Stress Seizures Are Back Boy

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I have to take off work and I fucking took off two weeks instead of one and I took the first week back and said I can work that first week but instead they have me working Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday of next week which is fine but I can't fucking so Tuesday and i've been taking off so much I feel so bad which is why I took back the first out of the two weeks off anyways and is fucking back firing and i need someone to just fucking take my Tuesday shift it's like three fucking hours and i know no one is gonna fucking take it and my mom is screaming about it but I feel like shit calling and i psychically or mentally can't bring myself to do it it's just that this week has been hectic and i could have fit in work but next week was a shit idea bc of all the plans I had to rearrange ND that ducked but i can't rearrange this plan and this one is the most important an di just had a seizure bc of everything going on my blood pressure has been fucking through the roof I just need this one thing to work out please for the love of fucking god just kill me please just fucking kill me i know if I post it no one will take it in our work chat I'm fucking

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