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"Shit." I muttered to myself.

I climbed back into my car, my hands shaking. The knife I'd used to stab Peter was still gripped in my hand, my clothes spattered with his blood.

I couldn't believe I'd killed a man in cold blood. I'd regretted it almost instantly but by then it was too late. If I went to prison, where would that leave Sky? How could I have been so reckless and stupid?

I drove home, determined to clean up this mess I'd made. No one could find out about this. I couldn't get caught or my baby would have no one. After everything she'd been through, I couldn't abandon her now.

I scrubbed my skin - hard, washing away any trace of Peter from my body. Next, I scrubbed my car, bundled everything into a bin bag and drove. I pulled a shovel from the boot of my car and headed into the woods with the bag.

It was dark, probably the middle of the night. I couldn't see where I was going, but the pouring down rain would help  - wash away my footprints and the evidence.

When I got back to my car, I listened to my voicemails. That's when I heard Amanda's desperate voice asking me where the hell I was. Sky had disappeared.

"Oh shit." I yelled, smacking my hands against my steering wheel

Panic coursed through me as I drove like a madwoman towards the hospital.

**Amanda's POV. **

The world slipped away from me as the ambulance sped towards the hospital. I'd done everything I could, I knew that deep down inside but I felt like I should have done more. I shouldn't have fallen asleep, I should have found her quicker. I should, I should, I should.

The life had drained out of me. Sky had fallen unconscious, she'd vomited blood again and her heart raced. I sat there in silence, not knowing what to do with myself.

When we arrived at the hospital, they rushed her to resus. I followed them, refusing to leave her side. She crashed twice as they desperately shocked her heart.

"Amanda." Olivia cried, trying to push past me.

"Liv, you can't go in there." I said, pulling her back.

Olivia whimpered, and I led her towards the waiting room. She didn't need to see this.

"What happened?"

"She ran off. I'm sorry, I was asleep. I tried to find her as quick as I could, but by the time I got there, she'd already drank a bottle of vodka."

"Oh god. What the hell was she thinking?"

"I think she's scared. She wants to block out the pain. She doesn't know how to deal with it." I said, slipping my hand in hers.

Olivia bit her lip and sobbed.

"I want her to be ok, Amanda. I'm petrified she's going to die." She said. "She has to be ok."

**Olivia's POV. **

It was late morning. The Doctors had managed to stabilise Sky and she hadn't crashed since. We were in ICU. Amanda refused to leave my side and I was thankful for that.

After the blood test came back, the doctor noticed cocaine in Sky's system. The team were now investigating the possibility Peter had been at the bottom of it.

"Amanda." I said, making a decision I knew I might regret. "I need to tell you something. Can we go for coffee?"

Amanda looked at me with concern, but she nodded and we headed towards the hospital cafe. We found a quiet corner and slipped into the seats, a coffee each in our hands.

"I did something stupid." I said. "I followed Peter to a bar and when he went out into an alley, I stabbed him."

Amanda stared at me in shock. "Liv."

"He's dead."

Amanda didn't say anything. Instead she swore under her breath and put her head on the table. I sat there, letting my confession sink in.

"Did you get rid of the evidence." She said finally, lifting her head back up.

"Yes. It's gone."

Amanda nodded, "Well let's keep it that way."

I didn't know what to say. I knew she'd support me but I thought she'd convince me to confess, not cover it up. Amanda's Phone started ringing and she pulled it out.


She nodded and muttered, staring at me while she finished listening to whoever was on the phone. She ended the call and looked at me with concern.

"That was Nick. They found Peter's body." She said.

I looked down at my cup of coffee.

"Don't worry, ok? Sky needs you. We need you. Don't tell Anyone about this Liv. I'll fix it."


At around 6pm, they moved Sky from ICU to a high dependency ward. She looked so fragile and tiny laid up in the bed, the evidence of what she'd been through written all over her body. I refused to let go of her hand, I wanted her to know I was here when she came round. I'd finished feeling guilty about Peter, I'm glad the bastard was dead.

"Mommy." Sky uttered, her eyes flickering open.

"Baby." I squeezed her hand and moved her hair away from her eyes. "It's over. I promise you sweetie, it's ok. Do you want to sit up?"

She squinted at me and nodded her head. I helped her move into a sitting position and held a glass of water to her mouth.

"It will never be over mommy."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I pulled her into my chest. I hated what this had done to my baby girl.

"Miss benson." A nurse called from the door. "There's someone here to see you. Shall I send them in?"

Confused, I nodded my head and kept my eyes fixed on the door. Sky squeezed my hand in terror.

But when the person appeared at the door, my jaw dropped to the floor.

"What the hell are you doing here, Elliot?"

That's it! Book one is completed! I love this story so much, and I'm working on a sequel that will be coming very soon. Thank you for sticking it out with me, I know I've been awol for a while. I just lost myself for a while. Let me know your thoughts on this ending, and anything you'd like to see in book 2?

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