Chapter 16- Doctor Who?

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I was just minding his own business on Olympus when in the distant he heard a sort of whooping sound. Not the one that a person makes no but more like a machine.

Walking over more amused if anything to find a blue police box but feeling magic on it I just leaned against the side of it waiting for it to open.

Few seconds later the doors were thrown and and a I could just see the tips of a man's head as he checked to see if the place was clear before walking out, "Now Rose we need to be quiet. The residents here aren't always kind especially when they are in a bad mood."

Instead of saying anything I just leaned against a box, feeling much amusement as I heard, "You hush now. I'm going."

I watched as a man in a brown suit with a trench coat and a woman with a purple jacket and black pants walk out.

Just before they could turn around to close the doors I said, "I take offense to that statement by the way."

The man whipped his head around and looked as if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Something I see almost daily when it came to Atlanta and how she developed her love of cookies like her father.

"Relax." I said with a easy smile pushing myself off the magical box, "Seeing how you have gone to so much trouble to get here. Why don't I show you around?"

"You aren't going to hurt us?" The man asked cautiously.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not Ares who swings first and asks questions later. I'm Percy Jackson by the way." I said waiting for a handshake.

At seeing the Doctors narrowed eyes the woman showed no fear and shook my hand while saying, "Rose Tyler. Now where exactly are we, the Doctor," Rose pointed toward the man, "didn't really tell me where we were going."

I just smiled easy, making sure the Doctor saw I was no threat. I could always tell a fellow soldier from being one and said, "You ma'am, are on Olympus. The place where the Greek Gods and depending on their mood Roman gods, for the most part, live."

"But last I checked Gods don't really have last names now do they?" The Doctor asked still untrusting me and I couldn't blame him. The Olympians were known to act first before asking questions.

"I was a demigod." I replied smoothly and started to walk away with Rose following me instantly and after a hesitation the Doctor followed.

"This is the Gardens." I said and let a smile on my lips as Rose's eyes widened in amazement and the Doctors, who after a moment also looked around, had a look of awe in it.

I have to say Annabeth did a great job on rebuilding this part of Olympus, the flowers and trees courtesy of Demeter and the statues hand crafted by Athena and some help from Annabeth, the sparkling clean water from Poseidon, the small gems inside the fountain and around the place to give it a sparkle from Hades. 

The clear, slightly clouded skies, courtesy of Zeus. Benches crafted from Hephaestus. The rest are gods animal birds that were all about and filling the trees and singing soft, beautiful songs.

"This is different than the last time I was here." Breathed out the Doctor."

"Yeah, after a...unfortunate incident, we had to redesign parts of Olympus including this area. My wife is actually the one who designed it. She's a daughter of Athena also turned god.

"She did a wonderful job." The Doctor said giving me a smile and seemed to start trusting me. "Are these real jewels?" Rose breathed out as she sat near the fountain.

"Ah, yes. Hand picked by himself and input from Annabeth and I. He made sure they were the best he could conjure up and helped us put it in. It's beautiful isn't it." I asked as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

"What exactly are you the god of?" The Doctor asked curious taking a seat next to Rose.

I smiled and sat near them," Percy Jackson God of Loyalty, Rivers, and Lakes at your services." I said

The Doctor had a look of recognition and seemed to calm down more or less instantly as Rose probed a little more, "You said you were a demigod. Who was your parent?"

I smiled, "Poseidon, Lord of the Seas and other titles I don't feel like saying." I said casually, "So why have you come here?" I directed at the Doctor

"Heard what had happened, probably overshot the timeline from the way this place is though. Very sorry about what had happened with your grandfather and you have my condolences. Wanted to see how Olympus was doing." The Doctor said and I instantly knew what he was talking about but put on a more or less fake smile.

"Yes," I said my smile definitely more than less, "That day." I said more bitter than I intended.

"What happened?" Rose asked catching my bitterness.

I looked away, "Something that we don't have to discuss right now. Why don't I show you around some more?" I asked and without really waiting I got up but stayed that way unless they wanted to stay here.

But instead Rose and the Doctor also got up and I showed them more of Olympus, most of the gods just thought I was showing some new gods around and some of the female goddess tried to flirt with me, instantly dismissing them though I moved on.

Rose loved the small area that had the horses in it, too bad Blackjack was at Camp Half-Blood. It was also neat how the Doctor talked to some horses that had made me laugh.

"I didn't know you speak horse." Rose said to the Doctor.

"I speak a lot of things you don't know." The Doctor said with a playful insulted look on his face.

I was just cracking up at Guido who was pretty much dissing The Doctor and Rose when they walked in and then the Doctor replying which shocked Guido very much it was hilarious.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson!" A voice in the distant rang, "Where have you been!"

My face paled as I realized that it was way past the time I was suppose to be at Camp teaching Atlantia some sword fighting."

"Ohhhhhh," Rose said immaturely, "Someone in trouble." she joked as I whispered to myself, "I'm so dead. I'm so dead." as I made my way out of the room the other two following me.

Percy Jackson God of Loyalty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now