Chapter 22- Torchwood

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I was waiting for this so called Torchwood team to come back from a mission they were on. I was on the upstairs area where the leader or Captain Jack Harkness works and watched as their pet pterodactyl fly around.

Sometimes he would land next to me and I would pet him but for the most part he just did what he felt like doing and that was just flying around.

I was actually more assigned to talk to this Captain Jack Harkness about why he can't die. Thanatos asked me to and I said ok.

So, here I was just waiting a tad bored and then I heard voices coming from down the hall.

A man in a suit and his hair a bit back walked in with some coffee. He set it on his desk and then looked like he was going to deliver them to certain desks and he still hadn't noticed I was there.

I guess that was reasonable, it was like 5 o'clock in the morning now that I think about it, "Hey buddy?" I shouted, "Can you call a Captain Jack Harkness in I need to talk to him."

The guy stumbled and looked at me shocked. I just smiled and waved and the guy gave a shocked wave and then pretty much ran toward his desk and picked up the phone.

He talked through into the phone and was quiet enough that I didn't hear, I didn't feel like using godly hearing and just know what he was saying, and then he hanged up the phone and excused himself.

The pterodactyl came near me again and I just pet it as I counted down the minutes until the Torchwood team would get here.

10 minutes until everyone had their guns trained on me, the fastest that was there was the Captain the I wanted to talk to but he just kept quiet and I just waiting figuring the rest of the team wanted to talk to me too.

"Why are you here?" The good captain asked.

"If the man who called you explained, I need to talk to you Captain Jack." I said standing up from where I was sitting and as they shifted into more fighting stance I put my hands up.

"Relax. I mean no harm. A friend of mine is getting annoyed at why you are not dying and has asked me to see if you know anything." I said with a shrug.

"Why should we believe you?" A female that seemed to be the newer of the team asked

"I'm sure you know The Doctor. He can confirm that I am one Percy Jackson. That is if you call in the correct time. I never met 9."

That seemed to gather Jack's interest but he kept his gun trained on me, "I don't have the Doctor's number." he said

I frowned and thought, "Guess you're going to have to trust me." I said with a shrug, "If it helps I'm a very trustworthy person?"

Captain Jack narrowed his eyes and after he seemed to be thinking lowered his gun and hooked it to his belt, "Okay then." he said

"Jack!" The other girl said looking at Jack, "You can't be serious."

Jack ignored them for a second and trained his eyes on me, "I want to hear what he has to say. If anything happens you're right in the other room." Jack said.

Guess he didn't know I could teleport. Better not say anything right now about it then. Instead I nodded and gestured toward his office.

Jack nodded and started up the stairs and I stepped aside so he could unlock it and he had me go in first which I did so without my threat.

As he shut the door and leaned against his desk he asked, "So what is it that you want to talk about again."

"You ability to not die. My friend is getting a bit annoyed because when you do he expects your name on his list but it never is."

"Who's this friend?" Jack asked

"Thanatos the god of death." I said nonchalantly

"Like Greek Mythology?" Jack asked with a raised eyebrow

"It's all real." I said with a dismissive hand

"So how do you know this Thanatos?" Jack asked

"Oh, I'm Percy Jackson God of Loyalty. Not many people have heard of me." I said, there was an area about me but I never really looked at it.

"And why should I believe this?" Jack asked

"You don't have to." I said with a shrug," Just trying to find out why you're not dying."

"Well I actually hoping you knew. All I know that I die but don't actually die." Jack said following my shrug with one of his own.

I cursed in Greek and my eyebrow drew together, "I'll have to talk to someone else about it then." I said thinking out loud as I thought about the fates. Oh I was going to hate the upcoming conversation.

"Well, let me know when you figure it out." Jack said

I nodded and put my hand out for him to shake, "It was nice talking to you Mr.Harkness. I must be going now and I'll stop by as soon as I have the conversation that I believe will most likely have more answers."

"See you later Mr.Jackson, but next time. Knock at a reasonable hour." Captain Jack said

I smiled, "I will note. It was not my attention to wake you up early. I was just busy and thought it was later in the day than it was." Part of a trust. I only realized it was 5 o'clock when I actually entered the place. Before I thought it was like 3 in the afternoon.

"You may want to close your eyes. I'm going to be teleport out soon and I would rather not burn your eyes. Even if they will come back I would feel guilty." I said stepping away from him a bit.

Jack just snorted and dramatically closed his eyes. Taking the moment I quickly flashed away and left him to deal with his freaking out teammates.

After my great conversation with The Three Fates, turns out they have something important for Mr.Harkness and they can't cut his string until then meaning he will live for a long time until it happens.

Relaying this to the good Captain and Thanatos I was able to go back to my cabin and take a long overdue nap with my girlfriend in my arms also exhausted from working too long.

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