Chapter 4- Avengers

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So the timing and stuff is going to be a bit messed up but imagine that the timeline for Percy Jackson series was before World War two but the demigods of Zeus and Poseidon still battled Hades demigod. Overall, the timeline is just plain messed up, just remember that Percy is older than Steve really.

The next time Percy saw him was when Loki was in a cage. 

He waited until Fury left after the 'ant and boot' talk and made sure he locked the doors before appearing before the shadows.

When Loki turned as he felt a presence he felt shame. Yes he contacted his friend but after three years?

He felt like a horrible friend.

"Sup Lok's." Percy said nonchalantly as he knew the Avengers and Fury were watching.

He also knew Fury was trying to open the door but he's had years of practice to mastering the art of freezing water and when frozen water and machine doors don't exactly mix.

Loki flinched expecting his friend to be mad, "Percy?" Loki said in almost disbelief as if it was weird that his friend answered his call.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Percy said grinning before his face fell developing into a soldier mask, "It's time isn't it? The deal has come?" Percy asked, his voice low and fearing the answer.

All Loki did was avert his eyes, shoulders dropping, and nodded solemn.

In response Percy's shoulders squared themselves and he looked ready for war, "Loki I made a promise and I'm going to keep it." Percy said seriously.

"Percy I can't have you die." Loki said looking at his friend, almost pleading to let it go.

Percy said in a low dangerous voice, "Do you remember that deal we made five years ago."

Loki nodded not looking at his friend as his heart ached for his son, he missed three birthdays after he was called away.

"How do you think Achilles would react to learn you are dead." Percy asked seriously.

Loki visibly winced loud and clear that didn't take a friend, assassins, or even his brother to know Percy struck a chord, "Let me help you...for Achilles."

Loki's shoulders sagged as if the world was on his shoulders and he was losing, he nodded and Percy looked relieved as he put his hand on the glass cage, "I'll take to the Avengers, explain what's happening. You're not alone Loki, never again." Percy said and instantly unfroze the door as it opened revealing Agents of Shield who pointed their guns at him, Percy clogged the guns with ice and walked by them to the central room.

Instantly when he got in every agent of SHIELD had guns aimed at him. Percy just sighed and looked at Thor who looked surprised that Percy was here, "Thor would you please call them off."

"I'm the one in charge here and when I know you aren't a danger than I will have them lower their weapons." The eye patch man said as the Avengers were sitting, or standing in some cases, and were watching Percy with careful eyes.

Percy's eyes hardened, "I could've killed everyone here with my devine form already." Percy said mostly looking either at Fury or Thor.

Thor's eyes widen considerable as he knew it would've also killed him and quickly said, "Lord Perseus they mean no disrespect."

Of course Thor didn't exactly know that Percy didn't like titles but made sure he didn't let that show, he didn't want to scare the Norse demigod more.

Percy just pinched his nose and muttered, "I hate formality."

"Wait, back up. Did Point-Break just call this dude a Lord. He can't be older than, what? 18?"

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