

I nodded my head. Tears streamed down my face as  I thought of all the terrible things that could have happened.

We got out the car and heard sobs coming from behind a bin. Amanda looked at me and I ran over.

There, curled up into a ball, was Sky.

"Sky." I said, extending my arms and touching her shoulder.

"Get off me!!!!" Sky screamed, jumping up on her feet. She stared at me, wide eyed.

"Mom." She said, wiping her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

She backed away from me. I tried to take in her dishevelled appearance - her mascara had bled down her face, her jumper gone, her hair stuck up.

What the hell had happened to my baby?!

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