Chapter 24- Sam and Dean Winchester

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I was doing a favor for Tartarus. I know, I know, you may be thinking I might be crazy but after talking to the dude and figuring some things out we actually became good friends.

Or at least he didn't hate my guts and we can have some conversations without someone threatening someone else.

It seems that two brothers opened the Doors of Death that some demons got out. So, here I was checking out this town for demons.

What's nice is that they can't hide from gods. They can blend in as mortals but the gods can easily see them. Which is nice actually.

People avoided me, even if they didn't realize it was my aura. I didn't really try to contain it cause it just means that they didn't get in my way.

Walking into a story I dimmed my aura and talked to the waitress that was hosting. I made up some conversation knowing she wasn't a demon but she was a demigod.

I haven't seen her in a bit but she took off a few minutes to talk about a house a little bit out that had some strange activities going on. The ones that local folks avoid.

I thanked her and gave her some a tip and as I was walking out I noticed two men who were eating, one had a newspaper and the other was eating a pie.

Looking away I made my way out and started to walk toward the area that the demigod told me about.

Or at least until I was far enough away to flash over there.

As I got toward the area I saw a small old abandoned cottage and went into it. I took notes of the shapes on the wall and what seemed to be dried blood.

But I could tell there was no sulfur, meaning there aren't any demons here. However, I wasn't going to let something evil stay here.

Summoning a flashlight I opened the basement door and looked around. There was shelves full of things that I didn't really want to know.

But it seemed to be some sort of food storage by the smell. Covering my nose as the smell of something rotting I opened pantry door and coughed.

Yup, a dead rotting body. Lovely.

I then felt another presence and moved right quickly because where I was standing there was now an axe in it's place.

There was also a ghostly form of a rancher and he had an axe in his hands. He didn't have any eyes but he turned and seemed to be looking at e.

"So, an unsatisfied ghost. This isn't going to be fun." I noted as I dodged another axe throw.

"Will you stop with the swinging. Seriously. I didn't come here to hurt you." I said with a huff.

Thank gods I actually know how to somewhat talk to a ghost, Hades let me have something so ghosts know that I don't mean harm.

"Relax." I said putting my hands up, "I was just looking for something else. I'll come back later and put you to rest then. Is that ok?" I asked

Instead of answering the ghost man sort of disappeared and I was left in the cellar, "well ok then. See yeah in a bit." I said and went up the stairs.

I was going to have to get some food and drinks to help put the man to rest properly and not just burn the dudes bones.

As I was leaving and a good ways away I looked back and I saw the two dudes from the dinner. Pushing it aside for the moment I had to talk to the waitress again to see about getting some food.

I returned that night with some food in my arms. But I quickly set that down just outside the house as a Black Impala just outside the house and my nerves were telling me something.

Summoning a flashlight I got my sword out as it gleamed in the moonlight. Walking into the house I turned on my flashlight and made my footsteps silent. My ears and eyes trained into the darkness for any movements or noises.

Going down the stairs softly that lead me to the basement I quickly turned off my light when I thought I saw another one down there with a two voices.

They sounded a bit panicked and I quickly got down the stairs and instantly turned on my flashlight. There was the man I was going to help his axe raised above his head about to strike down on two dudes.

"Stop!" I shouted at the man who was just swinging down but upon hearing my voice stopped and turned toward me.

I quickly put my sword away, "No harm." I said quickly showing him my hands and the light from my flashlight pointed upwards.

"Remember, I'm not here to hurt you. Why don't you put down the axe and I can call you when it's ready deal?" I asked internally freaking out a bit as one of the men slowly inched toward a gun that was just a few inches away from him.

Looking at him I gave a soft shook of my head. He narrowed his eyes but at least stopped for the moment.

I looked back at the ghost, "Can we please help you. No weapons. No violence. Just let me help you and I promise you'll be okay." I said

There was a sudden stillness before the ghost disappeared.

Before Percy knew it a gun and machete was pointed at him, "Who the hell are you?" A male voice asked dangerous.  

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