Chapter 7- Achilles

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So this is a scene I'm going to use from the Movie Age of Ultron but I am not going to actually put more of Ultron movie in there because some still haven't seen it yet. Also Loki became a Avengers but doesn't really stay with them that much mostly hanging out with the Greeks or at Camp.

As the Avengers and Loki were flying away wondering where to go that Ultron didn't know Loki had an idea, the only one who Loki really got along with was Clint Barton, who forgiven him after a while, and told him where to go and that Percy would be there, CLint just nodded his head figuring this was where Loki or Percy went when they could.

After teleporting a small piece of paper that Percy would surely get he relaxed on the plane, he knew the others were silent from what they saw.

He remembered the girl who tried to enter his mind but got thrown back, almost literally. Although he had to give her create on how well she handled magic he has had centuries to learn and therefore was a lot better at resisting magic and other beings in his head.

Loki also knew that after almost a year of constantly asking him who Achilles was they were finally going to know.

Percy only recently told Camp Half-Blood that Achilles wasn't his son but a friends, they knew who, but Achilles got to stay in Percy's cabin mostly because no one dared to tell a god that the boy who he practically father was going to have to change cabins.

That and he was camp director and it was his say, the rules over the centuries were different than when Loki first met Percy, campers could sometimes sit where they lived, mostly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and that after asking Percy could sometimes have sleepovers and their friends cabin.

That rule was mostly given to the few big three children.

As they landed right outside the barrier to Camp Half-Blood there was Percy smiling as he leaned against the giant tree out of the entire forest.

"Welcome to my humble aboard." Percy said smiling and as Loki walked over the Percy calmly knowing he and Thor were already allowed in the Avengers tried to get through but ended up falling because they hit the barrier.

Percy bursted into laughter as the Avengers stumbled into one another and at the glares put his hands in the air as a 'I'm innocent' sign and let the Avengers in.

The Avengers were checking out the place they didn't notice a black hair blur start running toward them until a, "Daddy!" shouted through the air.

They expected Percy to great the 6 year old boy but what shocked them and definitely Thor was that Loki was the run to hug the young child with a smile that they only saw when Percy was all round.

"Hey Achilles, you been good while you were with Uncle Percy?" Loki asked as he picked up the small boy and put him on his shoulders.

"Yeah!" The young boy agreed as Percy smiled, "I also lost my tooth." The said boy mostly mumbled as his fingers were in his mouth showing off a missing tooth.

"That's great kiddo." Loki said mostly absently as he looked around Camp Half-Blood noting some additional cabins.

Percy, noticing Loki's wondering gaze said, "We got a few minor gods so we had to add their cabins."

Loki nodded and set his son back on the ground and bent down on his knees to really look at his son, "The grown ups need to talk, why don't you find Atlanta and see if she will play?" Loki asked

Achilles smiled and chirped a okay before sprinting back toward the arena where Atlanta was practicing with her mother.

The Avengers were still shocked and Loki was just watching his son in the distance, Percy felt a tad bit guilty for not really telling them sooner said, "That. That was Achilles, son of Loki." Percy said

The Avengers were still shocked but Thor was the one frozen, his brother never told him anything, sure he spent a lot of time of Midgard but Thor mostly thought he was just spending time with Percy, that was when he actually found out about their friendship.

But he didn't expect that Lokli, his brother, had a son.

"Come on, I'll show you around the place." Percy said, "Loki why don't you talk to Chiron about finding a place to stay."

Loki nodded and started to head toward the all familiar Big House where the centaur was as Percy started to show the Avengers around and get over their shock.

Clint loved the archery area, Steve and Bruce like the Apollo campers, Steve because of how well they could draw and Bruce because he was a doctor after all, Tony loved the Hephaestus cabin, Thor and Zeus cabin got into a fight that Percy had to break up, and finally they were at the Arena, one that Natasha was looking forward too.

As they approached the arena Tony wolf whistled as he saw Annabeth and got a glare from Percy as they made their way down the steps.

Percy shot a glare at Stark once more as Annabeth stopped practicing with a black haired, grey eyed girl who looked around 9 years old.

As they stopped practicing Percy kissed Annabeth in a greeting and didn't notice the smug look Clint sent Tony, Clint just knew from the glare that, that woman was his wife, it's a very distinctive look.

"Mom, Dad." the girl to their right whinned, "Stop with the kissing. It's gross."

"Maia has been rubbing off on you." Percy replied smiling at his youngest daughter.

"Please, I just don't want to see two old people kissing. Let alone my mom and dad." The girl said crossing her arms.

"Do we need to have the BIrds and the Bees." Percy replied grinning loving to embarrass his daughter, but winced as Annabeth elbowed him in the gut as their daughter got a horrified look and the Avengers chuckling silently to not interrupt this family scene.

"Mom can we stop, I'm tired." The girl said this time to her mother as she really did look like she could use a nap.

"Hi Tired i'm dad." Percy replied cheekily.

Atlanta shot her father a glare that didn't bother him at all, in fact it made him smile more. Annabeth rolled her eyes at her husband and to her daughter replied, "Yes we can rest, we need to talk to the Avengers anyway." Atlantia let out a triumph and started to go away dragging Achilles behind her.

Then Annabeth turned to the Avengers, "Let's talk about Ultron shall we." She said kindly leading them toward the Big House.

So that's it for this scene, I didn't want to divulge too much into Avengers Age of Ultron mostly because some people still haven't seen it. So that's the only part from it, I'll think of something to keep this series going but suggestions would be cool.  

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