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Amanda's POV.

"Sky?!" I shouted, shaking her body.

I could feel her ribs through her top, and her hip bones dug into my leg. I'd not realised she'd lost so much weight.

"Sky. Please wake up."

I started to cry as I rang 911. I yelled at them to hurry up and tossed my phone to the side. Shaking, I moved Sky into the recovery position.

Neither me or Olivia realised how bad things were. Liv would never leave Sky alone if she thought she'd harm herself again.

"I'm sorry." Sky mumbled, her voice shaking.

"No baby. Don't apologise, please." I said, kneeling down beside her.

"It's too much."

I stroked her hair, tears streaming down my face.

There's more to this story than meets the eye and I'm going to find out everything.

Olivia's POV.

I got home late and planned on curling up in bed and sleeping, but first I had to check on my baby girl.

I pottered into Sky's bedroom and gasped. Her room resembled a bomb site, her belongings flung onto the floor like they meant nothing.

"SKY! Where are you?!" I yelled.

Upon searching my bedroom, I found 2 empty bottles of Valium.

"Shit." I whispered.

I grabbed my phone from my bag and noticed 10 missed calls and a voicemail from Sky. I held the phone to my ear and listened. Sky's voice rung in my ears, hysterical sobs following her words.

"Mommy. I need you. Where are you?! Please."

My hands shook. I shoved my phone into my purse and grabbed my keys.

My baby needed me and I wasn't there. I was too busy saving other people's kids. My heart shattered in my chest, the jagged pieces piercing my skin.

I drove to Amanda's. She was the only person I thought Sky would have gone to if she needed help and I wasn't there.

I pulled up outside and saw an ambulance.

"Amanda." I shouted, running up the garden path.

"I'm so sorry Liv." Amanda said, tears streamed down her face.

I stared from Amanda to Sky, my heart racing, my whole body shaking. I started screaming and fighting to get to Sky but Amanda held me back.

"Ma'am, you need to let us work." One of the paramedics said.

"Olivia." Amanda said, holding my flailing arms back. "Calm down, please."

"How did this happen?" I said. "How did I miss this?!"

"Babe. We both missed it."

The paramedics wheeled Sky out on a gurney. She looked lost, her body limp, her face deathly pale.

"She took 2 bottles of Valium." I shouted. "I don't know how many but I found 2 empty bottles on my bathroom floor."


Agonising. That's the word I'd use to describe the wait for news. Amanda sat with me the whole time, worry etched across her face. I couldn't lose my little girl.

"Miss Benson." The doctor shouted, walking towards us.

I stood up immediately. It was the same doctor we saw last time. He must think I'm a terrible mother.

"Your daughter is a very lucky girl." He said, peering over his glasses. "We nearly lost her but she's stable now."

"Thank you." I muttered, relief washing over me.

"Look, I'm not judging but this is the 2nd time your daughter has visited the emergency room. Have you thought about booking her an appointment with a psychiatrist?"

I sighed and started to cry.

"I wanted to believe it wouldn't happen again. But I'll be booking her in tomorrow." I said, admitting defeat. "Can I see her please?"

"She won't be awake yet. The medication will have knocked her about but she's stable. You can go and sit with her."

I nodded my head and followed him into the room.

"Don't let the wires alarm you."

I stared in shock at my beautiful daughter, lay in that hospital bed, looking so defenceless and small. I could tell she'd lost weight, her face was gaunt and pale.

I turned around and fell into Amanda's arms. The doctor looked at me in sympathy and left us to it.

"What am I doing wrong?" I sobbed. "What's happening to my daughter."

Amanda squeezed me tight, her arms wrapped around my back.

"It's nothing you've done wrong Liv. Something horrible happened to her and she's not coping."

"I should have been there. She needed me and I wasn't there."

"She shut you out. She needed space, she needed room to breathe. She'll be okay. She's a Benson and Benson's are strong."

I sat down next to Sky's bed and held her hand. I lay my head on the edge of her bed and fell asleep, completely exhausted.

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