Chapter 11- "Hes Back, Yeah No Shit"

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"Run!!!" I screamed, running towards the door that we had come in from,
"Get back to the door!" Harry screamed with me, we opened up the door and we all jumped inside, only instead of the ground that we had expected to hit, we didn't hit the ground. In fact, we didn't hit anything at all! It was a room full of darkness and nothing else! We then began to fall.
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" I screamed along with everyone else. I felt the wind blowing my hair back as we fell towards our death, this sucks! I didn't even get to graduate and get married and have kids! Before I could finish my thoughts be we had stopped in mid-air, inches away from the ground, and then we were dropped to the floor. We quickly got up and looked around; I looked over in a corner and suddenly heard voices, multiple voices.
It looks like we aren't done yet.
I looked around the room or should I say hall? Grand entrance? I'm not entirely sure right now; my mind is spinning around like a tornado. Then as quickly as the voices started, they stopped. Now I'm worried, suddenly everything went dark. I heard a scream from beside me before I was grabbed. Hermione. Before I could let out a scream as well my mouth was covered, I was dragged away in the dark as I thrashed around trying to let them know that something was going on. Then someone turned the lights back on and I realized that we were all captured besides Harry, we were formed in a semi like circle that surrounded him. The only thing you could hear was my muffled voice; quite frankly I think they're lucky that they can't here what's coming out of my mouth.
"What are you going to do now Potter? Give us the prophecy to save your friends? Or watch them die?" Lucius taunted, I bit the man who was holding me and thrashed around,
"Don't do it Harry! Don't do it!" I cried, the man; who I now realized was Peter Pettigrew, punched me in the back of the head as I grunted in pain.
"Hey don't touch her!" I heard Seamus cry from across the room, I looked up and smiled at him in reassurance. Something I haven't done in a very long time.
"Harry if you give him the prophecy than we're all doomed!" Hermione stepped in, I nodded in agreement,
"Yeah plus if you mess this up I'm gonna kill you" Alexis added.
"What do you choose Potter?" Lucius asked, harry looked up.
"I choose...." Suddenly he took his wand out,
"Stuplify!" he cried, Lucius took out his wand and blocked it,
"Wrong choice Potter" as he sent another spell back at Harry, as they dulled I stepped on Pettigrew's foot as he yelped in pain,
"You're gonna get it you little brat!" he cried, running after me, hitting me with spell after spell. Did he just say what I think I heard? Ew! I'm not into him like that!
"Yeah I hate to tell you this but I'm not interested! I'm not about the bestiality life!" I screamed back; defending myself. I heard Alexis laughing from a distance, suddenly a spell hit me as I fell to the ground, I groaned as I massaged the side that was hit as I looked up, Bellatrix. My dear cousin, she smirked at me as she raised her wand.
"Avada-" suddenly she was thrown to the side as I looked over, I only just realized that in the middle of the room there was a rock type thing that was a portal. And guess who was walking threw it? My dad. Along with Lupin, Kingsley, Tonks (a woman who was introduced to me a while back as Lupins lady friend wink wink) and a few others. Dad walked in front of me and looked at Bellatrix,
"Don't you dare touch my daughter" he exclaimed in anger, he looked at me with a twinkle in his eye before going off to duel Bellatrix. I smiled thinking to myself that my dad is way too cool. I got up and looked back at Pettigrew and smirking,
"Well what are you waiting for? Come at me!" I yelled before hitting him with a spell that made him fall to the ground, unconscious.
"Well that was easy" I said before looking over, only to see Seamus being cornered by two death eater,
"Well it looks like someone needs help" I said to myself in amusement as I casually skipped over and hit one of them with a spell from behind,
"Reducto" I said as he fell to the ground, the other death eater turned around and tried hitting me with a spell but was soon on the ground as well as I saw Seamus with his wand pointed at him as he smiled in content.
"Thanks" he said quietly, I smiled.
"No problem! That's what friends are for!" I replied, his face seemed to fall as he just nodded. I turned around and began walking away, then I saw that my dad was losing to Bellatrix. And she knew this too.
"Are you ready to die Sirius?" I heard her ask,
"Nope not really" he replied back, sounding exhausted. I gasped as he suddenly fell to the ground,
"Well it looks like the end of you Sirius" she cackled, she held up her wand,
"NO" I screamed as I ran as fast as I could, hitting her with a spell that I didn't even know I knew; I looked over and saw that my dad was okay. She quickly got up and looked at me,
"Avada Kadava!" she screamed, pointing the wand at me, I was hit with a bright green light as I was thrown across the room, I felt so much pain at once that I didn't know what to focus on.
