Twenty Six.

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*2 weeks later*

Amanda's POV.

Sky still remained missing after two long weeks. They'd been the worst and most heartbreaking weeks I'd ever experienced. Olivia wasn't coping, everyday she became more unhinged, retreating into herself. I knew we wouldn't get her back until we found Sky.

The last video contact we'd received made me sick to my stomach. My beautiful goddaughter had watched her friend die and there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it. She blamed herself - that disgusting pig of a man had convinced her she was a murderer.

I stood alone by my desk, strapping my bullet proof vest onto my chest. The day finally arrived to storm the basement, a mixture of fear and excitement coursed through my veins.

Olivia walked over to me and grabbed her own vest. She looked terrible. She hadn't washed her hair in days, her face was white as a ghost, her clothes hung off her like she was a mannequin.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm coming with you." Olivia replied.

I slipped my gun into my holster, whilst I gave Olivia the 'I don't think so' look.

"No way Liv. You shouldn't even be on this investigation."

"Please. My baby needs me."

The tears welled in her eyes. I knew how much she missed Sky, but I couldn't risk her falling apart or taking things into her own hands. There was too much at risk.

"You can stay in the car." I said. "The car Liv, stay in the car."

Olivia nodded but she didn't look happy about it.

The car ride seemed to last forever, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Olivia shaking. We'd waited for this day for 2 weeks. Maria had agreed to try and find out where he kept the girls, and we'd finally gotten the call we'd been waiting for. I hadn't held out much hope for Maria fooling her father into telling her the location, but she'd proven me wrong.

When we arrived, everybody else had already gotten into position, SWAT included. Nick beckoned me over, and I took one last look at Olivia.

"Stay in the car, please Liv. I'll bring her home."

Olivia nodded at me, fear growing in her eyes. We had no idea what we would find in the warehouse and I felt sick thinking Sky could be dead. We hadn't received any contact from Peter in 2 weeks, and anything could have happened in that time.

I watched as SWAT disappeared into the building, whilst me and Nick brought up the rear. My heart thudded so hard against my chest that it hurt. The eerie, dark corridors freaked me out and every step felt like I was climbing a mountain.

We'd walked for about 10 minutes when I began to worry we'd got the wrong place. My worries disappeared when I heard the loud, unmistakable sound of gunfire. When the sound died down, I realised I could also hear echoes of crying. We rounded the corner and that's when I saw the cells.

There were so many of them, Nick took one side while I took the other. As I walked further down the corridor, I saw around 20 girls but I couldn't see Sky in any of them. I arrived at the last cell and the smell of decay hit me like a ton of bricks. I peered through the bars, and saw a badly decomposing body lay across a dirty mattress.

I let out a whimper, the body had to have been there for at least a week. I rattled the bars in anger and wildly looked around the corridor in search of something I could use to get in the cell. A young girl peered up at me from the opposite cell.

"Do you know whose body this is?" I asked her desperately. "Is this Sky's cell?"

"That's Bonnie. She used to be Sky's cellmate but she's dead now." The girl said, her eyes glazed over like she'd taken some kind of drug.

"Where's Sky now?"

"I don't know. Harriet came and took her away a while ago."

I kicked the bars in anger, tears welling in my eyes. Had we come too late?

"Amanda, any luck?" Nick said, as he came up behind me.

"This is Sky's cell." I said, shaking my head in frustration. "Some woman took her away not long ago."

"Which way did they go?" He asked the girl.

She pointed to the part of the corridor we'd not yet searched. I shook my anxiety and terror from my brain and followed Nick down the dark and dreary corridor. I could still hear gunshots in the distance, how many people had kept these girls captive?

When we finally reached the end of the corridor a shut door stood in front of us, inside it sounded silent. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door not wanting to waste anymore time.

"Stay back." A man yelled as I entered.

I pointed my gun at him, my hands shaking. I looked up, and saw a terrified, unrecognisable Sky. Her eyes opened wide in terror, the mans arms wrapped around her chest, a gun held to her temple.

"Amanda." Sky whispered.

"Shut up bitch." The man yelled, slamming the gun into her head.

Sky whimpered with pain. In that moment, I wanted nothing more then to run over to her and stick her broken pieces back together. I made a spilt second decision, I bent down and slid my gun over towards the man.

"Now let her go." I said, my voice shaking.

The man waved his gun out in front of him, his hands still gripped Sky's chest.

"I love you Amanda." Sky said. "Tell mommy I love her always."

Sky looked at me, her eyes met mine but I didn't realise what she was about to do in time to stop her.

Sky turned around and kicked the man in the balls.

"You fucking bitch." He yelled.

She grabbed for his gun, catching him off guard, and they slammed into the wall.

I barely had time to register the sound of a gunshot, before I saw Sky and the man lying motionless on the ground.

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