Chapter 4- Chosen

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After I ran out of the room I walked silently down the hallway as the gang caught up with me,
"Brilliant isn't he! Completely demented of course. Terrifying to be in the same room with, he's really BEEN there you know." I heard Ron say,
Hermione whacked him as she looked at me in concern,
"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom. I mean did you see Neville's face. Anyway,
Scar, are you okay? " as I was about to answer I saw Neville at the side of the staircase, looking out blankly, I walked up to him and gently put a hand on his shoulder.
"Neville? are you alright? " I ask, he just looks at me blankly as Prof. Moody walks towards us,
"Son. You alright? " Moody asks, well of course he's not alright you bloody idiot you've just shown us the cruciatus curse, the same
curse that Neville's parents had to go through, but Neville nodded anyway,
"Come on, we'll have a cup of tea, I have to show you something " and surprisingly, Neville followed him up the stairs without a word.

After we left we ended up going to the goblet room where the cup was, we all watched as people put their names in the cup,
suddenly the twins ran in screaming and cheering,
"Yeah, well lads we've done it " George started,
"Cooked it up just this morning " Fred continued, soon both Hermione, Kristen and I all realized what they were doing, we all laughed,
"It's not going to work " the three of us said in sync, they sat down beside us,
"Oh yeah? " Fred started,
"And why is that Ms. Granger? Ms. Black? and Ms. Evens? " George finished, I giggled,
"You see this? " I asked, pointing at the line around the cup, they nodded,
"This is an age line " Kristen continued,
"Dumbledore cooked it up himself " Hermione finished,
"So? " they asked, I laughed,
"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion " I replied,
but all they did was smile at me,
"Ah but that's why its so brilliant, because its so pathetically dimwitted " they both answered, then they got up and walked in front of the line.
"Ready Fred? "
"Ready George "
"Bottoms up " they both said, drinking their potion, next they jumped in between the age line and the cup, they looked at each other for a few seconds...and nothing happened.
Everyone cheered, they put their names in the cup and nothing happened, the cheers grew, I leaned over to Seamus,
"5, 4, 3, 2" and I mouthed 1 while pointing at the twins and watched as they changed into two old men and were forced out of the
"You said "
"You said " was all they could say before a fight took place, everyone was cheering them on until it became quiet, I slowly turned around
and saw that Dumstrang boy, Victor Krum, he put his name in the cup and looked over at Hermione before walking away, Hermione
blushed and looked down,
"Hey! what was that I just saw? a blush from Hermione Granger?? it cant be! " I said to Hermione, she giggled,
"Shut up Scar " all I could do was laugh at her as we walked out of the room.

A few days later we were back in the Goblet room where people were being chosen as one of the players,
"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection! " we were all silent as the first name flew out
of the cup and into his hand,
"The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum!" everyone in Slytherin cheered as Victor got up and walked down the hall towards
Dumbledore, he shook the teachers hands and went down the hallway towards the basement hall, soon after another
piece of paper flew out of the cup and landed in his hand,
"The champion from Beauxbatons... Fleur Delacour" I heard all the Ravenclaws clapping and cheering for her as she walked out of the
hall in the same direction as Victor, I looked over only to see Dumbledore with another piece of paper in his hand,
" The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory. " all the Hufflpuffs cheered as he to walked down the hallway towards the basement,
when we left we all turned to Dumbledore,
"Excellent! we now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this
chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the tri-wizard cup " Dumbledore was suddenly interrupted as the cup lit up on fire once again as
one more paper came out, Dumbledore caught it and looked at it, his eyes went wide,
"Harry Potter " he whispered, wait what?
"Harry Potter " he said louder, Harry was so shocked that he couldn't get up,
"HARRY POTTER! " Dumbledore yelled, I grabbed Harry and shoved him to his feet, he slowly walked over to Dumbledore and took
the paper from him, he looked at it, confusion written all over his face, he slowly walked out as we heard people say,
"HE'S A CHEAT! " someone said,
"HE'S NOT EVEN 17 YET! " someone else replied, I looked around at everyone in the room, I knew that Ron was upset and jealous,
just as everyone else was, but Hermione and I were down right confused, oh Harry, what happened to you?

A few days later I was at the lakeside with Harry and Neville, we found out that Ron and Kirsten were upset and so far they haven't talked to Harry at all,
"Amazing! " I heard Neville say; picking up something from the lake, I giggled,
"Amazing! " he said once again, Harry looked at him,
"Neville you're doing it again " Harry stated,
"Oh sorry " he replied, I smacked Harry,
"Ow! what was that for? " I sighed,
"Don't ruin his fun Harry" I replied, as Harry was about to reply we both looked over and saw Hermione, Kristen, Ron and Ginny coming
over towards us, oh god, Ron whispered something in Hermione's ear as she walked over to us,
"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you. " wait, what?
"Is that right? well............what? " Harry asked, I giggled, she sighed and went back to Ron, he whispered something in her ear and
walked back towards us,
" Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't ask me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you " She replied, ohhhhh ok now I get it,
"Oh yeah? well you can tell Ron that- " Hermione cut him off,
"I'm not an owl! " she yelled, turning around and walking away with the rest of the gangs, I still don't understand why Ron couldn't
have just told Harry himself. Boys.
"Come on Scar, lets go " Harry said, packing everything up and putting it in his bag,
"Okay " I replied walking up the hill with him, but I couldn't help but develop a bad feeling in my stomach, I don't know why,
but I have a bad feeling about the first challenge that is going to be faced ahead of Harry in the tournament.  

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