Chapter 19- The Sleepers

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"Dad! When can the Doctor visit again?" Atlantia asked as it has been, to us anyway, three months since we last saw The Doctor.

"I'll try and contact him honey." I said as I helped brush her hair for bed, "Now, we don't you say goodnight to your brother and Achilles then go ahead and go to bed?" I said as Annabeth was leaning against the doorway wearing normal clothes.

It was one of those nights where we both had things to work on and couldn't sleep but at least we could tuck in our children.

"Ok dad." Atlantia said jumping up from where she was and started to head toward her little brothers and cousins room to say goodnight to him.

I moved to Annabeth where I developed her in a hug and kissed her neck lightly, "You know we have godly business to attend to right?" Annabeth said twisting to kiss me on the lips.

I hummed dejectedly, "I know." I said and we stood there cuddling waiting for Atlantia to return. When she didn't return for a few minutes Annabeth exchanged a look with me and we released each other and started toward Lucas and Achilles room.

"Mom! Lucas won't do anything." Atlantia said as she was leaning over Lucas.

"Like he won't close his eyes or even move. I'm worried!" Achilles said worried for his younger cousin.

Moving fast beside Annabeth we made our way toward our son. Picking him up Annabeth called for a son of Apollo Will.

Few minutes Will was here and shining a light in Lucas's eye to see any reaction. Only there wasn't. He took a stethoscope and listened to his chest with a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked calmly but inside I was freaking out just a bit.

"I don't know. It's weird. It's like he's asleep but isn't." Will said with a frown.

Then there was a knock on the door and it opened to a camper from the Hermes cabin came into the room, "Will, something has happened to the younger demigods!" she said panicking.

Exchanging looks with Annabeth she stayed with Lucas as I went with Will to see what's wrong.

It seemed that the children under the age of 5 fell into the trance that Lucas is in.

"I don't know what to do." Will said to me as they were alone and he was frustrated.

I put my hand on his shoulder hiding the frustration that I also felt and instead calmed Will down, "Relax. It doesn't seem like they're hurting you said it yourself it's like they're asleep. We'll put them in the infirmary and hook them up. We're both stay there until the morning."

Will just nodded dejectedly and with that plan we had the campers put the young children into the infirmary and I helped Will set up the computers and monitors to check their vitals.

I also set up some coffee and gave Luke a cup as I took a seat.

"Don't you have godly business to attend to?" Will asked concerned

I just gave a small inward chuckle, "I think I can spar the night. Annabeth will tell the gods what has happened and the would understand why I'm not doing my job for right now. In the meantime, try not to fall asleep I'm going to check on Atlantia." I said patting his shoulder on my way out.

"You're a good dad Percy." Will said, "Sometimes I wish you were my dad."

I smiled, "Apollo is one of the better parents than you may think. But thanks anyway. You're a good kid."

With that I ducked out into the cold night and made my way back to my cabin where Atlantia was waiting for someone.

She jumped when I opened the door, "Is Lucas alright?" she asked concerned.

I put on a fake small smile, "He isn't better but how about this. Because you need your sleep can you get some and then the first thing in the morning you can come down and I'll let you stay with him until you have to do your activities."

"But-" Achilles tried to argue and I got down on their eye-level.

"Look," I said with a sigh, "I know this isn't the night you imagined. But please try to get some sleep. You don't want to worry Lucas now do you."

Atlantia shook her head and I gave her a small smile, "Now, let's get some sleep. He's going to be alright through the night. Will and I are there and we won't let anything happen to them. I promise." I said seriously

Atlanta's shoulders sagged and Achilles nodded. I smiled and kissed her head then his and lead them back to Atlanta's bed seeing how Achilles wasn't going to move from Atlantia as if afraid she'd fall asleep next, "I promise. First thing in the morning you guys can visit Lucas."

Atlantia nodded but she still had that sad look on her and pulling the sheets over her and Achilles, I made sure they was going to be mostly alright before turning off the light and leaving.

Leaving the cabin I noticed other cabins were still up and sighed. Going to each one I was able to convince everyone to at least try and sleep.

It was an hour until I was able to get back to the infirmary. As I walked in Will was in the seat asleep and I chuckled because the coffee cup was in his hand tipping dangerously.

Grabbing the coffee cup I placed it on a table and grabbed on of the extra blankets and laid it on Will as I pulled a seat next to Lucas and brushed some hair off his forehead, "I hope you're ok." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"I'm not leaving you guys. We'll get through this like everything else." I said this time to all the young children.

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