Twenty Seven

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Amanda's POV.

I stood there in shock for a few minutes, my legs refusing to move. The world around me had frozen and static crackled in my ears. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked around to see Nick gazing at me, a worried expression on his face.

"Come on Amanda." He said. "Sky needs you."

My body came back to me and I ran over to a motionless Sky. I bent down to her level and flipped her over so I could see her face. Her eyes looked closed, but every so often they would flutter open.

"Sky, baby. Can you hear me?"

I held her hand. I refused to let her die now, not after we'd finally found her. Her eyes kept rolling into the back of her head, and I found it difficult to keep my other hand on her gunshot wound. I saw Nick shake his head. The man was dead, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pleased.

"Sky, stay with me." I whispered, moving her hair out of her eyes. "Your mom is outside, she'll be so happy to see you."

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled. "This is all my fault."

"Ssh ssh. This isn't your fault, not at all. Don't ever think that."

I kept talking to Sky but she was barely conscious. I let go of her hand so I could place both hands over her wound. It wouldn't stop bleeding but I had to keep her alive until the medics arrived.

My heart thudded in my chest as the blood pooled around my hands. I tried not to cry but my tears fell anyway. I heard some commotion in the corridor and two medics appeared clinging to their bags.

"Please move out of the way." One of the medics said.

I couldn't move. I didn't want to take my hands off the wound, I didn't want this to be the last time I ever saw Sky.

"Please. Let us work." He repeated.

I felt someone pull me away and wrap their arms around me. I looked up and Nick had tears in his eyes.

"I need to go and tell Olivia what's happened." I said, my voice empty of emotion.

Nick nodded at me and let me go. I walked out, my heart racing and hoping to God I'd done enough to save Sky.

Olivia's POV.

I didn't want to break my promise to Amanda, so I stayed in the car like she asked me to. I gazed out of the passenger window as I waited for some sort of sign they'd found Sky.

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. The last 2 weeks had been unbearable. I couldn't bare to sleep in our apartment, it wasn't right without my baby asleep in the next room. I was so thankful I had such a good friend like Amanda, and that she didn't complain when I acted needy or fearful.

Half an hour passed, and that's when I started seeing officers pour out of the building, each of them herding 2 or 3 handcuffed men to the vans. I watched as more officers brought out the captured girls. I felt sick, I couldn't see Sky or Amanda anywhere and I knew something had to be wrong.

I gave up waiting and got of the car. I couldn't take sitting in that suffocating environment any longer. I ran towards the building, bumping into Amanda on the way.

"Liv." Amanda said, her face red from crying.

"No. No, Amanda. She can't be dead." I stuttered.

"No Liv. She's not dead but she's injured. I wanted to tell you before they brought her out. I'm sorry, I did everything I could."

I stood there, not knowing what to say or do. I clung onto Amanda's arm as my legs gave way underneath me.

"It's ok. She's gonna be ok, Liv. She has to be." Amanda said, pulling me up into a hug.

We stayed like that for a while, until I saw the medics bringing Sky out on a stretcher. My heart broke into a million pieces. I rushed over to her side, so many emotions flowed through me - relief, pain, fear. I climbed into the ambulance after one of the medics while they hooked her up to all sorts of machines.

"Go, go, go." The medic yelled to her colleague.

I grabbed Sky's hand as the ambulance started its journey to the hospital.

"You can't die. Stay with me baby, stay with me please." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry Mommy." Sky stuttered.

"Sssh, don't apologise baby. It's not your fault."

The heart machine beeped erratically as we raced towards the nearest hospital. I couldn't stop thinking about the pain she'd been through, but I was thankful that my baby girl was breathing. I just hoped it stayed that way.

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