Twenty Nine.

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I'm so sorry it's been so long but I'm back. There aren't many chapters left in this book but there's going to be a second. I also worked really hard to edit all previous chapters. I love this story so much and I wanted to improve it before I completed it.

Amanda's POV

When I woke up, it was early afternoon. Sunlight streamed through a gap in the curtain, and I noticed Sky wasn't in her bed. I panicked. Whenever Sky wasn't where she should be, she was in trouble. I got to my feet and wandered to the nurses station to ask if they'd taken her anywhere.

"Hey." I said, walking towards the nurses station. "Sky Benson - she's not in her bed, have you taken her somewhere?"

"Not as far as I know." One of the nurses said, not looking up from her papers.

"Right ok great."

"Some help she was." I muttered as I walked back to Sky's room.

I grabbed my coat and bag, and padded down the hallway. I searched anywhere Sky could be hiding but she'd disappeared. I stopped in a bathroom and dialled Olivia's number, panic heavy in my chest.

"Come on Liv, answer the damn phone." I said, tapping my fingernails on the sink. "Olivia, it's me. Call me back, it's urgent. I can't find Sky."

I tried calling over and over but there was no answer. Frustrated, I launched my phone at the wall.

"Damn it!" I yelled, a little too loudly.

I grabbed the remains of my phone and sprinted in the direction of the car park. I needed to find Sky and fast. She was vulnerable and frightened. Olivia would never forgive me if I didn't get her back.

I searched until the sun went down but there was no sign of her. She couldn't have gotten far in her state, but I was running out of places to check. I leaned back on the hood of my car, kicking pebbles onto the pavement. I gazed up towards the sky, where a spotted a figure, looking over the edge of a roof. I couldn't tell who they were because the only light up there was weak.

"No." I uttered.

I sprinted towards the building, flew through the door and slipped into the lift.

"Come on, Come on." I said, jabbing the roof button as hard as I could, willing the lift to hurry up.

After what felt like forever the door opened on the top level. The figure I'd seen from below was in front of me, and I knew straight away it was Sky.


"Sky!! Come away from that edge." I yelled, desperate.

"Get the hell away from me." Sky yelled back, turning around, her hands out in front of her.

"Sky, please. Sweetie. You don't wanna do this."

"How do you know what I want? I want this to stop. All of it."

I stepped back, stretching my hands out in front of me.

"I'm not gonna come any closer, ok? Can we talk?"

Sky clutched a bottle of vodka in her hand, blood seeping through the arm of her hospital gown. Her eyes sparkled with terror, and for the first time in my life - I had no idea how to talk her down.

"Amanda. Please help me. Please please. I can't do it anymore." Sky sobbed, my heart breaking in two.

"Come to me, and I can help you. Please, we can fix this."

"What if you can't fix it? What if I'm broken forever?"

Sky climbed up onto the edge of the roof, her feet dangerously close to the edge.

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