Chapter 10- Friendship

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It was one of those days at the Avengers Tower where it was game day, you spend the whole day as a team and Loki absolutely hated it.

Mostly because it meant he had to spend time with Thor.

Only when he woke up he knew something was wrong.

Not with the Avengers, no. The pendant he wore from his friend Percy felt...sad almost.

He knew he had to see his friend and after telling Jarvis that he had to friend Percy needed him he flashed to his friends location.

Percy himself had his feet hanging over a dock, his head in his hands and his shoulders slumped.

"Percy?" Loki asked cautiously.

"Nows not a good time Loki." Percy muttered not looking up as Loki frowned in response.

"What is the matter?" Loki asked ignoring Percy's previous sentence as he sat next to his friend.

All Percy did was sigh and not look at him and after a moment said, "Annabeth and I had a fight." he finally said

Loki frowned, "Is that not normal for Midgardian couples?"

Percy just sighed, "We've had fights here and there but we've been married for centuries. This one...this one was just bigger than the others. I'm giving her the day and at night I'll talk to her. Give her some space before we talk again. We both need it." Percy said his shoulders slumped, "I just hope we don't do anything we might regret until then." Percy mostly muttered to himself.

Loki just put a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Why don't you Midgardians do when something bad happens and get ice-cream?" LOki asked

Percy just smiled a little, "You just like ice-cream when I got you hooked on it."

"That may be true but you need it." Loki said not at all bothered by the sentence like he might if Thor was the one that said it.

Percy just smiled gratefully and slowly got up and Loki saw the bags under his eyes meaning he didn't get much sleep.

Teleporting to an alley in New York they emerged outside a small shop and ordered a cone of ice-cream. Percy getting Blue Moon while Loki just got Mint Chocolate Chip.

Both walking through a park nearby, "How are your kids handling it?" Loki asked after a bit.

Percy just sighed lightly, "They don't know right now, we're trying to keep it on the downlow." Percy said and Loki nodded his head.

They walked through the park before they realized that they had company in front of them as Loki sighed Percy asked, "How can we help you?"

Percy finished off his ice-cream and threw it away in the closest trash can, "Jarvis said Loki left saying something was wrong with you and we came to make sure you're alright." Steve said

Percy gave a small glare to Loki who was unaffected, "It seems Lady Annabeth and Percy has had a, as you say, disagreement and Percy is 'in the doghouse'." Loki said adding quotes.

Percy smacked Loki, "I am not in the doghouse, I can go home anytime, just giving her some space." he mostly muttered at the end as he sighed again.

"What has happened Lord Perseus?" Thor asked as Percy's nose scrunched up.

Before he could tell Thor to call him Percy Tony butted in, "Wait, wait, wait, back up. Your name is Perseus. That explains a lot." he mostly muttered at the end.

"I was named after Perseus son of Zeus, the only demigod to have a happy ending." Percy said, "and to answer Thor, we just had a small fight. Nothing to worry about."

"Except this is the first time you're giving her the day to cool down." Loki said a glint that was determination to help his friend was in his eye.

Percy just glared at his friend but this time Bruce butted in, "Wait, I know you and Annabeth have been married for a while and you never fight." he asked mostly awe in his voice.

"We do fight." Percy corrected, "Just nothing big, most of the time it's designer stuff and if Aphrodite charmspoke me to doing something. But that was when we were recently married and gods. NOw it's mostly just godly matters. Nothing this serious and big." Percy rubbed his head as his shoulders tensed not wanting this conversation.

"Anyway," Tony said, "if that's the case you get to spend the rest of the day with us while we do team exercises to channel our team bonding." Tony mostly looked to Steve while he said the words most likely quoting Steve.

Steve just rolled his eyes and Percy bit back another sigh as he thought about it. Sure he wanted to be alone but what did he know in the matter, and spending the day with his friends did sound nice.

It was also time away from his duties for a bit and it won, "Ok, sure."Percy agreed.

"Great," Steve said, "let's head back to the tower now."

Percy nodded and quickly teleported them all while using the mist because he didn't feel like taking a cab.

"Got to get use to that." Clint said as he regain his balance as his head felt light.

The others nodded but then stopped when the room started to spin. The only ones who weren't affected was Percy and Loki who grew use to it. Even Thor was a bit dizzy but quickly got over it.

The rest of the day spent playing games until Percy had to reluctantly went back to his duties then went home to talk to Annabeth.

The next day Percy was obviously happy and spent a hour or two with the Avengers before announcing he and Annabeth had a date and teleported out.

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