Chapter 11- Firebolt

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After we set my dad free we all went back in time to were we were before, we ended up in front of the hospital wing. We all looked
at each other before walking inside, we looked over on the other side and saw ourselves disappearing in thin air by Ron and I's bed.
Ron looked over at us freaked out,
"How did you get there? " Ron asked, we all looked at each other before looking back at Ron,
"I was talking to you there. And now you're there. " Ron continued, I stifled a laugh before looking at Harry, masking my laughter with
a confused face.
"What's he talking about, Harry? " I asked, pretending to be confused,
"I don't know. " Harry replied, playing along with what I was doing,
"Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once? " Kirsten finished, we all laughed and sat down with Ron, who was
still confused about the whole situation.
After Ron got out of the hospital wing Harry and I went to go see Prof. Lupin, we walked towards his office door and walked inside,
only to see him packing his suitcases,
"Hello, Harry, Scarlet " he said, not even looking at us, he looked over and saw our confused faces,
"I saw you coming. " He answered before we could ask, we nodded and looked down at his newly formed scar's on his arms, he looked
at where we were looking and sighed,
"I've looked worse, believe me. " He said, we slowly nodded once again before I finally talked,
"You've been sacked." I stated, he shook his head,
"No. " he replied quickly,
"No. I resigned, actually. " He continued, we looked at him, befuddled,
"Resigned? Why? " Harry and I asked in sync,
"Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want...
...well, someone like me teaching their children. " He finished, wow rumors spread fast,
"But Dumbledore..." Harry started, Lupin cut him off,
"He has already......risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me are...Well, let's just say that I'm used to it by now. " He stopped and looked at us,
"Why do you look so miserable, Harry? Scar? " He asked, I sighed,
"None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped. " Harry and I replied, Lupin gasped, in disbelief,
"Didn't make any difference? It made all the difference in the world. You both uncovered the truth.
You both saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference.
If I am proud of is of how much you two have learned this year. " He said, after he finished we smiled, but he looked down
at us and held out a map?
"Now, since I am no longer your teacher......I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you. " He held out the map and gave it
to us, and I realized that it was The Marauder's Map, I smiled and took it,
"So now I'll say goodbye, Harry. Scar. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Until then......mischief managed. " he said before smiling at us and walking out, I'm going to miss him, he was my favorite DADA teacher so far.
After we left his office we walked back to the Great Hall and saw everyone crowded around something, they looked
at us once they saw us walk in,
"Stand back, I said! Or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle. " I heard Ron say,
"Harry. " someone said,
"Wherever did you get it? " I heard Neville say as well,
"Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course. " I heard Dean say, we looked at each other, confused.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, no one listened to them until I whistled really loudly causing
everyone to cover their ears,
"Quiet. " I stated while walking over to the crowed with Harry,
"Let the man through. I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped. They made me do it. " Ron exclaimed, pointing at
Fred and George,
"Did not. " They both replied,
"It's a Firebolt. " Harry whispered, I smiled,
"It's the fastest broom in the world. " I stated, Harry looked at us,
"For me? But who sent it? " He asked,
"No one knows. This came with it. " Neville replied, handing Harry a feather, that's weird, that looks like McGonagall's feather
from her hat, we both looked at her and she smiled while winking at us, that sneaky lady, she's smart for not getting caught. We
all ran outside and watched as Harry got on the Firebolt,
"Go on, Harry! " Neveille exclaimed, Seamus nodded,
"Yeah, let's see. " Seamus said in his adorable Irish accent. Harry nodded while taking off in the air, we all laughed as we watched him fly
around the castle happily, this year was fun but I bet next year will be even better.  

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