not kobra kidding

110 13 2

fucking fans who get on other fans about not knowing as much about a group/band/etc piss me off oh my gOD i'm gonna cut you if you do that. especially when you're new to a fandom and you're not as knowledgeable as anyone else...

b c    y o u r    f u c k i n    n e w

and you have those pretentious fans that are like “well i've been a fan since day one and you're not as good of a fan because you're new”


l i s t e n

everyone is as much of a fan as anyone else if it's what they love. getting defensive is not okay when you're welcoming someone new into this fan community and honestly, you were new at some point.

so what makes you any different from this person?

just oh my god if you for a second think you're better than a new member of a community because you've been around longer i will fucking punch you i hate that there are mcr/5sos/fob/sws/bvb  w h a t e v e r fandoms out there where people are nearly bullying new members because they're so pretentious and want to get down on other people about how elitist shit they are.


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