Chapter 2- The Deal

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It was a long time that the two god and immortal demigod had become friends. Their friendship that both cherished and sometimes thought of each other as brothers.

It was one day that Percy got some news, "Loki, what's wrong?" Percy instantly asked seeing his friends face.

"Nothing." Loki tried to lie, one of his titles being Silvertongue didn't work on Percy mostly because when he tried Percy's detected it with his Loyalty, it was weird but Loki didn't mind, he rarely lied to him anyway before they even knew that.

"Calling BS right there." Percy said frowning taking in Loki's appearance, his hair wasn't slicked back, his eyes full of worry.

Loki sighed and grimaced, "Do you remember the last time I was on Midgard and what we did."

"If I recall, that was 9 months ago and I took you to a bar to get insanely drunk because of something with your brother and sewing your mouth shut, you went home with a lady and-"

Percy's eyes went wide and Loki nodded solemnly, "It seems I have a son." he stated although there was pride in his eyes there was also sadness.

"Loki-" Percy asked somewhat curious and dreadful.

Loki flinched but talked anyway, "During the birth it seems that the woman was not able to pull through, the child coming in early. She being unprepared thought it was allergies until her friend called an ambulance, the child would've died if I hadn't maken a deal with someone I shouldn't have." Loki said the last part in a whisper.

Percy was now worried, "Loki. Who?" Percy whispered fearing the answer and for his friend.

Loki momentary shut his eyes, "Thanos." he said filling his words with dread and Percy's heart sank, Thanos. Oh god, Percy put his head in his hands, "Thanos?" Percy asked wanting to confirm or deny that he heard wrong.

Loki nodded stiffly, "You will live." Percy said determined, "I don't care what is going to happen but I will be there with you every step of the way." Determination in his voice was so strong that made Loki want to believe his friend.

Upon seeing his friends face Percy switched conversations, "Where is your boy? Is he safe?"

"I have him somewhere that I can be there quickly if he needs or does anything he shouldn't. As for safe, he is going to never be safe with me." Loki said his voice turning into a whisper as he said the last part but then snapped open as an idea formed in his head, "Will you take him. Say he is yours and Annabeth's son. Please, explain to her the situation." Loki said pleading.

Percy knew that his friend was desperate, "I will tell others he is my child but to him, I'm his uncle." Percy said his determination and loyalty showing.

Loki knew it was as good as anything as long as Percy could keep his son safe, "Just, visit him once in awhile. He needs his real father." Percy said sighed as Loki was about to flash over to get his son.

Loki nodded solemn but also happy that he was going to at least see his son grow up, his son wasn't immortal, he was demigod ultimately.

Loki also knew that for the years that his son will be growing up he is most likely going to call Percy and Annabeth his parents and himself an uncle but that was going to be alright.

"What's his name?" Percy asked as Loki reappeared holding a small blue bundle that showed a slightly pale skin, small tuff of black hair and as the baby looked around greek eyes.

Almost a spitting image of Loki but for this purpose, Percy.

"Achilles." Loki said

Percy smiled as Loki name his son after his middle name, "I was going to name him Perseus but I thought one was enough." Loki said smiling down at his child.

This was his first son despite what Midgardians think, the so called horse son Sleipnir wasn't his at all, it was a gift from another world. Hel was in fact Hades doing with some help from Hecate because he couldn't have Asgardians and Greek in his place, there wasn't that much room and the confusion was just annoying him.

Fenrir was Artemis, a gift from Loki yes, but it was a thank you when he was on Midgard one day and got lost, she helped him and he showed her nothing but respect and created a magical wolf for her that lead her hunting pack.

Jörmungandr wasn't of Asgard at all, he protects the waters because Poseidon had him too. When they see Jörmungandr they think he is the Loch Ness Monster, but really he is able to travel between water sources to make sure everything and nymph are alright.

Percy smiled as he watch his friend, it was too bad that he couldn't be a father that he was going to be good at, even if he has a bad relationship with his own.

Loki loved children and Percy knew it, Loki knew how to make children smile and laugh and make them happy. It always made Percy smile and to know that when Loki finally has a child of his own, he couldn't keep him.

It made him feel hatred toward Thanos but he squashed it down for his friends sake.

Percy allowed Loki to old Achilles as they made their way to Camp Half-Blood where he knew Annabeth was, he also knew that Chiron would understand and be able to keep the secret.

The campers were going to be excited to take care of another Jackson, Achilles was going to have a big 'sister' to watch over him, Percy was going to tell his daughter when the time was right and that she would understand why she had to keep it a secret but the five year old was probably just going to be excited.

Percy and Annabeth's daughter had Annabeth's hair and Percy's eyes but was a mixture of both on the inside, she was an excellent swordsman and a intelligent little girl who during the school year already skipped two grades. Her name was Atlanta.

Once telling Annabeth and Chiron Achilles Odinson-Laufeyson became Achilles Jackson, the son of the god and goddess Percy and Annabeth Jackson.

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