Chapter 8- SlugHorn's Party

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The next day was the dinner party with SlugHorn; since my invite was last minute I didn't invite anyone as my date. I quickly got in the shower and washed my hair with Lavender scented shampoo and conditioner and then washed my body with coconut body wash that was from this muggle store called Bath and Body Works. I got out and dried my hair and decided to curl my hair in tight curls. I then put on mascara and eyeliner; leaving to put on some liquid lipstick that also happened to be by a popular muggle by the name of Jeffree Star (sorry I had to; his liquid lipstick is to die for). Next, I put on my strapless lavender dress that went down to my knees; it hugged my body nicely; showing off my curves. I finally sprayed on some perfume and put on my white heels before walking out. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Hermione putting on her heels as well. She looked at me and gasped while smiling.
"You look gorgeous!" she exclaimed
"Me? Look at you!" I replied; Hermione had on a long red dress that stopped at her ankles; she had a sweetheart neck line and straps that went around her neck. It flowed when she walked and had black heels to watch with little to no makeup on.
"So who are you taking?" she asked
"No one; it was too late to ask anyone at this point" I replied; fixing my hair a little in the mirror.
"You?" I asked; she looked a little uneasy as she fidgeted with her thumbs while looking down.
"What?" I asked; walking over and putting a hand on her shoulder
"He can't be that bad can he?" I asked; she bit her lip but nodded
"Cormac" she replied; it took me a few minutes to process what she had just said; but once I did my eyes widened like saucers
"CORMAC?!! YOU'RE TAKING CORMAC?!?!" I yelled; shaking her by the shoulders in hopes that it would joggle her mind until she realized what she had done. She took my hands off of her shoulders
"Scar stop!"she relied; I put my hands to my side but they soon found their way to my face
"Why Cormac?" I asked; she sighed
"I was going to ask Ron before but since he's with Lavender now there's no point in asking since I know he'll be taking her so...I asked Cormac"
"But again; why Cormac?" I asked; she then blushed and I gasped.
"Do you like him?"
"NO!! I could never like that little trout" she replied
"I just-I thought Ron would notice me if I came with him" she replied; my shocked face turned into one that had a smirk on it
"Hermione that is so devious....I like it" I replied while rubbing my hands together. Hermione rolled her eyes at me and grabbed my wrist
"Come on Scar let's go; we'll be late" she replied; dragging me downstairs. There were a few people in the common being Seamus and Dean. As we walked down they looked at us and their jaws dropped.
"Hey Seamus, hey Dean" Hermione waved as we walked by. We both giggled as we walked out of the portrait; we were walking down the hall before we heard our names being called.
"Hermione!" we both turned around and saw Dean and Seamus running our way
"Hey what's up?" I asked; Seamus blushed
"Where are you guys going all dressed up?" Dean asked
"SlugHorn's dinner party" Hermione replied
"Dinner party? We weren't invited" Dean replied; looking at Seamus who looked just as confused. I shrugged my shoulders at the two
"I don't know; but we really have to go. We'll see you guys later" I said; waving at them with Hermione as we linked arms
"And Dean stop drooling; you do have a girlfriend" Hermione added before we turned a corner; I had almost forgot that he was dating Ron's sister Ginny. We made it to the destination as we knocked on the door beside the great hall. I heard muffled noise on the other side that sounded like music before SlugHorn opened the door and smiled
"Mrs. Granger! Mrs. Black! So glad you could make it!" he exclaimed; pushing us inside before shutting the door; we looked around and saw that the room that we were in was made for dancing; no tables or chairs were to be found; only a dance floor.
"Come along; dinner is starting soon" he showed us to another door across the room and opened it letting us in. There we saw a large dining room table with expensive cutlery and plates; with chairs that were antique. We realized that we were one of the last ones to arrive; one of the empty seats was for Cormac......which we forget to wait for.
