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I know. He doesn't need to tell me. He doesn't need to treat me like I don't know my friend wants to fucking kill themselves 24/7 he doesn't need to show me the screenshots like I don't check his update tags religiously. he doesn't need to treat me like it doesn't bother me when i fucking cry everytime after school when he says he doesn't want to live anymore. It fucking hurts and you're damn wrong if you think I don't care. He's my best friend so fucking back off telling me what we need to do to make things better because im constantly trying to make him want to stay and it never fucking works OK

110% isnt enohgh sometimes just get it through your god damn skull but don't fuckinv tell me. i know what's going on because i keep tabs on it like a fucking overbearing parent so fuck you.

i'm trying to take care of my mom. she's having episodes and can't take care of herself without me. and i work. i'm trying my best to take care of him too and make time to make sure that i can take care of me too so i swear up and down if you come to me one for motherfucking timento tell me that he's suicidal and i'm not being proactive I will fucking punch you in the face.

That's my best friend you stupid fuck You think i'm that in the dark? Fuck you.

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