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Olivia's POV.

We need to pull this room apart." Amanda barked.

My whole apartment crawled with NYPD police officers. I'd curled myself up on the sofa, not able to stop my body shaking. Never in a million years, did I think this would happen to us. How did I not see this coming. I'm her mother - I should have tried harder to protect her. Shivers crept up my spine as I thought about all the awful things that could be happening to my daughter.

"Liv. We're gonna find her." Detective Nick Amaro said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Sit tight."

"That's what you say to all the parents. Sex traffickers have taken her Nick."

"We don't know for certain."

"But we do. There's no point in trying to deny it."

Nick looked at me with sympathy in his eyes and then he walked away. Nobody wanted to deal with the broken, fragile woman in front of them. I don't blame them.

I listened to the chaos unfold in front of me, the life draining out of me.

Sky's POV.

I perched on the edge of my seat, the van bumping along the road. I wanted to open the door and throw myself out of the moving vehicle, but I didn't dare. I sat there frozen, awaiting my fate.

"Get in the back." The woman said, not taking her eyes off the road.

I did as she asked. I didn't sense anyone else, but the darkness felt like a black hole. I slid down the side of the van and cried, trying to stifle my sobs with my hand.

After what felt like forever, we came to a halt. The back of the van opened and someone roughly pulled me out.

"Hey. No need to be so rough. I'm not going anywhere." I shouted, yanking my arm away from whoever was grasping me.

"Shut the fuck up bitch. I'll handle you how I want."

I bit my lip and didn't dare say anything else. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the entrance of a dingy warehouse.

We entered. I gazed at the many girls locked behind bars. Some of them grasped the bars, begging for someone to help them. But most had scrunched themselves up at the back of the cells, like they'd given up completely. Bile burned my throat as I fought the urge to throw up.

What had I done?

I knew the SVU team were working on a sex trafficking case. I'd seen Amanda on the news talking about their latest raid. I also remember they were no closer to finding the ringleader.

I chocked on my breath as I realised what I'd gotten myself into. Would someone sell me too?

We came to the end of the corridor and he threw me into a dark room. A man I didn't recognise sat on a chair in the middle of the room, his arms crossed and a smirk plastered across his face.

"Hello Sky." He said, smiling at me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I shouted, the tears I had desperately tried to hold in broke free.

"I'm Jak. I've been watching you and you're going to be perfect."

"What do you mean perfect?! My Mom's a Detective you know!"

"I know exactly who your Mother is and that makes it even better."

"She'll hunt you all down."

"Maybe she will, but it adds to the thrill little girl."

I sat on the dirty floor in silence as he exited the room. He returned a few minutes later with Harriet. She walked over to me and yanked me up by my arm.

"Come on" She said, dragging me across the floor. "Get up."

I rose up, my legs shaking.

She led me to another empty room and threw me to the ground.

"Take off your clothes."

I didn't move. I sat there, tears running down my face.

"Take off your clothes." She repeated, more meanicingly this time.

My hands shaking, I undressed, tossing my clothes to the side.

"And your underwear."

"No way." I said.

She lunged forward and put her hands around my neck. I choked and she tightened her grip.

"Take them off, bitch."

I squeaked and nodded. She loosened her grip and moved back. I did as she said, before crossing my arms and trying to cover myself up.

She threw a nightie at me that looked like it taken from the dark ages. The stench overpowered me as I pulled it over my head.

"Come on." She said.

I followed her out of the room and she led me back to the cages. My breathing felt ragged, terror swishing around in my stomach. I wanted my Mom to take me into her arms and never let me go.

The woman stopped outside a cage and opened it.

"Get in. And I don't wanna hear any whining."

She roughly pushed me in and I fell to the ground, she put a chain around my leg and locked it.

"I'm here of my own free will, you don't need to do that." I shouted, sweat dripping down my neck.

"What did I just say? Shut the fuck up." She yelled and spat at me.

She shut the rickety bars and they banged shut, locking me in her prison.

Broken (Broken #1) SVUWhere stories live. Discover now