project runway jr

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me: *just on my phone trying to live my life*

mom: *talks my ear off about shit that literally doesn't fucking matter to me that's really fucking superficial*

me: okay

mom: *barks at me about how something must be wrong with me because i never talk to her and am always on my phone*

me: school takes the shit out of me. i'm tired and i just want to write sorry i don't really want to hear about how your pants aren't billowy enough and how you want billowy pants. i'm tired.

mom: *screams at me for being sassy and having an attitude. says i should leave when i'm 18 bc she can't stand how i am to her.*

me: *tells her i will because here are the preplanned solutions i have when i leave and hell, i have plans already mapped out to leave sooner with other people who have also planned it out as well*

mom: *criticizes all of my plans and makes it so that it's impossible to leave.*


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