"Hermione" I whispered as we sat down next to each other; she turned to me
"Yeah?" she asked; quirking her eyebrow
"I think we forgot someone" I replied; gesturing to the empty seat that had a piece of paper in the front with Cormac spelled really fancy like. She put a hand over her mouth with her jaw dropped before smiling and giggling
"Oh well; better late than never" she replied before plates were dropped in front of us; chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes were seen on each plate with a side of gravy and some red wine to drink. I don't like wine so I just sipped on some water that was also available beside me.
"So Mrs. Granger; what do your parents do for a living? They are muggles correct?' SlugHorn asked; everyone's attention went to her as she blushed slightly.
"Well-" she was cut off as Ginny came in all dressed up; though she looked as if she had been crying. Harry suddenly stood up from his seat; the cutlery clanging together. Everyone stared at him as he awkwardly sat down with Ginny sitting beside him. He looked over at us as Hermione and I smirked; causing him to roll his eyes at us before returning to his food.
"So about your parents?" SlugHorn asked
"Oh! Yes well they're dentists. They work on peoples teeth" she replied
"Wow that sounds dangerous" he replied; taking a bite of his chicken. Hermione shook her head
"No not at all; well there was this one time that this boy bit my dad's finger and he had to get ten stiches!" her and I laughed as everyone else just stared at us. We stopped laughing and continued to eat in silence.
"And what about your parents Mrs.Black?" he asked; I took another sip of my water as elves took away my platter.
"Well my father doesn't work at the moment; he actually lives with the Weasley's" I replied; he nodded.
"And your mother?" things went quiet
"Um my mother passed after I was born so I'm not quite sure what she did" I replied quietly; putting a strand of hair that had fallen in my face behind my ear. It went quiet once again as we finished dessert.
After, we all walked out to the ballroom before beginning to dance along with the music. But; soon Hermione wasn't beside me anymore. I look over and only see Harry, Ron and.....Lavender.
"Harry have you seen Hermione?" I asked; he looked around before shaking his head
"No I haven't" he replied; I frowned before looking around for her with Harry; we passed by a large curtain that led you outside before being pulled in by two hands
"Ah!-" a hand covered mine and Harry's mouth as we looked over only to see Hermione.
"You scared the shit out of me!" I whispered; lightly smacking her arm
"Sorry, sorry. I just can't be seen right now" she replied while rubbing her arm where I had slapped it. Harry raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.
"Why?" he asked; Hermione looked over at me while biting her lip before looking back at Harry
"I may have......invited Cormac as my date.." she whispered; Harry's eyes widened
"Why did you invite him??" he asked; pointing in the direction of where we saw him walk by. Hermione grabbed him arm and shushed him
"Don't ask right now okay? I just need to hide right now" suddenly; Snape opened the curtains to see us three.
"Now what are you three doing out her while the party is in here?" he said; gesturing towards the dance floor
"We were just taking a break Sir" I replied; he looked over at me
"A break? A break behind the curtain where no one is able to see you from the other side" he replied; my eyes widened as I realized what he was implying
"No no! Sir that's not what it's about at all; we-"
"Well you may want to get out from the curtains before someone thinks you're.....up to something" he replied in his usual monotone voice. He then turned to Harry
"Mr. Potter I would like a word with you" as he grabbed Harry by the shoulder and took him back in the room
"About what Sir-"
"Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Black do not need to be in this conversation so I suggest you go inside" Snape looked at us sharply; I crossed my arms and glared at him while walking by with Hermione.
"Gosh I wonder what his deal is" I whisper; we began to dance along to the music as we watch Harry speak to Snape
"Hermione there you are; did you forget about me you silly goose" we froze as we slowly turn around to see Cormac. We forgot about him being here
"Oh hey Cormac; no I didn't forget we were just running a bit behind" Hermione replied
"So leaving me behind was the best option?" before one of us could reply there was a loud commotion coming from outside of one of the doors. Everyone stops and stare as the door bursts open and Filch walks in while holding Draco by the collar.
