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Trigger warning.

Olivia's POV.

When Sky came home from school early, I knew something was wrong. Sky never missed school, she'd not missed a day in 4 years. I stared at her as she walked in through the door.

"Why aren't you in school?" I asked, more concerned than angry.

"I feel sick" Sky said, her voice empty of emotion.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

"I'm fine."

I sighed and turned back to my tv show. Amanda would be here  soon to talk to Sky. I hoped she could get through to her because I couldn't.

When my tv show finished I got up and prepared dinner.

"Sky!" I shouted. "Dinners ready."

I started dishing out dinner onto 2 plates. I'd made spaghetti and meatballs, it was Sky's favourite. I'd do anything to bring my daughter back to me, things hadn't been right since the night we found her in the alleyway.

"SKY!! It's gonna be cold if you don't hurry up."

Sky came into the kitchen, dressed in her pjamas, her face pale and gaunt.

"I'm not hungry." She said.

"I made your favourite."

Sky reluctantly sat down and picked up her fork. I sat down opposite her and started eating. She moved the food around on her plate but didn't eat any.

"Sky, please. You've got to eat something."

"I don't feel well." She said, getting up, clutching her hand to her mouth. She threw her fork down and ran off to the bathroom.

Sky's POV.

I threw up 5 times before I felt better. Ever since I'd gotten home, I'd had flashbacks from the rape.

"Sky, are you okay?" My Mom said, pushing open the door.

"Yeah. I must have a stomach bug or something."

"Well, I'm going to work for a while to catch up on some paperwork but Amanda will be here soon."


"She's got a key so don't worry about letting her in. See you later."

My Mom shut the door and a few minutes later, I heard her leave the house. I stared at my arm and remembered how cutting myself made me feel. It helped me feel better.

I ran into my bedroom and rooted through my draws until I found a fresh razor. This would work the same as a sharpener blade, right?

I grabbed a paperweight and brought it down on the razor. After 3 hits, the razor blade clattered across my dressing table.

I picked it up and sat on the floor. Shaking, I rolled my sleeve up and started cutting. The razor blade worked like a sharpener but the cuts were deeper and blood poured out like a fountain. I grabbed some tissue and tried to mop it up but it kept coming.

"Shit." I said to myself. "Shit, shit, shit."

When I realised what I'd done, it only made it worse. So I picked up the blood soaked razor and cut again and again until all I could see was blood.

Amanda's POV.

I let myself into Olivia's apartment. I didn't find her in the kitchen so I presumed she'd gone to work. She mentioned she would so me and Sky could have some privacy. I didn't have a clue what I intended to stay, I just knew I had to try.

I put my bag on the kitchen counter and took some deep breaths. Me and Olivia had been best friends since before Sky was born. She was my god daughter and I wanted to protect her.

I walked to Sky's room and heard sobs. I opened the door and what I saw made me sick to my stomach.

Sky lay on the floor, her right arm pouring with blood. She sobbed, and blood matted her hair. She stared at me with child like eyes, begging me to help her.

"Sweetie. What have you done?" I said, trying to keep my voice normal so she wouldn't hear the panic in my tone.

Sky didn't move, she just lay there. I grabbed a few towels and ran over to her, wrapping her arm up as tight as I could. I tried to sit her up but she resisted.

I checked her pupils and I could tell she was losing consciousness.


I took my phone out with my free hand and called 911. After I'd done that, I called Olivia.

"Liv. You need to meet me at the hospital."

"What, why?" Olivia said, frantic.

"Sky's cut herself pretty bad."

"I'll be right there."

I put my phone away and stroked Sky's hair.

"Why did you do this baby?" I said, tears leaking from my eyes. "Why did you do this?"

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