Chapter 7- Caught

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So I'll go over a little summery about what had happened over the winter break. Basically, after the little kiss incident happened Harry and I it was really awkward between the two of us the entire time (at least I didn't have to see Draco though; that would've been even worse). Especially when you spend the entire winter break with them, but during winter break Harry had a strange dream about Mr.Weasley being attacked by a snake. Soon, we realized that it had actually come true, we took Mr. Weasley to the hospital. After he got out we finally spent Christmas together. Then Harry and I learned more about my fathers background. Apparently the Blacks hated my dad because he was put into Griffyndor instead of Slythern. They banished him from their home and he ended up living with Harry's father, James Potter. When I heard about then I became enraged, who could throw their own kid out on the street just because they were put on another house? oh well, my family is pretty messed up if you think about it. Anyway, now we're all back at Hogwarts, it really is good to be home.
"Harry! Scar! Alexis!" I heard Hermione and Ron yell from across the great hall, we all looked up as they stopped in front of us, panting slightly.
"Hagrid's back" Hermione said,
"What? really?" I asked, all they did was nod as the three of us looked at each other, smiled and got up to run towards Hagrid's hut.
We ran by Draco's group as we were heading near the courtyard towards Hagrids hous. He looked at me and tried to gain my attention but all I did was ignore him and look away.
Soon, we were in front of his door as we knocked on it loudly, Hagrid opened up and before he could say anything, we all went inside and sat down on a couch that seemed worn out and dirty,
"What are you guys doing here?" Hagrid asked, I narrowed my eyes at him,
"No, the real question is, where were you?" I asked, he sighed,
"I was out for business reasons" was his only reply, but he didn't look at me so I assumed that he was lying,
"Hagrid" I warned,
"I'm sorry" is his only reply, avoiding eye contact, suddenly there was a huge knock on the door, I looked over and saw that it was Umbridge, oh shit, we all looked at each other as Harry held up the invisibility cloak, we all smiled and huddled underneath, we were all bunched up together but it was better than nothing. Hagrid opened the door as Umbridge walked inside and looked up at him,
"Hagrid, you're back" Umbridge said with a smug look on her face, Hagrid nodded stiffly as he looked at anything but her.
"Where were you?" she asked, he started to sweat a little as he just looked down,
"Hagrid" she said in a screechy voice, he jumped.
"I'm sorry" was his only reply, she sighed.
"I will say this one last time, I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been" she demanded,
"I told you, I've been away for my health" he replied, she sighed.
"Your health?" she asked, he nodded.
"Yeah, a bit of fresh air you know?" he replied, she scoffed.
"Yeah cause as gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to have?" she replied sarcastically,
"If I were you I shouldn't get too used to being back, in fact, I wouldn't bother unpacking at all" she finished, she smiled sweetly at him before walking outside, spraying some of her old lady perfume all over the house. As soon as she was out of sight we took off the invisibility cloak, Hagrid turned around and looked at us.
"Okay, I'll tell you where I've been going, I cant show you because its hidden in the forbidden forest but I'll tell you. But you must promise me that you'll keep it a secret, alright?" Hagrid asked us, we nodded.
"So Hagrid? what have you been doing? I mean whatever it is must be pretty top secret if you're hiding it in the forbidden forest" I stated, he looked over at me.
"Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants" he replied,
"Giants?" Alexis asked, Hagrid nodded.
"You found them?" Ron asked,
"Well they're not too hard to find to be honest. I mean they're just so big compared to everything else in the forbidden forest. See, I was trying to get them to join the cause, but it seems that we weren't the only ones trying to win them over" Hagrid explained,
"Death eaters?" Harry asked, Hagrid nodded.
"Yes, they were trying to persuade them into joining up with who-know-who"
"And did they?" Hermione asked,
"Well, I told them Dumbledore's message and some of them seemed to remember how friendly he was to them, but they didn't exactly go to use though, I suppose they're still thinking it through" Hagrid replied, we all nodded. Suddenly we all heard thunder from outside, we all looked over and saw that a storm was coming, but there was something different about this one.
"There's a storm coming Harry, and we best be ready when she does" Hagrid said, we all nodded and started to pack our things.
"We really should be going, don't want to get caught in the storm" I stated as I opened the door, a gust of cool air hitting my face causing me to slightly shiver; Hagrid nodded.
"Yes you best be going now, it was nice seeing you again" Hagrid said, we all smiled and nodded as we all hugged him and ran off towards Hogwarts. Just as we reached the steps it started to pour, we went inside and walked towards the great hall,
"So do you think the giants will take our side?" Alexis asked, I shrugged.
"Who knows, it could go both ways, they love Dumbledore but at the same time Voldemort can give them a deal that they cant refuse" I replied, they all nodded in agreement as we reached the great hall, I opened the doors and walked inside, there, we sat down and began to eat dinner. But suddenly the sounds of doors and pounding footsteps are heard throughout the hall. We looked over and saw Dean, Neville and Seamus running towards us, they stopped and panted as Neville handed me a newspaper, I looked down at it, and read the headline.
