Chapter 23- The Pond Family

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I never met Donna but from the way the Doctor talked about her and how she tragically left him I didn't ask too many questions and most of the time the Doctor deflected them.

I let him. I was the objective third party anyway. When the Doctor got a new face he told me as his Tardis was fixing itself then he went to go back to a Amelia Pond.

It's been a bit since I last talked to the guy and I certainly didn't expect him to just park and materialize right in front of me while I was in California.

The reason I was here was because Hephaestus was talking about some machines going weird over here and asked me to check it out.

The first thing that came out of my mouth as the Doctor floundered out of the Tardis was, "You look like an idiot."

The reason he looked like an idiot was because of the fez on his head, "Bow ties are cool." Was the first defensive thing that came out of his mouth.

"Wasn't talking about the fez. Here I thought you had brains." I said looking at the fez.

"You like the bow tie?" The Doctor asked instead fixing his probably on reflex.

"I've learned not to ask." Was my reply.

There was a laugh as three people exited the Tardis, "Oh! Percy this is Amy, Rory, and River." The Doctor said grinning to the three people.

"Hello. I'm Percy Jackson." I said grinning and was thankful I was in my 22 year old form instead of my 18.

"Do you know the Doctor?" Rory asked.

I laughed good naturally, "My family knows him and we've been friends for a while now."

"Do you know anything embarrassing?" Amy asked suddenly

I started to laugh remembering some things as the Doctor rushed, "Right then, why are you here."

Calming myself I said, "Some concerns have been brought to attention and I'm here to check it out. Why are you here?" I asked

"The Tardis brought us here." The Doctor said.

"Speaking of her. Why was there no wheezing this time it materialized?" I asked

River just sighed fondly and responded for The Doctor, "he keeps her brakes on. I turn them off meaning no wheezing."

I just laughed, "One day she's going to get tired of you and will kick you out until you realize that she probably doesn't like the brakes on all the time."

"Why don't we look around shall we?" The Doctor asked rushly.

River just smiled innocently and hooked my arms with hers and as we were walking she asked, "So tell me these embarrassing things."

I just laughed and started to tell stories as The Doctor groaned.

Turns out there was an infestation of these things called Cyberman.

The reason we know it's an infestation was because we were captured by them and then brought to their little base of operation. I wasn't totally worried but I was a little sick at the fact they were human with suppressed emotions.

"Doctor what's the plan?" Amy asked as they were thrown into a cage and schedule for an extermination because we were associated with The Doctor.

They also took his sonic screwdriver and River's weapons, like all 10 of them.

"I'm thinking." The Doctor said looking around.

"While you do that I'm getting us out of here." I said smiling all comfortable.

Percy Jackson God of Loyalty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now