"Proff. SlugHorn; I found Mr. Malfoy snooping around; telling me that he was invited to your party"
"Okay, okay! I wasn't invited; can you let me go now?" he exclaimed
"What did you want me to do with him Proff? Lock him in the dungeons?" he asked; smirking. Snape moved from Harry's side and walked over to Draco and Filch
"I can take care of Mr. Malfoy from here Proff" Snape said; grabbing Draco from Filch. SlugHorn nodded in agreement
"Yes of course; thank you Snape" he replied; taking another sip of champagne as everyone watches Draco and Snape walk out down the hall before the door closed behind them. Soon, the music started up again and everyone dance once more.
"I wonder what that was about" Harry asked; walking up to us from behind causing me to jump for the second time tonight.
"I'm not sure; but I'm guessing you're going to go find out?" I ask; smirking as he rubs his neck sheepishly
"Then you should tell your date" Hermione says while pointing towards Luna; Harry looks over before nodding as he walks over.
I watch as they exchange a few words before he jogs out of the room.
"I swear I wonder if Harry has a crush of Draco sometimes" I giggle; she giggles along with me as we imagine what it would be like to see them holding hands in the hall.
"That would be horrible" Hermione says; covering her mouth as we both see Harry coming back along with Ron and Lavender..
"What are you guys laughing about?" Ron asked
"Nothing, nothing" I said while waving him off; a few chuckles coming out before I stop completely.
"So how is everyone enjoying the party? Pretty great I might say" Ron says while gripping Lavender's waist as she giggles and kisses his cheek. Hermione looks away before Cormac comes over with a drink.....when did he leave?
"Hey guys don't worry I'm back. What did I miss?" he said while sipping some punch
"Who invited you?" Ron asked in disgust
"Hermione did" Cormac said while pointing towards her......why would he say that. Ron looked over at Hermione
"Why would you invite him?" Hermione's eyes narrowed
"Why do you care Ronald?" she replied; Ron scoffed
"Because last time I checked you hated the guy" Ron replied; Cormac put a hand to his heart
"Who could ever hate me?" he asks; I put a hand on his shoulder
"Everyone does Cormac; just accept it" I replied
"Whatever; you probably went to the last resort since you couldn't find a date" Ron snarled; Hermione gasped; Harry walked in the room just as Ron made that statement; causing his eyes to widen.
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It's exactly what I mean! Ever since Lavender and I got together you have been such a bitch; you're probably jealous that I actually have a date and you don't so you've became desperate" Ron replied; at this point everyone in the room went quiet as Hermione went red in anger
"That is such rubbish Ronald! Nothing you're saying is true!" she exclaimed; Lavender laughed dryly
"Yeah right; you're just made that I'm dating Ron and you're not" Hermione gasped along with me as Ron laughed
"That's so stupid" he replied; laughing along with Lavender. Hermione looked down and clenched her fists as silent tears fell from her eyes. Harry ran over and looked at Hermione in concern as my hair turned red with anger.
"Hermion-" Harry couldn't finish his sentence because Hermione had run out of the room. She slammed the door and all you could hear were the clicking of her heels that faded away. I looked from where she was to Ron and Lavender.
"Wow" was all I could say; Lavender and Ron looked at me
"What" Lavender said rudely; I laughed.
"I just can't believe how much of a dick you can be Ronald; it shocks me. But I guess since you're with a bitch like Lavender it makes sense" I shrugged my shoulders as both their jaws dropped.
I looked over at Harry
"Come on Harry; let's go find Hermione" he nodded while walking beside me; we walked up to the door and opened it before Ron called my name.
"Scar wait-"
"Only my friends call me Scar" I replied darkly
"But we are-"
"Oh you think we can be friends after this shit happened Ronald? " I pointed at him in anger; my hair turning even more red.
"You humiliated and rejected MY best friend who you're also supposed to be close too. And you let this cunt humiliate her too!" I pointed at Lavender when I said that as she gasped at me
"And it's funny cause I know you liked Hermione too Ron; remember that?" I asked; his face darkened as Lavender looked at him.
"I am disgusted by you Ronald; so no we aren't friends....not after what happened tonight. So have fun with her" I finished; looking at him and Lavender once more before walking out towards the common room with Harry. My hair setting on fire in the process of my anger.  

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