Twenty Four

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Sky's POV.

Bonnie returned to our cell not long after me. She looked exhausted, her hair stuck up all over and make up trailed down her face. She smiled weakly at me. I figured we wouldn't want to discuss the elephant in the room, so I just smiled back and left it at that.

I couldn't sleep. Thoughts raced through my mind as I worried about my fate. My body shook, and my painful bones grazed the cold floor. The cool air in the cell reminded me of Christmas. I loved winter. I loved the crisp bite of the cool nights air, the atmosphere, and the laughter of children filling the air. Last year, I had the best Christmas ever. Me, mom and Amanda spent it together and I loved every second. The memories of a happier time made my heart hurt. I wanted to go back to the way it used to be. A time where I wasn't stuck in a freezing cold basement, shackled to a wall with all my dignity thrown out of the window.

I heard the bars of my cell slide open, and fear shot through me when I saw who stood there. Peter looked angry, his nostrils flared and his face red like a beetroot. He dragged me down the corridor by my hair. My body was too exhausted to fight, and the terror made my bones feel like they had seized up. Peter brought me into the room from yesterday. The camera still perched on its tripod, the red dot flashed, signalling it was recording. He let go of my hair and threw me to the ground.

"You see her." He yelled, pointing his finger at my trembling body, his face right up to the camera. "She will die. Leave this investigation alone, do not try to find me or she will pay the price."

I lay there, terrified, more terrified than I'd ever felt in my whole entire life. Peter had changed from a sick, dirty old man who acted like this was all a joke, to an angry, unpredictable tornado.

"You all think you're so clever. Well I can tell you you're not." Peter loomed over me, and I shrunk into myself.

He grabbed me by the hair and I slammed into the opposite wall, stars dancing before my eyes. I barely had time to register what was happening before he kicked me in the stomach.

"Your precious daughter will pay the price. And she will pay the price every time you get closer to me."

I curled up into a ball and tried to imagine someplace safe. But the smell of his sweat and the sound of his shouting prevented me from disappearing into my head.

I felt searing pain on my back, my eyes blurring. I didn't fight the darkness when it started to take over. Blackness sucked me in, and I thanked God for allowing me to pass out.


I'd lost count how many days had passed since I last saw Sky. The terrified feeling I'd never see my daughter again clung to my insides. I couldn't even step into my apartment since Sky went missing, because it's too quiet and empty without her. I couldn't live my life without my little girl, it wouldn't be worth it.

I sat in a Starbucks car park, sipping on a latte. I had taken a break from the squad room to clear my head. Although we now had a name, the investigation still moved slowly.

I took the last few sips of my latte and started to drive back to the station.

As I walked back into the station, I heard gasps coming from the squad room. I thought the worst and rushed into the room. Finn looked so angry a vein in his neck bulged out, and Amanda stood there, crying.

"What is it?" I said, fear gripping my heart.

"Olivia." Amanda started. "No."

I stood there, frozen to the spot. I wanted to see what they'd found, but I didn't know if I could take seeing my daughter in pain again. My subconscious took over and I charged over there. I moved Finn aside and pressed play on the video.

I regretted it almost immediately but I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Peter stood there, beating my baby within an inch of her life, yelling at the camera for us to stop looking for him. Her screams pierced my ears as he kicked her again, and again. Sky wasn't even fighting, not anymore, it was like she'd given up. Tears streaked down my cheeks and I ran, and I kept running until the fresh air hit my face.

I took in as many gasps as I could, my chest felt tight, the pain radiating through me.

"Olivia." Amanda uttered, as she walked out of the station. "I'm so sorry."

I stared at her, not able to do anything else but gasp and hiccup. I felt Amanda's arms engulf me as she stroked my hair.

"Amanda." I whispered. "Please. We have to do more. There's got to be something else we can do."

Amanda stayed silent, and I expected the worst. It felt like we'd never find her. Hope seeped from my heart and terror replaced it.

Amanda stepped away from me, her hands on my shoulders.

"Come on." She said, reaching into her pocket for her car keys. "We're going to find the girl who gave the journalist that letter."

Thankful Amanda wasn't giving up, I followed her to the car and we drove towards Central Park. I stared out of the window, my thoughts brewing into a cyclone.

10 minutes later, we marched through Central Park. Something caught Amanda's eye and she walked towards a young girl exiting the building.

"Oi." Amanda yelled as the girl turned around, a terrified look written all over her face. "Stop, police."

The girl didn't know what to do, she stayed rooted to the spot as Amanda came to a halt in front of her.

"Are you the girl who gave that journalist a letter, saying that Peter Mack is the one we want?"

The girl said nothing, her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with anxiety.

"Answer me."

"I'm sorry, I can't talk to you." She uttered, turning around to leave.

Amanda grabbed the girl by the back of her shirt and turned her around to face her.

"No that's not good enough. Tell me what else you know about Sky Benson and Peter Mack."

The girl started to cry, the fear in her eyes growing.

"Please, I can't."

Amanda took her handcuffs out of her pocket and put them on the girl, her face a picture of determination.

"Well, too bad. We'll just have to do this down at the station."

The girl let out a whimper and we headed towards the car. I became convinced my heart would explode out of my chest. I prayed this girl would lead us to Sky, she had to, my baby needed to come home.

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