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Olivia's POV.

"Liv." Detective Nick Amaro shouted across the squad room. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Sure thing." I replied and made my way over to an empty interrogation room. I followed Nick and plonked myself down on the nearest empty chair.

"We've got a bad case that needs investigating. I didn't want to talk about it with Sky there." Nick said, a serious look on his face.

"Okay, what's happened?"

"Suspected sex traffickers. 5 girls between the ages of 14-16 years old have gone missing in the last month. A search of their computers confims they've all spoken with the same boy. The tech team have traced him back, and he doesn't exist."

I gave him a worried glance. We hadn't dealt with a sex traffickers ring for a while. I always found these the hardest cases to deal with, the momma in me worried one day someone would hurt my baby.

"The tech teams are working around the clock. There are no leads, but I wanted to get you up to speed." Nick told me.

I nodded and walked out the room. My heart started beating so fast I'm surprised it didn't explode in my chest.

"Hey!! That got my head!" Sky shouted, laughing.

I chuckled as I watched Sky and Fin battle it out for the top spot in their daily cookie war. Sky launched a cookie back at Fin and it hit him in the eye.

"Ouch!!" Fin cried.

Sky burst into fits of giggles and Fin gave her a dirty look.

"I'll get you back for that, trouble!"

Sky turned around, noticing me. I forced a smile and tried to put aside my worries, at least until she'd left the station.

"Oh hi Mom, I'm off to meet Beks now, I wanted to say I love you before I left."

"Ok baby. See you at home. No later than 8, okay sweetie. I love you"

Sky slung her bag over her shoulder and waved goodbye. I slumped down into my chair and put my head into my hands.

"What's up?" Fin asked me as he wiped the cookie crumbs off his clothes.

"Nick told me about the sex traffickers case. They're always the worst sort of cases."

"Yeah. I get that. We'll get them Liv, we always do."

Sky's POV.

I loved Mom's work friends. If I ever had a problem I couldn't talk to my mom about, I had the whole team to help me out. 

I  couldn't wait to tell Beks about Jak, I needed some good old best friend advice as I'd never done this before.

"Can I have a Mocha please?" I asked the barista when I arrived at the shop, handing over the money.

As I stood waiting for my drink, Beks walked in. She smiled from ear to ear when she saw me.

"Hey babe." She said, giving me a hug.

"Hey. I've already ordered. I'll go get us a table." I said, grabbing my drink and heading over to a quiet corner at the back of the shop.

A few minutes later Beks slumped down into a seat and threw her bag under the table.

"Oh man, I've missed you." Beks said, taking a sip from her hot drink. Beks had scrapped  her blonde hair into a sleek ponytail, and her dance clothes clung to her petite frame.

"It's only been a week." I laughed, cupping my mocha to keep my hands warm.

"Yeah, I know but that's ages."

"So what's been happening in your life this week?"

"Oh nothing. Damien's been an idiot but it's nothing new. He keeps telling me he loves me and then texting other girls."

Damien was Beks 18 year old boyfriend, and their relationship was rocky.

"I told  you last week, you should dump him. He's no good for you! He doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah! But I love him."

I gave her a 'whatever but I'm right' look and changed the subject.

"Well, guess what?!" I said,, my stomach twisting in excitement.


"I met a boy."

"Ooooooooo, where?" She said, putting her head in her hands and leaning closer to me like I might divulge top secret information.

"Online. He sent me a message last night asking if I could be the one."

Beks squealed. "How exciting!! When you gonna meet him in real life?!"

"Well, I thought I'd get to know him online first."

"Oh no Sky! You gotta get in there!"

I squirmed in my seat. I knew Jak could move onto other girls if I didn't meet him soon. I knew the dangers of meeting strangers online, after all my mom deals with them for a living.

"Maybe I should." I said, smiling.

"You go girl!"

"Look I've gotta go. Mom wants me back before 8."

"Sure thing. Same time next week? and don't forget to email. Let me know how it goes." She winked at me.

"Sure I will."

I got up, threw my empty coffee cup in the bin and sets off for home.

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