"AH" I cried, curling up into a little ball as I started seeing black spots,
"Scar!" I heard multiple yells, it hurt to hear them as I winced in pain, yup my ear is damaged. Great. I looked up to see that Bellatrix was suddenly unconscious, well that was fast. I saw everyone running over to me before I blacked out.
"NO" I heard Scar yell, I looked over and saw her defend her father as he was almost hit with the killing curse, when suddenly Bellatrix quickly got up and shot a spell at her,
"Avada Kavada!" she cried as she hit Scar square in the chest, a bright green light carried her across the room as she was thrown against the wall. I felt my heart sink,
"Scar!" me and multiple others yelled, running over to her. Bellatrix tried to get up but I pointed my wand at her in anger,
"Reducto!" I screamed as she cried out in pain and fell to the ground, I then ran over to where Scar was, to see that she was already unconscious.
"Scar?" I whispered, I fell to the ground next to her father as a tear slipped from my eye,
"Scar?" I tried again, this time my voice cracking, I put my hand on her cheek and felt that it was still warm, hope flashed inside me as I felt her neck, I felt a pulse. It was weak, but it was still there,
"Guys she's still breathing" I gasped, Sirius felt her pulse as well and smiled,
"There's still hope! She might make it" he exclaimed, picking her up,
"I'll take her to the hospital wing" he stated; then walked over to the rock that lets you transport anywhere, I looked down.
"I really hope she's okay" I whispered, before anyone could answer we heard a chuckle from behind that made us all shiver. We all turned around and saw him.....Voldemort.
Voldemort stood in front of the trio and the others. He was smirking, knowing of what just happened. He was watching in the shadows as it all played out,
"Well, well, isn't it Harry Potter and his friends. But I see that one's missing? What happened yo Scarlet? She dead?" he asked, no, mocked. It was getting to everyone, especially Seamus. Seamus glared and took out is wand along with everyone else, Voldemort put up his hands in surrender,
"Now we don't need to be so harsh, why don't we just talk about things?" he teased, everyone glared, holding their ground. Voldmort frowned,
"No? fine" suddenly he vanished into thin air, they all looked around when suddenly they heard a thud, they all turned around and saw that Harry was on the ground thrashing in pain, they all tried to come closer to Harry but he looked up, his eyes a different colour green from before. Almost a snake like.
Suddenly someone came out from one of the fireplaces, everyone turned and saw that it was Dumbledore,
"Harry" Dumbledore said as he jogged over, looking down at him, Harry looked up.
"You're too late, you lost old fool" suddenly Harry began to laugh, but it didn't sound like Harry at all
"Harry you must overcome this!" Dumbledore stated,
"He can't hear you old man!" Voldemort replied,
"Harry remember who you are, who your friends and family are. You are not him, you're nothing like him! Show me, show me!" Dumbledore cried
Once I heard those words I tried fighting back, I looked over and saw Voldemort,
"You're the one who's lost, you have no idea what it's like to love, or to have friends or family" I said, I felt him weaken as I began to sweat,
"You should be ashamed, you may be able to take over peoples thoughts and memories, but not mine" then I began to fight him in my mind, this went on for a few minutes when suddenly I heard a huge scream as widows from all around us shattered and fell on the ground, suddenly the glass came towards me and started to form a dome like shape until it froze and Voldemort was standing right above me in his glass dome, he smirked and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry Potter but you may be able to control yourself now. But I promise you that I will kill everyone that you love" he smirked, suddenly the Ministry came out from the fireplace and saw Voldemort, they gasped as he looked up, suddenly disappearing as the glass fell all around me.
Dumbledore helped me to my feet as we walked by the Ministry, only hearing.
"He's back" yeah no shit, right now I'm too tired to think of anything else, we walked towards the rock portal and went through it, leading us back to Hogwarts. We walked through the doors as we walked down the hallway, my friends right behind us, we got stares from everyone, but at this time all I cared about was if Scar was okay. We opened the doors to the Hospital Wing and saw Scar laying there on a bed, her eyes closed and breathing softly, but it was irregular. I lied down on the bed that was beside her and I looked up at Madam Pomfrey,
"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, drinking the medicine that she just gave to me,
"I'm not entirely sure Mr. Potter, she was hit with the killings curse after all, shes pretty damn lucky to be alive right now" she replied,
"But right now you should be getting some rest, that medicine should be kicking in soon" she finished, and as much as I didn't want too, she was right I was feeling rather drowsy. I nodded. I closed my eyes as my friends left, I turned over and opened my eyes and stared at Scar before closing them once more,
"Scar please be alright" I whispered before slipping into darkness.  

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