got tagged by satan now it's your turn you fucks

72 7 21

➖snuck out: yeah

➖broken a bone: nah. i'm a god amoungst men.

➖cried myself to sleep: i did last night. frank iero is a fuck.

➖been arrested: lmao?

➖felt lonely: nah

➖been depressed: mmm ye

what's your:

➖birthday: december fourth

➖biggest fear: being a fuck up

➖dream job: acting

➖dream car: '69 (lmao) charger

➖dream house: they say home is where the heart is so...

gerard way's prostate

do you:

➖like someone: mhm

➖love someone: gerard way

➖have tattoos: yea?

➖have piercings: yeah.

➖party: yeah.


➖artist(s): gerard way, frnk iero, logic, kanye, mcr, 21 anuses, fob, patrick stump, keaton henson, paramore, not halsey (don't ever try to talk to me about halsey), electric century, daughter, dark dark dark, timber timbre, and the motherfucking white stripes.

➖movie: mmm gotta say labyrinth. it's such a fucking trip.

➖song: stage 4 fear of trying

➖netflix series: fresh off the boat

➖book: the kite runner

➖color: white

➖animal: gazelle

this or that:

➖twitter or facebook: fb

➖twitter or instagram: insta

➖facebook or instagram: fuck you

➖coke or pepsi: both

➖tea or coffee: both

➖tacos or pizza: burritos

➖winter or summer: summer

would you ever:

➖get married: yeah

➖have kids: maybe adopt

listen motherfucker

this body is a temple

➖swim with sharks: i go to school w fuckboys so i already do

➖eat rotten food: corn flakes are just moldy caramelized bread flakes so...

what's good kelloggs?

➖marry a foreigner: yeah..????

i nominate 10 people
1. electric_nosebleed
2. emperorsnewclothes
3. Fabbyulous1
4. frnkierohno
5. ierosan
6. ImNotAWayIPromise
7. Killjoy_KeepRunning
8. MCR_Is_Life
9. moongerard
10. NotMikeyWay1

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