Chapter 25- The Ghost Couple

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Percy frowned, "Get off me." he said frowning

"Tell me who the hell you are." The man who was holding the knife at Percy's throat said.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Percy Jackson. Do I get a name now?" he asked annoyed.

The two mean practically radiated distrust but the one who had the knife against Percy said, "Dean."

Percy could tell that Dean was a lot more distrusting then his brother. Percy could tell they were brothers by how much trust they had for one another.

"Sam." The taller one said as he slowly lowered his gun but didn't put it away, "What did you do to the ghost?" he asked

Percy looked at them as if they were idiots, "I talked to him." Percy said slowly as if they were little kids.

Dean looked annoyed, "We already figured that out Sherlock. What we meant was why did he listen to you." Dean said rolling his eyes but feeling a bit more relaxed than a few minutes ago.

"Have you ever tried talking to them?" Percy challenged but he already knew what they were going to say. The only reason the dead actually listened to him was because of Hades. If he ran into any souls that haven't gone down to the underworld or to those Christians 'Heaven' then he can send them to rest in peace.

Dean scoffed, "Course we have. They're just keen on just killing us." he said annoyed

Percy shrugged. Not responding to that, "I can handle this tonight. Why don't you guys go back to whatever you were doing before." Percy suggested.

Dean looked like he was about to argue before Sam clapped a hand on his shoulder, "Sounds nice. We could use the break." he said

Percy narrowed his eyes a bit suspicious on why they jumped on the chance. Shrugging as Sam pulled Dean away from him and up the stairs Percy looked around.

"Give me a few minutes to prepare and help you get to the afterlife." HE felt a chill in the room as his only response and waited a few seconds as he heard the car upstairs start to life and pull away.

Making his way to where the food and shovel were he grabbed the two items unaware that the two brother didn't actually drive away.

Feeling the ground a little away from the place to feel the dirt to see if it could handle soda he nodded to himself for a few seconds as he stood up.

Grabbing the shovel he started to dig. Behind him he heard the spirit come and not turning around said, "You can help you know."

Feeling the ghost move closer he shivered a bit at the cold air before warming the air around him using the water particles in the air. Feeling warmer he felt the ghost float down the small hold he was started to make in the little time.

He looked up as he saw the ghost make a shovel out of air he grinned a bit. Stretching a bit and hearing some knots in his back as he let the ghost work a bit, "I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab your wife. Is that okay?" he asked the ghost

The ghost looked up at Percy and nodded softly as he continued to dig his own grave.

He was inside the house soon and made a bag appear in his hands. Heading toward where the corpse was he gently put them in the bag and made his way back toward the grave.

As he gently laid the back down another ghost appeared. One of a women, "You okay?' Percy asked the ghost gently who only seemed to have just now came to life because she was moved.

She nodded but looked shakened up. Her husband got out of the grave that he was digging and made his way toward her and took her in his arms.

Letting them have a moment Percy examined the hole. Pleased with it's depth he started on the second hole mentally glad he brought enough food for two rituals.

He didn't know if the wife was going to come out or not but now that he knew he was glad he brought enough.

After digging with the help of two ghosts Percy examined his dirt covered clothes. Sighing a bit he grabbed the side of the hole and hauled himself out smoothly.

"Are you two ready?" he asked as he laid the respected bones in a hole.

They nodded each going in their respected hole. They both looked as if they were holding hands even though they weren't.

As he grabbed the food and drinks he started by opening the soda and dumping it into the holes all the while muttering in Greek.

As he said the words and a few soda's later instead of the color of the soda it was a purple color and was swirling around.

As he finished part of the enchantment he grabbed the food quickly and emptied it in enchanting more words.

As he finished he stepped away from the holes. He noticed that the enchantments worked. He could see the souls of the wife and husband lift from the graves and entwine together before disappearing into 'heaven'.

Just as he was about to start filling the holes with dirt once again a gun was clicked and metal was pressing against the back of his head.

"We gotta stop meeting like this." Percy said as he looked to see it was Sam and Dean but this time they had a friend with them who seemed to like trench coats for he was wearing one.

Percy Jackson God of Loyalty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now