Twenty Eight.

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*8 days later.*

I knew exactly where I was when I woke up. I heard the incessant beeping of machines, the cold, crisp stench of hospital. I could hear my Mom whispering to somebody in the room. I didn't open my eyes right away, the fear of the real world overwhelmed me.

"No way. She's not strong enough. She's not even woken up yet!" My Mom whispered, fury in her tone.

"I'm sorry Liv, but you know the drill. I need to ask her about Peter as soon as possible." A male voice replied.

"Why are you doing this Rafael?! She's still unconscious and you're here making demands she has to testify in court!"

"Olivia please. A girl is dead, her family need justice."

"Get out. Get out, right now!!" My Mom yelled, not bothering to whisper anymore.

I opened my eyes and turned to where the voices were coming from. My Mom and Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba stood over near the door.

"Can you stop yelling? My head hurts bad." I muttered.

"Sky." My mom said, rushing over to me. "Oh baby, how are you feeling?"

I didn't reply, the overwhelming feelings of been back in the real world felt too much. My heart raced as I realised the magnitude of my situation.

"I think you need to leave now." My mom snapped, without bothering to look around at Barba.

"No, Mom. Wait. I want to help."

"Oh baby, you don't have to think about that now."

"I want to do it. Bonnie was my friend. I'm the reason she's dead. I want to help."

My Mom nodded her head and sat down. I loved that about my Mom, she respected me enough to let me make my own decisions. I'm glad that hadn't changed after what had happened.

"Thank you Sky. I won't take up much of your time. After all, your mother is right, you need to rest." Barba said, nodding at my Mom to acknowledge he understood what she had said to him.

"Is this the man that abducted you?" He asked, handing me a photograph.

I stared in disgust at the man on the photograph. The man who had ruined my life and violated my body. I shuddered as sick rose in my throat. I handed him back the photo and nodded.

"Peter. He's the one who took me and the one who did most of the bad stuff. But there was also a woman, I only know her as Harriet. She's the one who pretended to be the boy's mother and she drove the van."

"Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'll leave you be, I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do. Amanda will need to speak to you at some point." He said as he walked towards the door. "Liv, I'm sorry if I came across as harsh."

"It's ok Rafael. I'm sorry I shouted at you. Sky's my baby and I want to protect her."

He gave me a sad smile and left the room. As soon as the door shut, I burst into tears.

"Mommy." I stuttered.

She climbed onto the bed and pulled me into her lap. I could see the tears streaming down her own face, and my heart broke as I thought about what I'd put her through.

"I'm so sorry Mommy. This is all my fault, I can't believe I was so stupid."

"Shh its OK. I don't blame you. I'm so relieved you're safe now."

"I love you. You will always be my best friend."

She pulled me closer and I lay my head on her chest so I could hear her heartbeat. I made a promise to myself, that I'd never trust anyone ever again. I couldn't bear the pain of what I'd put my Mom through, and I would never hurt her again.

She rocked me for what felt like hours. I felt my eyes closing and eventually I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

When I woke up, my Mom had gone and sitting beside me was Amanda.

"Hey baby girl. How are you feeling?" She said, grabbing my hand.

"Sore." I replied, pulling myself up into a sitting position. "Where's Mom gone?"

"She's gone for a sleep. She's been here for 8 days. She refused to leave your side."

"I bet it wasn't easy to convince her to leave. She's so stubborn."

Amanda laughed, and put her arms around me. She knew my Mom as well as I did.

"She said if I left your side, she'd personally fry me."

"Still the same old Mom." I laughed.

My head was a conflicting mess of emotions. I felt happy to be back where I belonged with my family, but I couldn't help feeling scared and upset. My brain hasn't processed what I'd been through.

We both sat in silence for 2 hours. Amanda read a book and I thought about everything that had happened to me. The more I thought about it, the more scared and disgusted I felt. I hoped I'd be able to get through this, and they'd catch Peter soon. There was something about him, that told me he wouldn't leave me alone until he either died or got arrested.

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