Chapter 2- The Nightmare or Vision? Meeting a Dementor

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As soon as I fell asleep my mind filled with nightmares,


(I was 4)

I opened my eyes and found myself in a living room; there was a yellow couch and some chairs along with an old TV. On the couch was a man and a woman. The man's face was blurry so I couldn't see what he looked like, and the
woman's face was blurred as well, I looked down and saw a little girl on the man's lap that looked a lot like me, then as I looked closer

I realized that she was me!
"Haha Daddy, Daddy! read one more! " I squealed, hugging onto this man that I called 'daddy' he chuckled,
"Now, now Scar, its time for bed " little me pouted,
"But dadddd" little me whined, the lady chuckled,
"Come on honey, its just one more book, just read it to her " the lady said, the man sighed,
"Okay but this is the last story alright? " little me giggled and nodded,
"Yes daddy I promise! " he chuckled,
" you better thank your mother young lady because she was the one who got me to say yes " little me giggled once again
and turned to the lady that was my 'mom',
"Thanks Mommy! " the lady chuckled while stroking my hair,
"Its alright Midnight " she giggled, somehow the name seemed really familiar to me, but before the man could read there was a banging on the door, they all got up off the couch.
"Oh no, it cant be-" the man cut her off,
"It is though Elizabeth" the man said, so her name is Elizabeth? they both looked over at little me and the lady that
was called Elizabeth grabbed me,
"Come with me Scarlet, you must hide while daddy and I take care of this okay? " little me looked at her,
"What's wrong mommy? " the lady sighed,
"There are bad people outside and mommy and daddy have to have talk with them okay? you remember the hiding spot right? " I nodded,
"Good, now go hide " the lady said, I saw myself hide inside a little air vent the was on the ceiling, I then looked over and saw that the door was broken down and a man with a cloak came in,
"Voldemort" the man said with hatred,
" ah so you know me ________, I was hoping you would " when he said his name it was cut off so I didn't get to hear it,
"Now lets get down to business, you can either join me? or I kill you and the rest of your family " Voldemort said,
"I'd rather die then join the likes of you " the lady said, Voldemort chuckled,
"Very well than " and he raised up his wand at her,
"Avada Kedavra " he said as he raised his wand at the lady,
"NOOOO!!! " the man yelled as he watched his wife drop to the ground, lifeless, the man looked up,
"Now, you can either join me, or end up just like your wife " the man looked at him before raising his wand,
"REDUCTO! " the man yelled, Voldemort deflected it, they sent spells back and forth until the man finally
hit a blow on him. Voldemort looked at him,
"We will meet again one day, I can promise you that " and then he was gone, the man ran over to where little me was hiding, he took me out and I saw that I was crying,
"M-Mama?? " she asked with tears falling down,
"Come on Midnight, let me take you somewhere " he said as they walked out of the house, then the scene changed to
where the man and little me where outside in front of a house, the man had put a spell on me to where I was asleep,
he knocked on the door and two people opened the door, no was my parents! they looked at him,
" _____? what are you doing here? " the man looked down then looked up again,
"Elizabeth's dead " they gasped,
"I don't want Scar to go through this, she's in danger if she stays with me so I was wondering if... " they both nodded,
"If we would take care of her? of course! " he sighed,
"Thank you " he said, they nodded while they took me from his arms, but before he left, he pointed his wand at my head,
"I don't want you to remember this night, it's for the best that you don't remember me or your mother right now. But I promise that I will come back" Little me watched her father with tears in her eyes.
"Daddy?" was the last thing she said.
"Obliviate " he whispered as I watched the man take away my memories before me. I watched as they walked inside with me in their arms and I watched the man that was my father walk away in the rain.

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