Chapter 8- Avengers meet Gods

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The Avengers and Loki were sitting around watching another Midgardian movie when a bright light emitted from the porch area where Thor usually lands when he comes from Asgard or New Mexico.

However Loki frowned, "Percy? Isn't there a meeting you're suppose to be?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Percy shrugged coming into the room, "They want to meet you guys and sent me, mostly because paranoid Zeus wants to make sure you're not a threat along with SHIELD. So that includes bringing Phil and Fury."

"Why Phil?" Clint asked

"Because he's a lot more cool headed than Fury." Percy supplied and ok, they had to give in to that point.

"Shall we go?" Percy asked

Tony paused the movie and Percy told them to wait outside the Empire State Building before teleporting to SHIELD's location.

The Avengers looked at each other confused at why they were heading to the Empire State Building but Loki just teleported them anyway without any consent and sat down on a bench near counting how long it would take Percy.

Minutes later Phil and Fury were beside Percy who smiled brightly at them and they followed Percy, Fury hesitantly.

Percy held out his hand in a 'give it here' that made the desk man who was reading an article about something look up and sit up straighter, "Here you go Lord Perseus, Lord Loki and Thor." The desk man said who looked like he wanted to bow but instead just nodded his head.

Percy returned it thankfully that he for once didn't have to threaten the man, "What's that?" Tony asked

"Key to the 600th floor." Percy said, "or at least where Olympus is."

"The empire state building doesn't have 600 floors." Steve said totally confused.

"Have you learned nothing Capsicle, this is the Greek Gods were talking about, they have things that we don't even know about let alone where they are. However nonscience it may be I totally want to see if Lancelot is for real about this."

Percy just rolled his eyes at Tony's nickname for him and waited until all mortals except the select few were in the elevator before putting the key in.

A button appeared and Percy pressed it.

Instantly the music changed and Percy and most of the ones in the elevator wrinkled their noses at the music.

"Who chose the music?" Phil asked

"Apollo, you would think the god of music would pick something more modern and good." Percy, "Oh and just a hint of advice, please don't ask him for a haiku, please, just...just don't." Percy said remembering how terrible Apollo's haikus were.

Before Tony could comment the elevator opened and it revealed something so astounding that most of the Avengers were gaping, the only ones who weren't were the assassins and the other two 'gods'.

Percy allowed the others to come into Olympus with the permission that Zeus has given and with that they got out of their shock and made their way out of the elevator and down the path.

There were beings that were blue, green and some that appeared from the water and trees all around. Some giggling as Percy walked by and tried to get his attention but he didn't seem to notice or was use to it.

"Hey Percy." A flirtatious voice came from nearby as knew it was Erato, one of the Muses that were companions of Apollo.

"Yes Erato?" Percy asked kindly

"Who are these people?" She asked smiling lightly

"These are the Avengers and if you may excuse us we all have a meeting to attend and I'm sure Annabeth is going to need my help as we are rebuilding our palace." Percy said in a kindly manner, he's use to Erato's flirting, reminding Erato that he does have a wife.

Erato frowned but smiled again, "See you later?" She flirted.

But Percy only gave her a sort of fake sad look that the Avengers and SHIELD saw through that he was actually disgusted, "I am sorry but I am going to have to decline for many reasons but mostly because if I don't go soon Zeus will get mad and you know how he is." There was a hint in Percy's voice that practically scream 'Denied and please don't ask again'.

Erato frowned and humphed before turning around and walking away.

As they started to walk again Percy just shook his head, Erato was a reminder how many goddess flirt with him daily and seem to forget his title and that he had a wife.

Loki just smirked, "How many goddess flirted with you today so far?"

Percy just groaned that made Loki smirk widen, "I don't want to talk about how many goddess seem to forget I have a wife and of my titles to said wife."

"At least someone is faithful." Natasha said shooting Tony a look who put his hands up innocently but it was Percy replied, "Actually I believe he is quiet loyal. Most of the articles are just gossip, you'd be surprised at how little he actually, um, connects with girls." Percy said as he read Starks loyalty to Pepper.

"Uncalled for." Tony said, "You're like a giant stalker." Tony muttered as his teammates gave him different levels of curiosity.

Before anyone of them could speak Percy butted it, "We're here please refrain from doing anything stupid. Zeus is already paranoid as it is I would rather see you tomorrow."

With that he pushed open the giant doors and walked in followed by the Avengers.  

Percy Jackson God of Loyalty (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now