Chapter 29- The Problem

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*Another part of the world*

"Bill I already told you. We're getting a buck then we can go back." A bearded man around 6 feet tall dressed in hunting gear said as he slung his rifle from his back into his hands.

"But Matt, I could've sworn something is following us." The guy named Bill who was 5 feet and a half said as his steps were careful as he looked around paranoid dressed in a similar fashion as Matt.

"What could hunt us? We're like 5 miles from town." Matt said as he walked trying not to break too many branches.

"What about any occupants around?" Bill asked still feeling like there was someone behind them, following and watching.

"By the time they get near us we'll be long gone. Now shut up I see something up ahead." Matt said as he held his rifle and looked through the scope.

A male buck was there watching over a female who was grazing, "Bingo." The man muttered and lined up the shot.

"Matt." Bill said his voice scared and almost sounded like the guy would faint.

"Shhhh." Matt shushed Bill aiming his weapons again but got agitated when Bill pulled his sleeve more and more urgently.

"What." Matt snapped and turned to see Matt looking deathly pale as he stared at an object, "Th-that wasn't there before." The man said weakly his voice shaky and his face pale.

Annoyed, Matt turned to see what Bill was talking about and got confused himself, on the pathway that they took stood a lone gnome, standing still, looking out of place.

"This stupid thing has you so worked up?" Matt sneered as he stomped over to the gnome. Ignoring the part of his mind that what he was about to do was bad he gripped the top of the gnome and like he suspected it was stone and lifted it up.

"This stupid thing has you so worked up? It's probably just a stupid prank from the kids around town." Matt said as he shook the stupid thing.

As he finished speaking he looked over to Bill who seemed like he was really about the faint and watched as he slowly pointed to Matt's right, right passed the gnome in his hand.

Turning Matt's face drained. There were dozens upon dozens of gnomes. The only problem was that they weren't stone.

No, they looked real and they looked really, really angry as they were holding pickaxes and some even shovels.

Matt slowly turned to the gnome in his hand when he felt the weight change especially in the hat that he picked up the gnome with. Instead of feeling like stone it felt more like actual cloth.

Slowly he watched the gnome warily debating if this was some trick but stopped and screamed when the gnome in his hands went from stone to alive and angry as he turned to Matt fast and before he could actually scream.

There suddenly was a pickaxe in his throat, as his eyes glazed he saw the gnome and his super sharp pointed teeth smile and suddenly he heard Bill scream in pain.

Then nothing, the bucks ran away when they heard the scream. The only thing was the small chatter from the gnomes and the running water of a nearby stream. All was silent.

*Back at Camp*

"This is the big house. There are some rooms all around, easy to get to and yes they have locks on the inside." Percy said as he hefted Lucas into the big house while showing the Winchesters and Bobby to their rooms.

"Thanks." Dean said his voice warily and just a bit untrusting.

"I will leave you to it." Percy said and smiled lightly when he saw that his son was asleep, drooling on his shoulder.

Leaving the Winchesters Percy made his way toward the place that screamed angel and found Castiel overlooking the ocean from the beach.

Knowing his son was out cold he walked to Castiel. There was a brief pause and suddenly the air felt as if it changed to Percy and he sighed, "You feel it too?" he asked

"Another two have died. How many more until we get the things?" Castiel asked his voice portraying no emotion as he turned to Percy.

Percy sighed but then gave a small smile to Castiel, "It is good to see you old friend." he said as he held out his hand for Cas to shake.

Castiel himself let a smile play on his lips as he shook hands with his old and long time friend. He knew the god since around he was first created.

Percy was practically his mentor whenever he went to Earth to help with Zeus or God. He was practically his mentor, he was the reason why he never understood why the angels thought that the mortals below that they were protecting were below them.

Percy himself use to be mortal. Which was why Cas always had a hard time following orders to sometimes betray those who he was created to protect, betray his friend.

It was why he liked Sam and Dean, they reminded him of Percy and his attitude. So he stood in silence with his friend reliving memories of all the adventures they shared and how his mentor taught him all the things he knew.

The more Castiel thought about it the more he realized that Percy was the one who was always there for him, not God who was his father, not his brothers or sisters, it was always Percy.

It was also now Sam and Dean. Castiel looked to his friend and remembered the one day that he once said he wished Percy was his father.

"You make a good father." Castiel said breaking the silence as he stared at Percy's newest edition Lucas who was still fast asleep.

"Which is a miracle considering how I have no idea what I am doing." Percy said just a bit jokingly. This wasn't his first child but there was some truth.

He really had no idea how but he was managing to be a father and his musing was broken when Castiel said, "I'm not shocked. You always pay attention to them when they need it even when you're busy. You play with them daily even when you have other duties to attend, you give them hope when they are down, and most of all you give them love." Cas said sincerely.

"And you would know?" Percy meant it as a joke but frowned a little even when his heart melted when Cas said yes serious and looked Percy straight in his eyes as he said the word that filled Percy's heart with love.

Percy suddenly had a goofy, lovey dovey smile as he slug an arm over Cas and said, "Come on. Let me put Luke in his bed and then we can check out 'the problem'."

"That would be strategically correct." Cas said looking at the arm with a weird face not knowing what to do.

Percy laughed and fixed Luke who almost fell out of his arms, "Come on." Percy laughed a bit as they went toward the cabins.

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