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Sky's POV.

It's been 4 days.

4 days since I lost my virginity.
4 days since the rape.
4 days since my life changed forever.

My mom believed my drunk party story. I wanted to tell her the truth. I'd gotten close to telling her the truth, but then I remember the man. His bad breath and crooked yellow teeth and him breathing down my neck telling me to keep quiet. His slimy hands all over me and a horrid sharp pain ripping through my body.

My mom had given me my old phone for now, but I'd hardly touched it. I didn't want to talk to anyone online ever again.

I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling when my phone beeped. I had an email. I ignored it but it went off again, and again and again until finally I admitted defeat and picked up my phone.

'It's me, you know who.
Bet you thought I wouldn't come back, but here I am.
I need you to listen to what I say,
1. do not tell anyone about me, if you do I'll hurt your mom
2. wait for further instructions about what I want you to do.

I sat there, frozen. Bile rose in my throat, and I sprinted to the bathroom to throw up. I climbed into the shower for the 5th time and scrubbed my skin until it bled. I could feel his dirty hands crawling over me and I wanted to rip my skin off.

"Sky!!" My Mom yelled from the kitchen.

I stepped out the shower, and wrapped a bath robe around my body. I headed into the kitchen where my Mom stood, tapping her foot.

"How many times do you need to shower? The water bill is going to be sky high."

"I'm not showering that much. I'm dirty. You know, from the party."

My Mom huffed and started searching for her car keys. Tears welled up in my eyes as she stormed out the front door. I knew bringing the party up would reignite her anger, but I couldn't risk her finding out the truth.

Olivia's POV.

I left Sky at home while I went to work. I felt ashamed that I didn't want to be around her right now, but I couldn't help but feel angry.

I got out my car and walked into the building.
Amanda looked up at me from her desk as I slumped down into my desk chair.

"How's Sky?" She asked.

"Acting super weird. She's took 5 showers in less than a day." I said, throwing my handbag under the table.

"That's worrying Liv. I'll go talk to her tomorrow. See if she'll tell me anything."

I shrugged my shoulders, and started work on the pile of paperwork that had built up over the last few days. I pushed my troubles with Sky to the back of mind, and focused on the task at hand.

"Benson, Rollins." Nick Amaro shouted across the squad room. "There's more information on the case."

We both got up at the same time and jogged over to Nick. We followed him in an interrogation room, and sat down.

"We may have another place the sex traffickers are keeping girls." He said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" I said, flying up out of my chair.

"Hang on a minute Liv. We don't wanna go charging in there. We're not even sure it's the place yet."

I sat back down, disappointed. I wanted to go lock up bad guys. I needed something to take my mind off Sky's strange behaviour.

"I want you both to go and talk to Charlotte Baker again. See if she recognises this place and if she has anymore information."

Nick passed us a file which contained pictures of the suspected warehouse.

I bit my cheek with anxiety as we headed out to the car.

Sky's POV.

I perched on the edge of my bed after my 6th shower, my bath robe wrapped around me. I couldn't stop crying, I wanted to disappeared. My phone beeped and I picked it up, not bothering to ignore it.

'Hey sexy,
I want you to send me some pictures in that gorgeous bath robe of yours.

What the hell?! I scanned my room in fear and pulled shut the curtains.

'Go away!!
Leave me alone!!'

I sat there, shaking.

'Oh darling,
did you not listen to a word I said?
If you don't do as I say, your Mom dies.
Olivia Benson is her name isn't it? She's at work right now. Am I right?'

Oh my gosh. My beautiful, sweet mother was in danger because of me. Through sobs, I took the pictures he wanted and sent them. I wanted him to go away, I didn't want to do this anymore. But if I didn't, my Mom could get hurt or worse.

'Good girl. Now wait for further instructions'

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