lmao i'm gonna get shit for this

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ok so like what really grinds my gears is:

my name is symphony lyric, lmao my dad abuses me amd i hurt myself. @school people push me into lockers n call me emu. WhatEver i just go home listen to emo music and swear a band T. did i mention that my hair is neon purple w cotton candy pinbk and the only shoes i have in my closet are doc martins ???¿ anyways i hate preps and fake fans so the haters are my motivators. i just moved to  new Jersey n there's this cute boy named gerd n wow is he cute wowowo. he's in my art class n we pretty much love each other. "Hi ur so different from everoyne else" he sed
Lmao yea " i said popping the p. i may have been severely depressed in the first two chapters before we fell in love @ first sight but now i'm not yeah

okay listen.

i cannot count the amount times that someone throws in a mental illness like severe depression- which is rarely portrayed accurately and a self-injury disorder. sometimes these plot tropes are just for shock and are totally uneducated?????????????? if you're going to do something like this, that's fine, it's your story. but here's some information that could do you good to know?

people who harm themselves usually have backgrounds of:

“ People who have a history of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
People who have co-existing problems of substance abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or eating disorders.

Individuals who were often raised in families that discouraged expression of anger.

Individuals who lack skills to express their emotions and lack a good social support network.”

and wait there's more!

“ Personality disorders (particularly BPD).
Substance use disorders.
Bipolar disorder, Major Depression, Anxiety disorders (particularly obsessive-compulsive disorder) and Schizophrenia.

— Goldberg, Joseph, MD. "Self-Injury Disorder."WebMD. N.p., 11 Feb. 2014. Web. 10 Oct. 2015.

idk i mean i just found this on a website i literally JUST googled you don't have to listen to dr.joseph, it can be strenuous work to look up a major character trait.

esp when you have to go through the trouble of just typing self harm disorders, severe depression, and quite literally: how to portray a character with mental illness.

here's a quick tip:

“Mental disorders are not for funsies. They don’t make your character cooler. There are actual people out in the world right now who live with the mental disorder you’re using to give your character some extra pizzazz, so try to bear that in mind as you write.”

— C. "This Is a Towel: Mental Disorders." W R I T E W O R L D. C, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.

ok ok i'm done being sassy.

but please respect people's mental illnesses. don't do it for fun or for shock. especially domestic violence. just because you throw in an abusive father doesn't always mean that your character fits the bill for what you're trying to portray. #dontbeignant

ok and with emos.



that is so rude. sO rude. separate emos with mental disorders please. that's such an overused and gross stereotype wtf. esp with the cutting.

okay and the unusually unique name????? there are awesome names out there! and unique ones, too! but what in the fuck is this “symphony lyric” shenanigans? you can have a rad name for your character! that's fine!! here! let me help you!



once again. not hard to do. and their name isn't ‘Ultraviolet Larouex’.

that's a name people have used. i swear.





i make mistakes all the time. everyone does. but when ur typign lyk this -.- !!!! itz so annoyign!¡

and people who don't develop their characters


then they die.
for shock.
stop tyna fuck w me idc.

ur character literally is the same person they were when i started to read this.

i mean like.. duh.. but you know??? they don't change. no one is the same person as they were the day before, you know? if you said yeah...



characters that are static literally make me want to never read again.

yeah. so that's about it.

class dismissed bitches.

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