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went to chicago to see frank. i had some really bad anxiety dreams the night before because i wanted to meet him and not mess up. that was very little sleep too, i stayed up late in order to write frank a letter. i was vibrating for the entire day, literally, just an excited mess. i wasn't even hungry but i got some guacamole and that's pretty alright bc that guacamole was fucking awesome.

we waited in the cold for an hour before we got in.

the lady searching us for shit threw out my guacamole though like???? hoe yeah i'm gonna eat some god damn guacamole and chips and shit during frank's set.

but ok.

i was super pumped bc frank made homemade shirts and shit but they sold out. i was really bummed because they sold out when i got into line.

there was a smaller sent of 2 bands and i bought their merch. it's really cool looking, one's an xl so pray for me.

then i got into the concert hall and the bands were performing. me and my friend were in the back but i pushed us through to a pretty close spot.

stage 4 came on and i fucking lost my shit it was so sad. i wanted to punch whoever kept screaming frank's name because it was fucking bloodcurdling.

he wrapped up the set and we made our way to the great outdoors only to wait in the cold for two + hours and i wanted death.

we didn't get to meet him. but i met someone who was going to give him my letter and i hope he really does.

because honestly i just want to die i'm so fucking sad i couldn't meet him because that letter was such a fucking personal thing to me but

idk the guy said he'd text me what frank says. i @ed him just to let him know i wasn't able to meet him but i was super grateful he came to chicago. i'm probably gonna cry when i get home.

the entire experience

the good and the bad all hit me so hard all at once i fucking feel sick to my stomach.

praying that my letter gets to frank.

definitely plan on seeing him again because, shit, it was such a good show.

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