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Sky's POV.

The minute I saw Mom, the panic I felt got ten times worse.

"What happened baby?" Mom said to me, rubbing my back, her eyes full of concern.

"Don't touch me!!" I shouted, panic rising up in my throat.

"Sky, baby."

Mom had tears in her eyes. My Mom never cried. She had nerves of steel, and seeing her break down broke my heart. Amanda came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe it would be best if I talked to her?" She said.

I heard my Mom backing away and Amanda came and sat next to me.

"Sky sweetie, what happened?"


"You can tell me, we're family."

"Amanda, please. Nothing happened."

I started sobbing. I couldn't tell them what had happened, I couldn't bear to be the reason that anyone else got hurt. I would never be able to live with myself.

"I know something has happened. Please, Sky. Don't shut us out. Let us help you."

"Nothing happened. I got drunk okay, and I fell through some bramble bushes. It's no big deal."

I didn't think for one second they'd believe me, but I had to try and keep my secret.

"Wanna know how I know your lying?" Amanda said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can't smell any alcohol and a bramble bush wouldn't cause this kind of damage."

"Please. Can you let it go?!" I shouted, beginning to get angry. "Can we please go home?"

Amanda nodded and stood up. I limped towards the car and climbed into the back seat. My Mom sat in the passenger seat, tears rolling down her cheek.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Amanda jumped into the driving seat, shaking her head.

"Sky." My Mom said, her voice numb. "Please tell me what happened?"

"I can't tell you." I said. "I can't."

"We're taking you to the hospital."

"No Mom!! You're overreacting! I went to a party, okay? I got a bit drunk and fell into a bramble bush." I said, sticking to the story I'd told Amanda. "Then a guy tried to have sex with me and I pushed him off. He couldn't get away fast enough when I told him you work for the police."

Anger replaced fear in my Mom's eyes. She believed me.

"Sky!! How could you be so stupid?!" She shouted. "And you lied to me!"

Tears rolled down my face. I wanted nothing more than to tell her the truth and cuddle up in her bed and never face the world ever again. But I couldn't, otherwise bad things would happen.

"I'm sorry."

Amanda looked at me through the mirror, a look of sympathy in her eyes. I'm not so sure she believed me.

"You're grounded, no going out by yourself until I can trust you. I'm not gonna take your phone off you but no computer. Amanda, please take us home."

"I lost my phone." I uttered, remembering I dropped it in Harriet's car.

"Oh bloody brilliant." My mom said, slamming her hands into the door.

"Liv, calm down." Amanda said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

My Mom nodded, a look of defeat on her face. Amanda started the car up and we started driving home.

I slouched down in my seat, my whole body aching. I could still feel him in me and I bit down on my lip, hard, trying to battle away the hysterical sobs growing in my throat.

Olivia's POV.

I couldn't believe Sky. She'd never acted reckless and she'd never lied to me before. I couldn't help but feel disappointed in her, even though in the back of my mind I knew something else had happened.

When we got home, Sky went straight to her room. I crawled into my own bed and cried. The terror I'd felt when she hadn't come home still lingered around me. I turned over, shut my eyes, and at some point during the night, I fell asleep.


I heard Sky walking around the apartment at 8am which I found strange. We'd not gotten back until at least 6 so she can't have gotten much sleep.

At 10am, I dragged myself out of bed and headed into the kitchen. I found Sky sat on the sofa with some random crime show playing in the background. Sky paid no attention to the tv, and instead stared blankly at the wall.

"Sky." I said, approaching with caution, starting to feel worried again. "Are you okay?"

No reply.

"Sky." I said, a bit louder.

Her neck snapped towards me, her eyes swollen and red, like she'd spent hours crying.

"Oh hi Mom. I didn't hear you come in." She said, rushed.

"Are you okay?" I said, sitting down next to her.


She smiled at me but it looked forced.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way I shouted. But Sky, you're 14 years old. I was so worried something bad had happened. Why didn't you ask me if you could go? I'm not a monster."

She looked at me for several seconds, tears in her eyes. "I didn't think you'd let me go."

I shook my head, feeling sad she didn't feel like she could ask me.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She said, getting up and limping towards the bathroom.

"Why are you limping?"

"I, urm. I, hurt my leg when I fell in the bush. It's no big deal."

Sky went into the bathroom and I heard the lock click, followed by the running of the shower.

I paced around the living room, my head in overdrive. I picked up my phone and dialled Amanda's number. I knew I could count on her to help me out, she knew Sky almost as well as I did.

"Hey, it's me." I said, lowering my voice incase Sky could overhear. "Look, something doesn't add up with Sky's story."

"I know. I was thinking that too. But Liv, you can't push her. It'll push her further away."

"But what if something happened. What if someone raped her?"

"Come on babe, she'd tell you. You know she would."

"I'm not so sure Amanda."

"Look, give it a few days and then I'll talk to her. She might open up to me."

"Okay. You're right, I'm overreacting. I'll talk to you later, bye."

I put the phone down and went to start breakfast.

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