Chapter 5- Love Potion

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A couple months have passed since the incident and Harry was still very on edge; it's made us all on edge. We were currently going over some Potions homework when I saw Draco walk by while looking around to see if anyone was watching before going right into the restricted section! I waited to see if the librarian would realize that the doors that led to the restricted section were unlocked. But, after a few minutes Draco walked out with a book and walked out of the library; but before he left I looked closer at the book.
"It was a dark velvety green with black edges; the binding was old and warn and the pages were beginning to turn yellow. But what caught my eye was the skull and snake in the front. It looked just like the one from the Quittach Cup back in Fourth Year. I raised my brow at him before turning around only to realize that the trio, Alexis and Jake was watching him as well.
"There he goes again" Harry whispers; Ron nodded in agreement
"He's been acting weird these past few months; and I have a bad feeling too" Ron replied; Hermione looked up from her book and slammed it shut causing a few students to look our way as she leaned in towards the middle of the table; causing us to follow.
"Well whatever he's up to we aren't going to figure it out by just sitting here and talking about it" She finished; then she brought her bag out and put her books inside it and getting up from her chair. We followed her out of the library and turned where he came from. I thought we were going to lose him but I saw a speck of blonde hair and quickly pointed him out.
"There!" I exclaimed; they all looked over before we walked faster. He brought us to an abandoned hall way and walked up and door at the end of the hall and looked around once more; we hid behind the wall so he couldn't see us and we turned back and opened the door and walked before closing it behind him. We slowly came out from our hiding place and looked at each other before jogging towards the door; I looked where the key hole was and saw Draco walking towards this shelf looking thing and opened up the large door that it had; he walked inside before closing the door. It suddenly glowed a bright green before dimming down to nothing. I opened the door ignoring the protests of my friends and walked over to the shelf and opened the door; seeing that he was gone; but in place was an apple. I picked it up and turned to look at everyone in confusion.
"Where did he go?" I asked; but no one knew.

"I don't know but we should probably leave before he decides to come back" Alexis replied; we all nodded before putting the apple back and closing the door and running out and down the hall.

A couple days later Harry, Jake and I were back in the library looking for good books to read (well I was the boys......not so much). I heard another giggle come from the corner and turned around only to see Romilda Vane staring at Harry while her friend giggled and whispered with her. I rolled my eyes before grabbing another book from the shelf
"Who is that?" Harry asked; pointing towards Romilda who slightly squealed when she noticed Harry looking her way and began to twirl her hair and waved flirtatiously at him.
"That's Romilda Vane; she's a fifth year" I replied; checking my books out at the front as she scanned them all.
"But why is she staring at me like that?" he asked; I sighed. Boys can be so oblivious at times
"She fancies you because she thinks you're the chosen one" I replied; see after we saw Draco that night we made an assumption that he went to go see Voldemort......earlier this year Dumbledore told Harry that he will eventually need to defeat Voldemort because he was trying to make Harry equals since he was the only boy who ever survived. Therefore he is 'The Chosen One'
"But I am the chosen one" Harry whispered back as him and Jake chuckled; I grabbed one of my books and whacked him on the head as we walked out of the library causing Harry to grab it in pain.
"Ow! Why would you do that?"

"Just trying to knock some sense into you before it all goes to your head" I replied back with a smirk.

