Chapter 1- Godly Friends

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I had this in my head and I wanted to test this out. Takes place during First Avengers Movie FYI.

It was after the Giant War with Gaea that the Greek Gods didn't want the hero of the century die, coming to an agreement they made him into a god along with his girlfriend Annabeth Chase.

Percy Jackson became the god of Loyalty and Annabeth became the goddess of Architect and helped her mother design a way to go between the two camps along with helping Jason with the temples and things for the other gods/goddesses.

Percy's domains were Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter but he mostly stayed in Camp Half-Blood taking Mr.D's place as camp director working alongside with Chiron.

To not have anyone confuse him with his father he stayed in his 18 year old form along with Annabeth, it also made things easier and if they really wanted in a flash they could change their age.

Between camps and designing at first they didn't see each other but as things calmed down they went on dates and just hanged out, they had a small place on temples and even if they were minor gods they attended the big meetings.

New generations came, not many big 3 children a Zeus kid here and there but after Hera ranted him about him cheating and her being faithful while being backed up by Athena and Artemis got some sense into him.

Poseidon seemed content knowing his son was a god, eventually Annabeth Chase turned into Annabeth Jackson and knowing that if they had children they would be godly she asked her mother about how she has kids and with the help of Hecate they sometimes had a demigod, thank gods for magic.

So at times there was 1 or 2 children at Camp Half-Blood staying in the Percy/Annabeth cabin.

It was one meeting that they were attending about the annual Norse and Greek get together, this year it was on Asgard and Percy and Annabeth were shocked to know that they were going with the big three that year.

Dressing their best they followed the big three to a open area where Zeus called down Heimdall, the watcher over Asgard whose job is to work the Bifrost.

The event was uneventful to Percy, Annabeth was talking to Lady Sif about strategy and girl warriors that he quickly lost interest in.

He got pulled aside by his father who seemed to have too much to drink, as he was talking to Queen, King, and the two princes of Asgard. He knew his father was proud of him but when he started to boast about the two wars and how he was the leader he felt awkward.

As Loki was hearing the story he expected the young man to just boast about himself but instead he said, "I wasn't alone in the fights, credit goes to the demigods who sacrificed themselves so others could live another day. I'm no hero." Percy said looking at his father

Before Poseidon could talk more about him, Percy slipped out of the conversation and went to overlook Asgard on a balcony, "You do not boast?" A curious voice asked behind him.

Percy knew it was Prince Loki, "What's there to boast about?" Percy questioned looking at the demigod prince with the corner of his eye.

"If it was Thor he'd be bragging and boasting making claims that didn't happen." Loki said with disapproval as he watch his brother talk to the Warrior Three as Poseidon was still talking, more calmly and less drunk really, with the Queen and King.

"I have noticed that Thor has a certain, exaggeration, at what happens." Percy said looking across the city once more, "Have you ever been to Olympus?" Percy asked the youngish god

Loki shook his head, "Thor is the one that always goes, but I have met Hermes and Apollo and we sometimes hang on MIdgard to pull some pranks."

Percy smiled in a somewhat joking matter, "Yes the God of Mischief with the God of Thieves and Sun, what could go wrong with those three."

Loki smiled and Percy knew it was genuine, he always had a gift at seeing if a smile was real or not, it just increased as he became a god.

Loki's smile disappeared, "You know my other titles as well?" Loki asked with some bitterness in his voice.

Percy shrugged, "Could care less about those, to me they're just rumors. If anything this conversation is giving, you're pretty cool guy, just lonely if anything."

Loki looked at him in disbelief, "Why would you say that?"

Percy turned to look at the guy, "Did you forget my title? I know who someone is loyal too and who isn't. Sometimes it's annoying and painful. The person you are loyal to is your mother and that is about it, you despise your father and your brother which is no shocker, my own brother hated me for a long time before he accepted I wasn't going to steal his throne."

"You're brother?" Loki asked curious

"Well, half-brother, Triton, messenger of the sea."

"Did you not want the throne?" Loki asked curious.

"All that power and stress, no thank you. I don't like power for one thing and I doubt I would be a good ruler anyway." Percy said turning back toward Asgard enjoying the conversation he was having with Loki.

"That's not the Big Three are telling me, well Hades and Poseidon anyway." Loki said

Percy stifled a sigh, "They make me out to be a hero that I do not feel is the title I should have. The first war, the hero was Luke and in the second war I was the reason that Gaea had almost woken as it was. I'm no hero." Percy said

"Yet, from the way your wife tells it, you saved countless lives." Loki argues but not in a hostile way more curious.

"I also caused many deaths." Percy said thinking about Charles, Selina, and the others that sacrificed themselves for him, "What kind of hero does that."

"One that had too much weight on their shoulders, one that is trying his best when he is new, one that didn't want this life." Loki said

Trying to get out of the hero conversation Percy turned the talk away, "Why is it that you're out here?"

"I was curious." Loki said with a shrug

"About?" Percy asked

"You." Loki stated


"Yes you."

"I'm married dude." Percy gave him a look that made both of them start to laugh and Annabeth looked their way for a brief time, smiling, the going back to talking to other architects at Asgard.

Zeus had risen at and the area went quiet, "It is about time we return to Midgard," he said in an almost sad way as guard that usually is outside the Bifrost explaining that they should be leaving soon.

Percy sighed, he was enjoying his conversation with Loki then brightened as an idea formed, "You said you come to Ear-Midgard to hang out with Hermes and Apollo, next time you come find me and we can talk more."

"You wish to 'hang-out'?" Loki asked curious

"It would be great." Percy said his face showing a wide smile as Annabeth was coming his way, "Gotta go now, see you when you can come." Percy said with a grin and took Annabeth's arm as they walked to the Bifrost.

"Maybe..." Loki said to himself as he watch Percy leave Asgard halls and back to Midgard.

"Brother!" Thor shouted, "It seems you have made friends yes?" Thor questioned

"That is non of your concern." Loki said stiffly and turned around and walked away from a slightly drunk Thor.

It was that day that Loki had a friend on Midgard that was by his back and the day Percy had a friend on Asgard that had his back. The two would be friends for a long time.  

Percy Jackson God of Loyalty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now