about me

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lmao enjoy this totally legit photog of me and my bestie gerad way.

1.) what’s your first name? clark

2.) how old are you? 17 on december 4th b)

3.) what’s your favorite subject in school? creative writing

4.) coffee or tea? both wtf

5.) what are your main ships? me x gerard way

5.) do you have any notp’s? bert and gerard like wtf is that berard gert gerart sounds like fart to me sir i will not be participating in that ship

6.) what is your sexuality? idk dudes i think.

7.) what is your current relationship status? dating gerard way...


no he's not married.

8.) who is your favorite singer/band?
the white stripes/jack white
mcr/gerard wayand the hormones

9.) use song lyrics to describe your current or last relationship

holy shit this is stupid but okay.

“i heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too
so i stayed in the darkness with you.”

10.) if you were immortal, what would you do with your life? buy a lot of dogs

11.) if you only had 24 hours left to live, who would you spend it with and what would you be doing? gerard way. i'd like to just have coffee with him idk

12.) do you have any scars? yeah, on my fists

13.) what is your favorite type of flower? narcissus

14.) what are your dreams for the future? being alive would be ideal ngl

15.) what is your current favorite show? new girl

16.) would you like to have kids one day. if so, how many? depends.

17.) use song lyrics to describe your best friend

“well are you ready ray?
how bout you frank?
oh i'm there baby.
how bout you mikey?
fuckin' ready.
well i think i'm alright.”

18.) use song lyrics to describe your life

“all i wanna do is (bang bang bang bang!)
and (kkkaaaa ching!)
and take your money”

19.) any advice you would give to your younger followers?

what the fuck are you doing here get out

20: funniest thing that's ever happened to you?
i touched the lead singer of parachutes ass and that was funny to me

in hindsight

21: ever had food thrown/slapped into your face? why? pancakes. i was reenacting something for science.

22: weirdest thing you've worn in public? a onsie of sorts that we won't talk about

23: hottest cartoon/comic/anime character in your opinion? i'm not really attracted to anime characters in the sense of who's hot bc they're drawings but grey from rebirth was pretty ok

24: if you were living in a story book, what genre would your book be? dangerdayspartypoisoni'mcominforya

25: if you could dye your hair any color without being judged, what color would it be? lmao idc i'm doing it anyways. i'm going white.

26: most embarrassing moment of your life? my friend asked me to take a picture with the tech guy from false puppet. i was uncomfortable. he was uncomfortable. we both looked uncomfortable. and i feel bad bc he was really cool and i dug him and now i hope i don't see him next year bc it was cringey

27: had any awkward kisses? oh boy have i

28: how far would you go to gain somebodies love? i.e playing music outside their window at midnight.

for gerard way i'd go through the seven rings of the inferno

29: if you could be any cartoon/comic/anime character, which would you be?
lmao um

30: what color are your socks? i actually hate socks so i never wear them.
i have three pairs though, they're all white

31: biggest pet peeve? omg i'm so gross i hate this picture is the caption of someone's selfie as they fucking post it. at this point i'm like lmao yeah you're kinda gross.

32: top five things that make you happy?
gerard way being happy
other people being happy
scary movies

33: are you a day or night person?
as long as it's thunder storming violently it doesn't matter if it's day or night

34: how long do you think you'd last if you were lost on a deserted island?
i'm going on a cruise this christmas i don't want to think about these things i just saw green inferno and chipwrecked i don't need this kind of drama in my life.

35: favorite quote/picture/movie scene?

“and did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
i did.
and what did you want?
to call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.”

36: phobias?

fear of meeting gerard way and having him be disinterested entirely in me and moving onto meeting someone else

so not being good enough i think?

oh and taking a picture with gerard way and him looking good and me looking ugly af. bc i take fire selfies sometimes but i'm not that photogenic.

tag ten?

idk it was supposed to be ten facts about yourself but tbh i found this and i liked it better.


lmao idrc about anyone else so what's that..? 5? ok.

ily Killjoy_KeepRunning

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