Chapter 2- The Flying Car

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Today was the day that I went back to Hogwarts; I did my usual. I got up and washed my hair, hand breakfast and brushed my teeth before leaving (I had already packed everything the night before)
Arriving at the train station I realized that there were a lot more muggles than usual today. Looking around I saw a bunch of Red heads. Weasleys. Running up I watched as Ginny ran threw with Mr and Mrs. Weasley. Ron and Harry were the last one's; thank god.
"Oh good, I found you" I said; they both turned around and saw me.
"Oh hey Scar" they both said
"No time for reunion boys; It's almost 11" they both nodded and gripped their trollies. All three of us ran at the wall between 9 and 10 but collided when we didn't go threw.

" Oof! " I said as my face collided with the cart, that will leave a mark later. I got up along with Harry and Ron and turned
only to see a man in a uniform in front of us, uh oh.
" Oy! What do you three think you're doing? " I looked at him,
" Sorry. Lost- lost control of the trolley. " I replied; he shook his head as he walked away, I turned and looked at the boys in panic.
" Why cant we get through? " I asked; they both their heads, looking just as befuddled as I was,
" I don't know. The gateway's sealed its self for some reason. " I nodded my head agreeing with Ron. A large ringing sound was heard behind us as we turned around; seeing that it had just struck 11.

" The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock. We've missed it! " I looked at Harry and sighed,
" Harry, Scarlet, if we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad can't get back!" Ron Panicked. I looked at him,
" Maybe we should just go and wait by the car. " I said; he looked at me and a look of realization came on his face,
" The car..." Harry and I looked at each other, this cant be good.

We all walked outside of the station and towards Mr. Weasley's car.
" Ron what exactly is your plan? " he looked at me with a devious smirk,
" We're driving the car to Hogwarts of course " I sucked in a breath I didn't realize that I was holding in, I have a bad
feeling about this. We all climbed into the car and we were soon in the air. I looked down and saw a bunch of
muggles watching us, I looked back up at Ron,
" Ron, I should tell you, most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car. " I stated; he looked down before nodding,
" Uh, right. Okay. " he than pressed a button that somehow turned us invisible; seriously, I should be used to this by now.

We were still driving in the air, and I was getting pretty impatient, and my complaining wasn't helping either.
"Are we almost there? " they both groaned,
" No Scarlet for the last time we're not there yet " I pouted and was about to open my mouth when Harry interrupted me,
"And if you have to use the toilet, it can wait for now " I gasped and shut my mouth, how did he know?! soon, I heard
heard a noise, only, it was the car. It kept chugging and jerking the car until we were visible again.
"Oh no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty! " Ron exclaimed,
"Well come on, then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train. " Harry suggested; Ron nodded,
"Okay " he then flew down to a point where we were basically on the track, I didn't realize how close we were.
"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train. " Ron nodded at Harry once again,
"We cant be far behind " Ron replied; all of a sudden we heard a train whistle,
" Do you hear that? " Harry asked; I nodded.
" We must be getting close " Ron said; smiling. Suddenly; I felt the vibrations from the tracks behind us, uh oh, that cant be good,
" Hold on... " I said as I turned around to look behind me, I gasped as I saw the train behind us! I smacked them both
on the head as they turned around, they gasped as well, I looked at Ron, my hair turned white with fear,
" DRIVE " he quickly went faster as our screams got louder, Ron flew up in the air; barely missing the train as we sighed in relief. Looking over at Harry I noticed that he was playing with the door knob.
"Harry what are you-" I was cut off when Harry suddenly opened the door by accident and fell out of the car.
I screamed; thinking that he was gone but I saw him holding onto the car door.
" Harry! Hold on! Take my hand! Hold on! " Ron yelled; Ron grabbed Harry's hand but it slipped from his grip.
"I'm trying, your hand is all sweaty " Harry replied. I went in the front and grabbed Harry's hand, quickly pulling him up
with all of my strength, we were silent for a few minutes before Ron spoke.
"Well....we found the train " I looked at him, my hair turning back to its normal black state.
"Wow really Ron? no I thought it was an elephant that was behind us, OF COURSE WE FOUND THE TRAIN! " they both winced
at my yelling before looking back at the road, or should I say the sky?

I was almost asleep from boredom when I saw Hogwarts in front of us; I leaned up and touched Harry's shoulder,
" Welcome home Harry " I whispered; he smiled at me before we both felt the jerk of the car, not again.
" Whats happening?! " Ron looked at us,
" It seems that we've run out of gas " I gasped, looking at the gas dial that read 'empty'
" I would suggest that we hang on " I said; leaning back and bracing myself for what was coming, soon we smashed into a
tree, The Womping Willow, well, we're going to die tonight.
"Ahh-ha-ha! My wand. Look at my wand. " I looked at him and sighed,
" Be lucky its not your neck " I replied; he grabbed his neck and shivered at the thought, then we felt a jerk, my hair once again turned white.
" Uh what was that? " I looked at them,
" Do you realize what tree this is? " I asked; they shook their heads, I sighed.
" Its The Womping Willow idiots! " they both gulped as we felt another jerk, we looked up and saw the tree's branch hanging
above us, shit.
"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! " it came down and almost smashed my head if I hadn't moved just in time, soon we were going to be
a sandwich if we didn't get out of here soon,
" DRIVE " Harry and I screamed; Ron tried, but it wouldn't budge, I saw the tree's branch come up above us once again, I gasped,
" RON " finally it kicked into gear and we drove off almost getting smashed by the tree, that was close, a
little too close for my liking.
" Shit that was close " they both nodded at me, we were then stopped and Harry and Ron were thrown out of the car along
with their things as I carefully walked out and grabbed my stuff, my hair was once again, back to normal,
" Why didn't he throw you out along with us? " I laughed,
" Because it wasn't my idea to go up in the air, almost get hit by a train, and get almost killed by a tree " they glared at me
as they grabbed their stuff before we walked towards the building, soon, we were inside. We found the stair that lead to the Great Hall and began walking up them.
" So, a house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to platform nine and three-quarters, we almost get killed by a tree... clearly someone doesn't want me here this year. " I was about to say something when Filch interrupted me,
" Well, take a good look lads. This night might well be the last you spend in this castle. Hm. Oh, dear, we are in trouble. " I sighed.
Could this year get any worse?  

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