Harry, Jake and I all walked to the great hall and quickly found our friends and sat down as we ate dinner. I looked around and realized that Ron wasn't here
"Hey guys where's Ron?" I asked; Hermione and Alexis shrugged while Seamus looked up
"Last I saw him he was going to the dormitories" he replied; I nodded while looking at Harry with a confused stare; but he just shrugged and took another bite of his chicken. I felt someone staring at me and I turned only to see.........Jake.
*Sigh* it can be a little annoying when he does that; and quite uncomfortable as well. He realized that he had been caught but instead of looking away he smirked and winked before turning to his peas. I rolled my eyes; that was another thing that was different with Seamus and Jake. Seamus would blush and look away (which by the way is really cute), but Jake is just so cocky that he doesn't care.
I looked up and saw Hermione and Alexis staring at me
"Huh?" I asked; Alexis rolled her eyes at me before speaking,
"I said 'so what did you guys do in the library?" Alexis asked; I looked over at Harry and saw that he had automatically grabbed his head from earlier; I guess they were discussing it while I zoned out. I giggled and looked back at the girls,
"Let's just say...Harry got a little too over his head" I replied; Hermione and Alexis giggled while Harry scowled and threw some bread at me. I grabbed it with one hand and took a bite out of it while nodding at Harry in thanks.
After dinner; we all decided to go up to the guy's dorm to see how Ron was feeling; it wasn't like him to miss dinner let alone food in general. We walked to the portrait where the fat lady was.
"Password" she groaned; obviously tired of having to repeat herself of the same thing every day.
"Pumpkin Juice" Jake replied; the fat lady nodded before opening the door and letting us in. We passed the common room and walked up the steps and stopped in front of the doors. Harry turned the knob and opened it only to find Ron sitting on his bed with a pillow in his arms while staring dreamily up at the ceiling. We all looked at each other before slowly walking up to him; that's when I noticed the empty chocolate container.
"Ron? You alright?" Hermione asked; I picked up the empty chocolate box and tried to see if there was anything else in it.
"I'm fine; great actually" he replied; falling on his bed with a sigh while having a huge smile on his face. I looked at the box again and I noticed a little note at the corner of my eye on the bed; I put the box back down and grabbed the note and skimming it over before sighing in frustration.
"What's wrong with him?" Jake asked
"He's being affected by a love potion" I replied; they all turned around and saw the note in my hand; I gave it to them and they all read it together.
Dear Harry,
I hope you like these chocolates; they're made especially for you ;)
Meet me at the Tower tonight at 11pm
Hope to see you there Harry
Love always,
Romilda Vane <3
Harry looked up from the letter along with everyone else and watched me pull Ron from the bed.
"She must've made it in Potions class and mixed it with the chocolate recipe; but I guess they were supposed to be for you" I replied
"Where are you taking him?" Hermione asked
"To Prof. Slughorn; he must have a potion that will help wear this off" I replied; Ron then pulled away from me.
"No! Romilda is my love! I can't let any of you take that away from me!" I saw Hermione frown from beside me and I instantly felt bad. I knew she liked Ron and this was hurting her just to hear him say that; even if it is just because of some stupid potion. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose until I thought of an idea
"Ron do you want to go see Romilda?" I asked; he nodded like crazy as those words fell from my mouth
"Well we'll take you there okay? But you need to come with us" I finished; gripping his arm and taking him out of his dorm. We walked down the hall and to the common room and saw Seamus. He looked up and saw us and waved at me while coming over.
"Hey Scar what's-" but he cut himself off when he saw Ron's state
"Uh what happened to him?" Seamus asked
"Love potion" I simply replied before dragging him out the door; it was after curfew now so we had to be quiet but Ron was making that difficult.
"I love Romilda Vane! I love Romilda Vane!!" he kept repeating that phrase while smiling and molding his hands into a heart all while holding a picture of her that he had found in the box. My hair turned green in annoyance.
"Ron if you don't be quiet you won't ever see Romilda Vane" I yelled in a hushed tone; he soon shut up and we were left in silence. We eventually showed up to Slughorn's office. I knocked on his door and waited for an answer; hoping that he wasn't asleep yet.
"Hey this isn't that tower? And where's Romilda?" Ron became very suspicious and tried to let go of my hand but I gripped it tightly as he began to thrash around; the door opened and in front was a very tired looking Slughorn who was in a nightgown and had a sleeping hat on. He rubbed his eyes before staring at us
"What are you guys doing here?" he asked
"Ron is under a love spell right now Prof; do you think you have anything to help with this?" I asked? His eyes landed on Ron who was still fidgeting around while whispering 'Romilda Vane' over and over again.
"Yes I should have something; come in" Slughorn replied; he opened the door all the way and we all walked inside and he closed the door. I looked around and saw a nice living room with a fireplace; on the walls there were shelves with books and other nick knacks; and in a corner were glass tables and even more shelves that were filled with different vile's and potions. Slughorn walked over and looked through his different potions; while he was doing that Ron was freaking out in the corner about not seeing Romilda; and it looked like Hermione had, had enough.
"Will you shut up about Romilda you idiot! Can you not see that you're under a spell you oblivious pig!" Hermione yelled causing everyone to go quiet; even Ron. But only for a moment
"You're just jealous that Romilda and I are going to have a wonderful relationship and you're not"
"I am not! Besides I wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that anyway since the one guy that I want is under a bloody spell!" after she said that she over her mouth with her hands and instantly turned red; well that's awkward. Shit just hit the fan; not even that; the fan exploded.
Slughorn interrupted us as he walked over with a clear vile in his hands; the liquid was a transparent green colour the smell was atrocious. We walked over to Ron who took it from his and stared at it. He didn't even seem to be phased by what Hermione had said earlier.
"What is this?" Ron asked; smelling it and scrunching up his nose in disgust.
"It's a potion; it will make you feel better" Slug horn replied; Ron turned away from it and shook his head.
"Ron if you don't drink it I will hold your mouth open and chug it down your throat for you myself" I growled; the tips of my hair turning red; the rest stayed green. Ron gulped before looking back at the vile. He hesitated before drinking it all at once; making a sound of disgust while gagging. A few seconds went by before his eyes widened and looked at us.
"Did I just-"
"And I said that I was-"
"Uh huh" I finished; he shuddered before putting the vile on a table beside him. I don't think he remembered the part of Hermione yelling at him so that was good since she looked really embarrassed. Ron looked over at Slughorn
"Thank you" he said; he smiled and nodded before looking at us.
"You should be thanking you friends; Mrs. Black here had to drag you here and she did not look happy" he chuckled as Ron looked over at me and I crossed my arms; tapped my foot and raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned sheepishly.
"This calls for a celebration" Slughorn came back with a bottle of wine; I shook my head in disgust.
"Um no thank you Sir; I'm not exactly a fan of alcohol" I replied nicely; he nodded while giving everyone else a small glass of wine. They all clinked and Ron was the first to take a drink. Suddenly he dropped his glass as it shattered to the floor; Ron crumpled to the ground behind it and began to shake uncontrollably as foam gurgled from his mouth and ran out the sides.
"What's happening to him?" Alexis and Jake cried; not knowing what to do.
"He's having a seizure!" Hermione and I replied; we picked him up as Slughorn stared at him in shock; we ran to the door as Harry flung it open and we all ran out into the hall while Jake shed some light from his wand.
"I didn't know! I'm sorry!" he yelled; watching us leave with him to the hospital wing.

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