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May trigger some people.

Sky's POV.

I got dressed for school like a robot, my body and mind on autopilot. I didn't want to leave my bed, everything felt too  much and I didn't want to face the world. I knew I had to carry on, or Mom would get even more suspicious.

I felt bad after yesterday. I've never shouted at my Mom, we've always been so close. All we had was each other and I was destroying our relationship.

When I got off the bus, I climbed the hill to my school. When I got to the top, I found my close friend Cameron waiting for me.

"Hey Sky." Cameron said, waving, a big smile stretched across her face.

"Hi." I said, emotionless.

"Woah. What's up with you?!"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Can I go to school without the third degree?"

Cameron shrugged her shoulders and we walked into the school gates.


By the time lunchtime came around, I'd had enough. The day seemed to drag and I wanted nothing more than to hide under my duvet. I didn't feel hungry, but I grabbed a sandwich anyway and went to sit by myself.

I ate half of it before throwing the rest away. I felt like I was chewing cardboard.

As I left the hall, Paige, the notorious school bully walked up to me.

"Oh look girls, it's fat Sky." Paige said to her followers, laughing.

I tried to push past her but she shoved me backwards causing me to stumble.

"Get out my way Paige." I said, trying not to show the upset in my voice.

"Aww is fatty scared?! Why don't you get your Mom to come and lock us up?"

"Shut up."

"Don't tell me to shut up, bitch."

This time Paige shoved me harder and I fell to the floor. Everyone in the lunch hall started laughing and my face flushed with embarrassment.

"You. Don't tell ME what to do." Paige said, wagging her finger in my face. "I'm better than you and you know it. Heard you lost your virginity last week."

"What are you talking about?!" I said, fear rising in my chest, crushing my insides.

"You heard me. Slut!"

"You're lying. I've never had sex."

I got up and grabbed my bag. I bolted down an empty corridor, the laughter bouncing off the walls as I ran.

I locked myself in a bathroom stall and sat on the shut toilet lid. I brought my knees up to my chin and started sobbing, banging my head on my knees.

I knew Paige would say anything to get under my skin. But I couldn't help but wonder if she knew,  or was she bluffing?

The bell rang for afternoon classes but I stayed rooted to the toilet seat.

Everything hurt. I couldn't cope with this pain, the images of that night whirled around my mind and I shut my eyes tight to try to stop it.

Still sobbing, I rooted through my bag and pulled out a pencil sharpener. I used a pen to take out the screw holding the blade in place. When it came loose, I held the blade in my hand, turning it over in my palm. If I hurt myself, I might feel better. I might not fall apart and ruin everything.

As the tears streamed down my face, I put the blade to my skin and pulled it across. Blood trickled down my arm and splashed on the stall floor. I carried on for a while until I'd done 5 or 6 more.

I actually felt a little better. My mind felt a little clearer. I grabbed some tissue and held it to my skin, trying to stop the bleeding. I heard the door slam.


I jumped on the toilet seat and lifted my feet off the ground. I didn't want anyone to know I was in here and I definitely didn't want them to know I'd hurt myself.

"Sky. You in here? It's Cameron."

Go away, go away, go away. I whispered to myself, over and over again.

"Look I heard what happened with Paige. She's a bitch. She don't know shit."

I heard Cameron looking under all the toilet stalls and after she sighed,  she walked out.

I waited a few more minutes before I carried on cleaning myself up. I looked at the blade and felt ashamed of myself. I dropped it in the toilet and flushed it. I would never do that again.

I rolled my sleeve down and headed home.

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