tagged by emperorsnewclothes

36 1 1

1. i have a crush on like 5 people bc i'm a hoe

2. did you mean perspicaciousness?

3. not many sry


5. shield? idk i don't like shield and i don't like hydra. they're both hot messes.

6. filthy frank motherfucker

7. idk i've always been drawn to people with hazel / brown eyes- even just as friends too- but yeah, i like people who have hair that's a little long, like patrick verona or gerard way danger days long- OoOOO boy. and idk like i dig someone who's my height if not taller- idk fair skin and fine bone structure.

like ik that's super picky but honestly i am always down for any decent looking human being with a good heart and sense of humor.

8. it's cash money fam

9. apollo bc you're my sun

10. idk probably neon genesis evangelion

11. who the fuck

12. what the fuck

13. anyone that doesn't respect other fucking human beings from their rights to speak to their right to fucking live bye

ain't taggin nobody do it if u want

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