"We have confirmed that 10 high-security prisoners have escaped from Azkaban early yesterday evening, the muggle Prime Minister has alerted everyone the danger, and we of course believe that this breakout was caused by someone who has personal experience, the man by the name of Serious Black, cousin of Bellatrix Lestrange." I read out loud, hearing that they're blaming my father makes me angry, my hair turns red as I accidentally burn the newspaper to a crisp,
"Ugh! I hate when they do this! my father is innocent! this is compete rubbish!" I yelled as my hair turned even more red than before. Harry touched my shoulder as I looked at him, calming down.
"It's alright Scar, we all know that he's innocent and right now that's all that matters, alright?" Harry asked, I sighed and nodded. My hair going back to a black colour. He smiled as I smiled back, it's still a little awkward but it's better than before. I have just decided to let it go, it's in the past now. But at the corner of my eye I saw Seamus clench his fists, I wonder what that's all about? but before I could figure it out Seamus went back to normal and walked up to Harry,
"Harry?" Seamus asked, Harry looked over at him and raised his eyebrows, Seamus cleared his throat and looked at Harry,
"I wanted to apologize, now even my mum says that the Prophet's version of things done add up. So what I'm really trying to say is........I believe you" Seamus says, Harry smiles.
"Well it's about time" Harry stated and pates his back, Seamus smiles and nods,
"Well, now that you believe me, we can finally show you where we've been going these past few months" Harry stated, leading Seamus out of the great hall with everyone else, he smiled and looked at me. I looked over and quickly looked away and walked faster,
"Hey Scar I-"
"Okay here we are!" I interrupted, standing in front of the room of requirement, it opened as we quickly walked inside and closed the doors.
"Now, today we will be learning the Patronus charm" I said as I stood in front of everyone, I felt Seamus staring at me, but I ignored him.
"Now, all you need to do is make a powerful memory, make it the most effective memory that effects you the most personally, the happiest. Let it fill you up and then...." I lifted up my mom as I thought of the first time meeting my dad,
"Expecto Patronum! " I said, and suddenly an Ostrich Patronus came out of my wand, yes, you heard right, an ostrich.
"Yes! go Ostrich go!" I stated as I watched it leap around the room, everyone laughed as I tried to leap with it. Then, I lost my concentration and it went away,
"Now just do that and you guys should master this by tomorrow!" I stated, everyone nodded and pulled out there wands,
"Expecto Patronum!" was heard around the room as a bunch of different animals came out of everyone's wands, rabbits, birds, beavers, etc. As I was walking around the room, checking to see if everyone was on the right track. As I walked by Seamus, I saw that he was having trouble, seeing as Harry was busy helping George I went over to Seamus.
"Need any help?" I asked, he sighed,
"I'm trying! I'm thinking of anything but it isn't working!" he exclaimed.
"No Seamus, that's not it. You cant just think of any memory, you have to think of a happy memory that made you extremely happy" I replied,
"Like when I first kissed you?" He asked, I slightly gasped and sort of awkwardly smiled,
"Um, I guess it can be whatever you want that really effects you, keep up the good work" I replied, trying not to cry. I tried walking away but he caught my hand,
"Wait Scar I-"
"No please, don't" I replied, my voice cracking as I ripped my hand away from his, I looked over and he saw that I was tearing up, as he was about to say something, suddenly the whole room shook. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up, then the room shook again, this time breaking the glass at the end of the room, as small hole emerged in a small gap as Harry and I went near it, then we saw her, Umbridge.
"I'll make short work of this" she said, holding up her wand, I gasped.
"Bombarda Maxima" She said, Harry quickly moved away Nigel who had followed us but I was frozen, suddenly the wall blew away as I covered my face with my arms and hands,
"Scar!!" I heard a bunch of people yell as the wall came at me, but before it could I snapped out of my trance and stopped the rocks from falling on me with my wind. I moved everything away as Umbridge, a bunch of Slytherin and.....Cho emerged from the dust. They had Cho by the arm as Umbridge smirked at us.
"Get them" was all she said before I was suddenly grabbed by Draco, awkward.
"Hey! what's the big idea?!" I yelled, kicking him as he held me in the air,
"Don't fight it, you know you guys cant win against her" he whispered as I stopped struggling and watched as my friends were caught as well, Draco then carried me out in the hall with everyone else, so I'm being held by the guy who kissed me...great.
"Hey?! why are you holding her like that you asshole?!" Seamus exclaimed at Draco as he struggled against Goyle, Draco smirked.
"Why? are you jealous Finnigan? you shouldn't be since you guys aren't together anymore " Draco replied, Seamus's eyes darken and suddenly he breaks free of Goyle and runs at Draco and tackles him, which of course makes me fall as well -.- as soon as we fell they started fighting, me still somehow in Draco's arms, they eventually got Seamus though, causing me to stay in Draco's arms, I looked over and saw Seamus glaring at his hands around me. I rolled my eyes at him as we walked down (or I was carried down) towards Umbridges office, oh god, I wonder what bullshit she's going to give us now.  

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