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Sky's POV.

Last night after my Mom went to work, I lay in bed for hours before finally falling asleep. When I woke up the next morning I had accepted my fate. I had come to terms with it and whatever happened, happened. It was the only way I knew how to protect my mom.

I hated myself. None of this would have happened if I'd not replied to Jak in the first place. I caused this. I couldn't let my mom get hurt because of me.

Hysterical sobs grew in my throat, but I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling. I couldn't afford to change my mind now.

The afternoon passed painfully slow. A part of me prayed that my Mom would come home as it could be the last time I ever saw her. But it was better I just slipped off into the night.

I packed a bag. I probably wouldn't need clothes and a toothbrush where I was going, but I packed them anyway. For all I knew, he'd kill me as soon as he had me in his grasps.

I shut my laptop and phone in my bedside drawer. I hoped it would be the first thing they'd check when I didn't come home. I hoped the team would figure out what had happened to me and come and save me.

I took one last look around my room and walked into my Mom's bedroom and threw myself onto the bed. I breathed in her  scent, the tears streaming down my face. I then went into the living room, gazed around, took a deep breath and walked out of the front door.

I walked as fast as I could. The darkness swallowed me up, and all I could think about was my mom. I had no choice, I had to protect her - no matter what it took.

I arrived at central park at 8.30pm. I settled on a bench, awaiting my fate. My heart raced and although it was freezing, sweat trickled down my neck.

"Sky." A woman said.

I whipped my head around and saw Harriet - the same woman from the night that changed everything.

"Come with me."

I followed her to the van obediently.

"You're perfect for us." She said as she climbed into the drivers seat. "Get in."

I took one last look around and climbed in. This could be the last time I ever saw the sky. I said a little prayer in my head, hoping my Mom would put two and two together and come and find me.

Olivia's POV.

"Amanda." I shouted across the squad room. "Wanna come back with me? Girls night in with me and Sky?"

"Sure." Amanda said, smiling. "I'd love too."

We arrived home at 9pm. I loved it when all 3 of us got together.

"Sky, I'm home. Amanda's here too." I shouted through the apartment.

No answer.

"I'm gonna go check on Sky. She must be asleep." I said.

I craned my neck around the door, but Sky wasn't there. Panic started to rise up in my chest.

"Amanda?!" I shouted.

Amanda came racing into the room, the same look of panic on her face.

"Call her." She said, peering into Sky's bathroom.

I dialled Sky's number and waited. I heard vibrations coming from somewhere in the room. I looked over at Amanda as we starting searching.

Amanda opened Sky's bedside table to reveal her iPhone and laptop.


"Ok. Don't start panicking yet." Amanda said, calmly.

"She said she wouldn't do this to me again." I said, slumping to the ground.

"Liv. It might not be what you're thinking it is."

"Yeah. Maybe it's worse."

We sat in silence while Amanda scrolled through Sky's phone. I double checked the rest of the house until I came to the conclusion that she wasn't here.

"Sky's definitely not here." I said, admitting defeat.

"Urm Liv." Amanda said, panic lit up in her eyes. "We have a problem."

"What?! What do you mean a problem?"

"Charlotte Baker said something to me the other day about a lad contacting her online. Someone called Jakthelad."

"Yeah. What's that got to do with Sky?"

"Because Sky's been emailing the one and only Jakthelad."

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