Chapter 30: Crime Scene Fiasco's

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It was after Lucas was settled and out like a light. Percy kissed Annabeth goodbye and then he and Castiel disappeared to the last feeling of the Gnomes.

It was day time where they were as they walked through the forest, "You remember the fake name I gave you all those times ago when we worked together?" Percy asked as he spotted some police cars and police tape.

"Castiel Williams? Yes I remember that time very much." Cas said his tone implying that he was never happy with that name, specifically the last name.

"Good, here." Percy said and tossed him a SHIELD badge that he always had.

"What are these?" Castiel asked as he looked at the badge with confusion.

"Instead of FBI, I talked to Nick Fury Director and SHIELD and got these badges. It certainly helps because he will back the story if they try to call someone from SHIELD. Plus, SHIELD stonewalls everyone." Percy said as they approached the police tape.

"Now put on the glasses like the old days and let me do the talking." Percy said throwing on a black pair of shades

Castiel rolled his eyes like he always did when it came to his mentor and decided not to question the man and do as he says.

As they neared the police tapes, he flashed his badge to a small time officer and ducked under the tape without waiting for a response from the young man.

"You can't be here." A guy that was obviously a detective, his hair was brown and his eyes a stormy blue that said he was confused about something but it turned to annoyance at the newcomers.

"My name is Agent Jackson of SHIELD, this is Agent Williams. We're taking over the investigation." Percy said in the 'I'm government and you will do as I say'.

"Like hell we would. This is my investigation. Everyone knows SHIELD and I sure as hell won't let you take my investigation." The man spat annoyed that some outside was trying to take the confusing crime scene.

"I'm sure that you are confused about the death of the gentlemen that have died, we already know how they died. Plus, if you really want to government riding your ass or some sort of results. You best give the investigation to us." Percy said, his face still blank except a tint of annoyance.

"Like hell I would!" The man said still angry at Percy.

"This is taking far too long." Castiel said casting Percy a look while he touched the man's forehead and watched him drop to the ground asleep.

Instantly everyone's attention was to them and Percy snapped his fingers, "You see nothing, this young man just passed out from the lack of food. You might want to get him back to the station and tell your commanding officer that someone else took over the investigation." Percy said and the two non-mortal beings watched the mortals comply.

"Next time, let me mess with the mist before making the man pass out." Percy said as he watched the officers drag the passed out man away from the crime scene.

"It was taking too long." Castiel argued as they ducked under the crime scene tape.

"Doesn't mean you can just up and make the guy pass out." Percy pointed out as they found two plastic sheets over them.

Putting on a glove and handing one to Castiel who looked at them with a frown but put them on anyway. Percy slowly lifted the side of the body bag to find the feet.

This is where it gets a bit graphic FYI but it should be okay to read

"Wrong end." He muttered to himself before going to the opposite side and pulling the bag back and instantly stepped back in disgust.

The guys face was smashed was probably the best way to put it, you couldn't really tell how they were from how much damage was there from pickaxes and shovels.

Percy also covered his nose when the smell hit him, even though they are a few hours at old at best, they smelled like Gym Shorts that haven't been washed in four years stuffed in a locker with sweaty tennis shoes sprayed with skunk spray.

Castiel didn't seem to be as affected as he knelt beside the body and took off the rest of the bag. Instantly the damage was done throughout their body, parts of the body seemed to have been bitten, other parts just brutally beaten.

"They must have really angered those Gnomes." Castiel commented as he took off the other bag that had the other body in it.

"No kidding." Percy muttered as he took a messed with air particles under his nose and carefully came back.

"I do not kid? Why would you think I would?" Castiel asked with a confused frown turning to his mentor.

"It's a-" Percy started but was cut off by Castiel.

"I remember?" Castiel said his confusion turning into affection just a bit, "I remember your comments and thinks like that."

"Well it hasn't been that long." Percy joked as he knelt beside the body. Percy started to pat the guys pockets and try to find something while Castiel did with the other body.

When Percy found nothing, he sat on the heels of his foot, "Find anything?" he asked his long time friend.

Castiel shook his head also finding nothing that would attract the Gnomes attention.

"Nothing? Really? Then why would the Gnomes go after them?" Percy asked both Castiel and himself.

"Do you think they found a mine?" Castiel asked tilting his head slightly also trying to find a reason why the Gnome Race would attack these two men.

Then he saw Percy frown deepen and a troubled look appeared, "What is it?" Castiel asked

"It's just something Chiron told me a few days ago. A prophecy. Do these two look like hunters to you?" He asked stepping away from the bodies and looked down at them.

"Like Sam and Dean, no." Castiel said instantly taking in the form of the two men and what they were wearing.

"I mean the outback wood type of hunters. Not Supernatural hunters." Percy said with a frown. It took Castiel a moment to remember what Percy was talking about before looking at the men again.

"It is possible. Why?" Cas asked turning toward his friend.

"The hunters become the hunted." Percy muttered to himself and looked at the dead man's footprints that lead away from a creek and toward the middle of the woods.

"Let's follow these." He said as he stood up and started to follow the dead man's footprints to see where they lead them.

"What do you plan to achieve?" Castiel asked following his mentor more than the footprints.

"If we can find their car, we might get a better idea on why the Gnomes are attacking. I have a theory but I need to know where they have been." Percy said as they went deeper into the woods that will hopefully help the investigation.

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